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Tropical Ghost General

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Everything posted by Tropical Ghost General

  1. @Luke1705 I've done some test games with them when the battletome first came out, using grims as proxies, took 2 x 15 and they were good but died quickly, being a priority target. They benefit from max squad size. I now have the actual models for 2 x 20 and run them with a KoS on foot and a GoS in a list. Basically all of our battalions work best when the units are maxed out. If your taking shroudguard then build the rest of the army around that battalion. If you try and fit two battalions in, then most of the time the units will be under strength to fit them in the points.
  2. If it wasn't for that image on the community post I'd have said SC without a doubt, but I'm remaining ever hopeful ?
  3. @Neck-Romantic especially if you stick him in the executioner horde battalion as well.
  4. But it would be good to have a version that didn't require that combo just to do it
  5. Re-roll save, give him midnight tome, cast cogs and slow it down.
  6. I'm going to grab a lot (if possible). Am happy to send one across the pond if need be (no scalp cost). 10000000x awesome if that was the case.
  7. In short, yes. Nice report, it's my belief that the more battle reviews we have from players, the more we can learn as a group. If you're going to start with writing them up then have a look at how others are done. There are a lot out there and unless you play one of the factions featured in the report they are normally not that interesting. So study up but definitely give it a go, photos are a must as well. I started doing my own with ghosts back in 1.0, but due to not having everything painted I stopped, will probably start again when I get my current force painted/nearly painted. If you want I can link the one report I did to give you some ideas for doing your own stuff. Tzeentch are a janky army to play against and I've only played one player who has played them correctly and he's a friend as well. If some odd stuff happens in games against Tzeentch I also double check with my mate and it usually turns out that my Tzeentch opponent wasn't just playing them wrong, but was playing them really wrong ?. If in doubt call it out. I had a local 1k tournament, 4 games in a day, where I suffered some janky play by a lizards player in game 3, I thought it was wrong, but didn't want to be 'that guy' calling it out. Because of losing that game I placed 10th out of 12, had I won I would have placed at least 5th, maybe higher as it was Swiss pairings, It takes a while to fully learn an army and all it's units off by heart and we all make mistakes. If you can, try and get that list to go against another faction with fnp saves, such as nurgle or LoN. It would also be worth testing it against a more combat focused list, like Khorne, deepkin or DoK. As the list works on staying power and against Tzeentch we can out combat them fairly easily, we just suffer to the magic onslaught.
  8. So what does everyone think the special 500th store model will be, that is available on the 20th October? The community article clearly shows a ghost image next to a space marine one, and says they'll be an AoS and a 40k special release. So is the AoS model going to be a ghost one? And a new unknown one? Or are the AoS and 40k models just going to be the new anniversary models? (which is also good because I have to wait until April before my local GW store birthday) https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/09/28/28th-sept-our-500th-store-the-openinggw-homepage-post-3/
  9. So what does everyone think the special 500th store model will be, that is available on the 20th October? The community article clearly shows a ghost image next to a space marine one, and says they'll be an AoS and a 40k special release. So is the AoS model going to be a ghost one? And a new unknown one? Or are the AoS and 40k models just going to be the new anniversary models? (which is also good because I have to wait until April before my local GW store birthday) https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/09/28/28th-sept-our-500th-store-the-openinggw-homepage-post-3/
  10. I took the my mourngul out in two games against lizards and LoS. In the game against lizards he did 8 mortal wounds on a stegadon and that was it. In the game against LoS, he killed 4 skeles, as he got targeted by my opponent with super debuffs, at one point he had -1 attack, -1 bravery, -1 on hit rolls, half movement, 1 dice to charge. They are OK but if your opponent knows what they do they are so easy to neuter. I've taken him out of my list now and have used the 300pts to increase my 2 units of grims from 20 to 30 and to add a GoS. It's been way more effective already, I wish it wasn't because I love the mourngul ?.
  11. That match up sounded squiffy. Realms are great but realmscapes are generally a bit broken, they put the game so much in favour of one side that it's takes alot of balance out of the game. The realm artefacts, spells and some of the command abilities are worth using, but in the future I'd avoid the realmscape features. That sucks about the lose. DoK are really good at the moment. Adding in endless spells like the pendulum or the jaws that does guaranteed mortal wounds is a good way to whittle down morathi. I got smash by a DoK list recently (1st time playing then) and pendulum got morathi down to 3 wounds before she transformed, so she only had 6 after transforming. That alone helped out loads.
  12. @Gwendar try taking one unit of SH to 3, then take a Lord Ex and the executioner battalion. Less drops. SHs are tough but they don't do enough damage output. The mourngul is OK, he's not great, 20 grims would give you a better option at getting some damage into the list, as you gen need a few key things in any list, objective holders, objective takers and killy units.
  13. Yeah my Mathammer is not that strong, always happy to be corrected on that. but am glad to see it wasn't too far off ?. I still think that the GoS is the better of the 3 solely due to not needing to burn through CP just to get the buffs, plus he's a wizard who can then heal the unit afterwards. As most players will run 1 battalion maybe 2, you never have a decent CP pool to draw from. You can go under in points but as we can't summon and summon back the points we didn't put in the table to start with, it's putting a fairly big handicap on yourself. So one single battle round of combat with just one unit can end up vaporising all your CP and I've personally found that the best thing we can be spending CP on is the re-roll charge roll, as 10+ does waaaaay more damage than a +1 attack ?.
  14. @Neck-Romantic TBanshees scream is OK against low bravery. In my meta it's lots of 8, 9 and mainly 10 bravery, so the scream is pretty guff. I used to use one in 1.0 (as there wasn't much choice) and it only ever did anything to a blades of Khorne player in our local group, was garbage against everything else ?. They should have given the TB the same scream attack as the new Briar Queen model, as she might have actually seen some play then.
  15. @Vasshpit that's how I've done it and had no objections from more knowledgeable players than me.
  16. They are all the same unit if 2-4 are in the same unit. So they all attack at once. So when in combat measure the ranges for each model individually and then attack all at once. This will change if you target multiple units obviously.
  17. When buffed up myrmourns hit so hard, but to get maximum buffs on the 210pt unit costs somewhere in the region of 680pts (VL, KoSos, GoS, Torment, KoS, Shackles), but then they have 4 attacks (5 if eating an enemy spell), hit on 3's re-rolling 1's, wounding on 2's, at -2 rend, D3 damage. That's a potential of 48-144 damage, more likely to be around 55 damage after missed and stuff are taken into account. It's pretty gross but also super flimsy.
  18. Mathammer isn't my strong suit either but I just did one for 30 grims, going with either KoSos, KoS or a GoS. So basic mathammer says that 30 grims (minus the bell dudes attacks), against a 5+ unit for re-rolling hits is: - (KoSos) With +1 attacks - 36 save throws required. (87 attacks, 4+ with re-roll/3+, 55 hits, 36 wounds.) - (KoS) With +1 to hit - 34 save throws required. (58 attacks, 4+ with re-roll/3+, 51 hits, 34 wounds.) - (GoS) With +1 to wound - 37 save throws required. (58 attacks, 4+ with re-roll/2+, 44 hits, 37 wounds.) The bell dude with extra attacks would make the +1 attack the better option of the three, but it's a CP for each round of combat, so in one game turn you spend 2CP to get the same damage benefits as you get from the GoS +1 to wound aura. The KoS is a close 3rd, but again your spending CP to do it. Overall I think that in this case with grims GoS is the better supporting hero, but it will differ with different units. This is based on real average dice rolls and no other factors added in either.
  19. @Nevar good points. I honestly hadn't considered running regular KoS with blades. Am going to have to work on a list to suit it now.
  20. In AoS 1.0 his +1 meant mortal wounds were on 5s. SHs were actually really good then. But as everything is unmodified 6s for mortals now, I'd rather take the extra attack that the +1 to hit.
  21. Definitely not ????. But it's generally considered that +1 attack is better than +1 to hit. It's why KoS is being used so much less than KoSos, especially now that mortals are done on unmodified 6s.
  22. KoSos is better than KoS. The command ability is much better for all units. Myrmourns can eat your own endless spell. Take shackles (20pts), get your wizard to cast it. Myrmourns eat it and take D3 mortals. Your General uses RotSH to heal the D3 that die. The myrms now have 2 attacks. Doing those two things will take you to 2000pts. Beacon is OK as an artefact, but there is better options that can give you better results, look at the realm artefacts for options. Midnight tome is great, more wizards is good, the more the better. 30 grims are awesome. Easily our best unit. SHs are pretty meh. Rasps in 10 are OK at holding back objectives, but 20 are a bit more survivable.
  23. So two 2k games tonight in friendly play. Lost 1st one against lizards due to engine of the gods rolling an 18!!! Up until then was winning 16-2, but then got absolutely nuked by 2 bastilidons and 5 razordons all having 4D6 shots ?. Won 2nd game against LoS. It wasn't looking good until turn 3, and 20 rasps getting a 12" charge on a re-roll, killed the skeles on the objective and then burned it.
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