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Tropical Ghost General

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Posts posted by Tropical Ghost General

  1. Event Title: Little Bo-Peep GT - Heat 1: Mini-Leagues
    Event Author: Tropical Ghost General
    Calendar: Events UK
    Event Date: 10/25/2020 09:30 AM to 10/25/2020 06:45 PM

    The first of three heats, to determine places for the Grand Final GT event to be held in April 2021.
    Each heat will be a series of 4 person events, playing 3 games of Age of Sigmar, at 2000pts (matched play), over the course of a single day.
    Players battle it out within their mini-league to win a spot to the Grand Final in April 2021.
    With extra precautions implemented to cover the new '6 person limit' set out by the UK government, these mini-league events will be making sure that player, venue and TO safety is paramount.
    Taking place on the same day, there will be 5 separate mini-league events happening, which will form the first round of heats for the Grand Final.
    Places for Heat 1: Mini-Leagues are currently full (awaiting a few final decisions).
    Places for Heat 2: Mini-Leagues and Heat 3: mini-Leagues, are still available and a separate event page will be made for that series of events.
    All of those taking part have been sent individual player packs for their mini-league event. (see attached for event pack).

    The final league pairings will be announced shortly after all of the lists have been submitted on the list submission deadline of 6th October.
    Any questions or if you'd like to place yourself on the reserves list for either Heat 2 or Heat 3, then please contact the TO via facebook direct message or via his email:


    LBP GT Heat 01.pdf

    Little Bo-Peep GT - Heat 1: Mini-Leagues

  2. I have just started an all snake DoK army. Technically they are elite units, but can be opened up as battleline with the correct general. I'd be pissed if I had to add in non snake units to the army to make it matched play legal because battleline rules had changed, it would ruin the theme of the army.

    Battleline is fine as it is. Some are good some are bad, same for elites, same for heroes, same for behemoths, etc... 

    • Like 5
  3. 32 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    This conversion is for the Cauldron I guess?

    The cauldron is going to be a FW dread maw, with bits added on 🤪

    The both sit OK on a 25mm. I thought it would be a horrendous amount of overhang, but it's really not to bad. I've attached some potato camera pictures to show how they'll sit. 3 of the snake bodies can work on 25mm, 2 definitely can't. I figure if I bend the very end of the tail up a bit, then it will help stop it preventing getting other bases into contact. 

    Thanks for the positive feedback as well @Graywater & @DJMoose. Much appreciated. I will keep posting up the progress as it goes. 




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    • LOVE IT! 1
  4. Hello Everyone

    I've been lured in by the new snek lady from the preview. I've always liked the snake lady models and seeing the preview I'm wanting to do a pure snake army now more than ever. I have some conversions in mind to keep everything snake related (or as closely snake related as possible). I know that with the current rules available, a pure snake army won't be competitive, but that's not my main aim (obviously being able to hold it's own would be helpful 😄).

    As my DoK battletome is on route from the online shop and the 4chan tactics site is currently down, I thought I'd ask some questions to help tide my brain over:

    - With the current rules, what's the best way to run pure snakes? eg. temples, artefacts, etc...

    - What is the best unit size for both versions of the snakes?

    - Is the medusa general better on foot or with the cauldron?

    - Is there any allies that would be worth considering to help patch some of the holes a pure snake army might have?

    Thanks in advance for the help

  5. @Btimmy it's so bad it's depressingly hilarious 😂.

    First your squishy 5-6 wound hero must survive a round of combat from the previous turn in order to meet the set up requirements.

    Secondly you must beat the units bravery with a single D6, giving a 1/6 chance to activate if the target unit has bravery 7. Whilst anything bravery 8 or higher is immune 😂. And that's including our army wide -1 being added. 

    I have scratched my head for 2yrs+ as to why it's only 1d6. If it was 2d6 it would still be bad but would have some potential. 

  6. Best bravery based element is our command trait Terrifying Entity. Super OP cheese feast. I banned myself from ever using it after just one game because of how effective it was and the negative play experience it created for my opponent. 

    (please note that the above comment is sarcasm) 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  7. 6 hours ago, Btimmy said:

    Bonus points for using cogs and making the 9 inch charge only a 7 inch one with a reroll available if necessary.

    I honestly feel that cogs is a trap. Trying to get a 9" charge from a deepstrike is too risky. Cogs makes it a 7" yes, but it's normally then active with extra movement going into your opponent's phase, and having stuff like 16" moving eels with a +2" charge (or anything else having the +2" move & +2" charge) is painful to stomach when it then hits into you, as we don't have the resilience to survive that kind of onslaught 

    Personally I find that the teleporting dreadblade is great for bringing units out of trouble or setting them up for getting where they need to be in the next turn.

  8. On 8/11/2020 at 5:04 AM, Joseph Mackay said:

    this is the list I took

    I'm curious why you chose Lady O as your general and not a dreadblade? The movement shenanigans of the dreadblade and the generic command ability to draw units to the general is one of our top, if not the top, movement shenanigan. So what was the allure of letting the lady led the pack?

  9. 11 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    So we have no confirmation.

    and it's unlikely that we ever will. A definite answer means a potential loss of sales, as why invest in content that has a limited life span, especially if it's only a year at best. By being vague AF and not committing to a definitive answer it allows GW to sell rules and models with inbuilt obsolescence. The amount of NH players who invested in hexwraiths due to the Dec WD, as those battalions allowed the army to vaguely function again, and they were taken away without having the chance of seeing any real tournament play. Yes covid affected over events, so why they didn't they choose to make an exception to let them roll on for another year? And the OBR ones were Feb WD, so they were basically pointless page filler

    • Thanks 1
  10. So how are people finding the new battleplans using stuff like leaders, battleline & behemoths to score objectives, bearing in mind that due to the FAQ summoned units don't get a battlefield role and Gristlegore takes away the behemoth keyword from our non GK beasts?

    Is there any tricks and tips that people have found useful?

  11. Just now, Kramer said:

    assumption/conclusion by you?

    This is information that I have gathered from asking some GW staff who are personal friends with some of the rules team. It isn't hardfact, has never been defined by GW themselves and the staff I asked also agreed that there has been no clarity on the issue and there should be some. But when you look at the two options of being either:

    Option 1 - means when an older publication relates to those specific rules that have been replaced, such as the 2 mercenary companies first being published in FP, and then being updated in GHB19, meaning that GHB19 is the only place to use for mercenary rules, as the ones in FP are an older publication.


    Option 2- Every single rules publication ever produced before GHB20 is completely invalidated as they were physically published before GHB20, including battletomes, rules books, expansions, etc....

    Although as clear as mud with the language they have used, it's clearly not the intent that every book ever released before GHB20 is invalid and not allowed with player/TO consent. A glossary of terms really would clear up so much of the sloppy rules from GW and no 40k is not an excuse for sloppy rules for AoS

    • Thanks 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Bayul said:

    Ergo the mercenaries from Forbidden Power (Greyfyrd Lodge and Tenebrous Court)

    GW's term of older publication, relates to the same rules that have been updated in a more recent publication, rather than a set of rules that was published before (which is what the dictionary definition of older publication is, and yes it's stupid not to ever have this clarified by GW). So Greyfyrd Lodge and Tenebrous Court were updated in GHB19, meaning that the older publication for those mercenaries in FP were then replaced, meaning that they are no longer matched play legal without consent from your opponent/TO

    • Thanks 1
    • Sad 1
  13. 7 hours ago, Btimmy said:

    Can you ally in Arkhan the Black into NH?

    Yes, but the trouble is that as he no longer knows the spells of other DEATH wizards, his usefulness isn't what it once was. Also for the points cost your almost better looking at one of the other two main mortarch, Neffy or Mannfred, as their warscroll abilities are good (either -1 to hit or re-rolls 1s to hit and wound), plus both are much better in a fight than Arkhan, and both are slightly cheaper in points.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Thamalys said:

    Only" three factions ;) 

    don't forget to add CoS and Nagash OBR to those magic doms, plus any order army that allies in kroak. And to an extent Khorne for shutting down weak/average casting. And then the fact that a lot of people will be using one of those armies in games, especially at events you'll expect to face one of those armies in probably 2 of the 4/5 games (more if you actually do well with the spooky bedsheets).

    The issue with the mourngul is it's durability. It can die in a turn very easily and the nerf to it's minus to hit (models within rather than units within) means that it needs to be in close to have any effect. Neffy is a solid choice, but the lack of a ward save on a 4+ hero with 11 wounds, is very risky. As all DEATH heroes have a ward save when taken in their allegiance, I don't understand why they don't have it when taken as an ally in another death army, I really wish they would, as it's hardly game  breaking.

    To get more reliable minus to hit, replace geminids, shards and 3 SHS, for a unit of blood knights. 

    Or my ultimate troll before GHB20, was Lord Ex in execution horde with miasmic blade/gryph-feather charm for minus to hit. Do 3 x 9SHs in the battalion to act as a body guard. Artefact made him -1 to hit. Battalion made him an additional -1 to hit. Look out Sir gave an additional -1 to shooting. Heroes were an additional -1 in combat due to warscroll ability. The Lord Ex was then -3 to hit in combat for heroes, -2 for standard units in combat. -3 to hit with shooting and had a 4+/5++ for mortals/6+++ward. Obviously the no ward save stacking reduces his survivability and the loss of the realm artefact reduces this as NH don't have a generic -1 to hit for both shooting and melee artefact. But I used to create the ultimate tarpit by having him as the general with RotSH for healing back the SH body guard. It's wasn't perfect as 5 wounds is still squishy but it was glorious to watch wave upon wave of dice rolls do nothing 😂

    • Like 2
  15. 11 hours ago, Thamalys said:

    Ok, it's a silly list, but I felt I needed something refreshing..

    The issue with any magic based lists is that unless you are one of the magic doms (Honest Wargamer term for super strong magic armies), it's pointless building a list based around buffs caused through magic spells going off. NH aren't alone in being one of the magic subs, so having magic is OK, but at the moment there is so little point in building a list around it, even Reik is not a reliability (especially if you get the 6+ ward save and negate the +3 to cast). Chatting to my lizard playing friend tonight about his list ideas and I honestly can't think of how to deal with any of it, other than use another army 😂

    • Like 1
  16. 5 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

    Do we know if subfactions, and allegiances printed in supplemental books like white dwarf and wrath of the everchosen become illegal for matched play after the general's handbook release?
    We know battalions with matched play points not in the GHB are not legal (RIP wrath of the everchosen battalions), but there is nothing in the GHB or FAQ as to how it pertains to subfactions and allegiances (like Syll'Esske's host, legion of grief, knights of the empty throne, etc.) since these don't have matched play points.

    Currently the ruling is any WD content published prior to the current GHB is no longer valid in matched play unless you get permission from your opponent beforehand. 

    Wrath of the Everchosen is different, in that the rules inside are an expansion to the game (similar to FP). They haven't had a more recent publication of those rules that replace them, so they remain valid (even though they aren't specifically listed in the current GHB). 

    And going forward, any WD content released now, as it's after the most recent GHB is valid for matched play if it has points, and they won't need consent from your opponent beforehand (unlike stuff like dolorous guard, RIP). 

    GW could really help their player base by using terminology that isn't confusing or by releasing a glossary of terms, as the wording 'older publication' is incredibly misleading if English is your first language, let alone for anyone who doesn't have English as their native tongue. 

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