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Everything posted by chosen_of_khaine

  1. 2 units of 20 with swords would be the optimal configuration, but I did 20 with swords and 20 with spears because the spears look better IMO.
  2. Or, theres a new keyword for vampires that hints at a future release and they didnt want to reveal it here!
  3. People already didn't like facing Death factions because a large proportion of people play way too aggressively and don't play to the objectives, so when their armies fail to kill off units turn 2 before being ground down they call the army "unfun" or "OP". That said, Mortek Guard in Petrifex (or even Mortis Praetorians with Katakros) often do things that no unit at that price point should be able to do, especially when you throw a Harvester in the mix. On some battleplans and against some armies, before the game even starts there is often no real avenue to win short of absolute miracle dice rolling.
  4. That article really makes it seem like the rest of the army is more than a few weeks off... which would be incredibly lame.
  5. Though it's not an army I would run, i definitely see Stoneguard spam in Ymetrica with the Alarith Temple battalion being the most competitive choice by far. They just get too many stacking bonuses. Having played OBR for months (and I love the army) I don't see Lumineth being as obviously powerful, but their mortal wound output and the impact teclis has on the board is certainly unique
  6. I was hoping to see the page with Vanari / Alarith specific rules, like Shining Company, Enduring as Rock, and Tectonic Force, mostly to see if Enduring as Rock indeed has no downside or any reason not to use it every single turn...
  7. I mean, when they get the spell off, they're averaging 3 mortal wounds at 30 inches ignoring LOS, so they seem pretty solid to me.
  8. 4 Aetherquartz abilities: Add 1 to hit, add 1 to save, add 1 to or reroll a casting roll, or cast an additional spell. The Cathallar can make enemy units take the -1 bravery debuff from spending Aetherquartz instead of your dudes.
  9. Some quick google translations of Teclis abilities: Can cast 1, 2, or up to 4 spells - If 1, it is automatically cast and cannot be unbound. If 2, they are cast automatically with a CV of 12, if up to 4 they are cast automatically with a CV of 10. Additionally, he can automatically dispell one endless spell per turn, and attempt to unbind any number of enemy spells, one of which is automatically unbound. Celennar's aura also adds 1 to all casting, dispelling, and unbinding rolls for Lumineth units within his Aura (starts at 16" and degrades) Celennar's Aura also allows units within it to ignore the effects of spells on a 4+, and when they do so, they can pick a unit within 18" of that unit and deal D3 mortal wounds to it.
  10. Aetherquartz is just Hyshian realmstone that has unique properties IIRC, never heard it mentioned as being a gas (especially since quartz is a real-life rock crystal) Hmm...that is an odd distinction, and if it is the case that breaking the vessel gives them access to fresh Aetherquartz (rather than simply breaking one that already drained their emotions), it shouldn't carry with it a "heavy emotional cost". Unless they mean "cost" as in the Lumineth lose more emotion, but in that case I'm not sure how that correlates with -1 bravery.
  11. It actually says in the Aetherquartz Reserve flavor text from yesterday's article that "In extremis, the Realm-lord can break the vessel's seal, allowing them to temporarily increase their physical and arcane prowess, albeit at a heavy emotional cost".
  12. Correct, but when they use their Aetherquartz ability they break the aetherquartz so the emotions return to them, giving them a burst of power but making them less emotionally stable. At least thats my interpretation.
  13. I'm not holding out for more unrevealed models, but with this "price adjustment" I'm seriously worried the battle box is going to be ~200 USD, which would be insane. If that's the case I could very well be sitting out on the army I've waited years for, given the current economic situation
  14. I don't think it's orchestrated so much as all the subscribers getting their copies this week Still waiting on clear pics or a video of the full Lumineth batrep, the one guy who flips through it on YouTube so far skips it!
  15. That pic seems to be for the battle report though, and we now know there isn't anything new in that...
  16. Honestly, the upside to Ossiarch Bonereapers being overall very high power level is that you can take sub-par units for fun and still make it work. After not losing a single game with several different Petrifex lists (not at tournaments or anything, mind you), I've settled on this as a more casual list that still has some punch: Mortis Praetorians Katakros - General Vokmortian - Drain Vitality 2x20 Mortek Guard 10 Deathriders 3 Immortis Guard Gothizzar Harvester Nightmare Predator I still have yet to lose a game with it, but most of the games are at least close and are much more fun for both players.
  17. I don't think they're worried about the Alarith dudes not being "classically elfy" (unlike the core spears/archers/cav), nor do I think they care about taking the Phoenix Guards shtick at this point...
  18. Uh, I think you showed the opposite? 20 swords almost deals as much damage as 30 spears according to your math. But, as I said, in the case of blobs of 30 or 40 -spears, but 10 or 20, go swords. The only reason would be if you wanted to forgo greatblades altogether for the aesthetic, and so you can just roll one type of dice for the whole unit. Otherwise, you should put one on the leader.
  19. In units of 10 or 20, swords outperform spears due to the extra rend, but in units of 30 or 40, the extra rank of attacks you get from spears starts to be more important. Thing is, you rarely need to run units of more than 20, as there isn't much in the game that can reliably kill 20 Mortek, especially if a Harvester is nearby and/or you're resurrecting them with Arkhan, Boneshaper, etc. That being said, I run 2 blobs of 20 in my lists with one using spears and one using swords just because I like the look of spears and to differentiate the two groups. Unless you're planning on winning a tournament, spears do just fine!
  20. Where did you read/hear this? I don't remember coming across this and I dont want to miss any new lore!
  21. Honestly, I'm more disappointed with how lazy these are. One is a slightly different super-battalion from the one in the battletome (neither of which you will ever see on the table), one is a scalable version of Vokmortian's Retinue (the battalion from Feast of Bones), and the only "new" one gives a boring +1 to hit/+1 to wound to a unit that will never keep up with the deathriders - AND requires Vokmortian as the general. On the one hand, I'm glad we didn't get another reason for people to hate on OBR, but on the other hand it would have been nice to have a reason to take anything but Petrifex. Oh well, looking forward to reading the lore at least.
  22. It is next weekend, not this one. Last preview they said the next was two weeks out.
  23. It may also include Xintil or Haixiah, but 4 is not unprecedented (Seraphon most recently only have 4 IIRC). 8+ subfactions would be. I'm not holding out hope for Tyrion this release, but I wouldn't be surprised by one more elementari temple.
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