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Posts posted by Drib

  1. On 6/30/2019 at 9:15 PM, jaebird said:

    This is really helpful, thanks for the update! Do you know what the BoC player's list was?

    Allegiance: Beasts of Chaos
    - Greatfray: Gavespawn

    Great Bray Shaman (100)
    - General
    - Trait: Unravelling Aura 
    - Lore of the Twisted Wilds: Vicious Stranglethorns
    10 x Bestigors (120)
    10 x Ungor Raiders (80)

    Main Body
    Great Bray Shaman (100)
    - Lore of the Twisted Wilds: Tendrils of Atrophy
    Beastlord (90)
    - Artefact: Mutating Gnarlblade 
    10 x Bestigors (120)
    10 x Ungor Raiders (80)
    Ghorgon (200)

    1 x Chaos Spawn (50)

    Total: 990 / 1000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Wounds: 74


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  2. On 6/14/2019 at 12:18 PM, EMMachine said:

    For standard matched play it hasn't changed (but we don't know yet if there will be changes for standard matched play), but for meeting engagements they have another chart, that was showed on warhammer community:


    I just got my hands on the new Gernals's Handbook and very certain that you do indeed require atleast 2 battleline units for Meeting Engagements.

    "The Meeting Engagement rules that feature later in this section build on the precedent set by the Pitched Battle rules." - Gernal's Handbook 2019 p.52


    "The Meeting Engagement rules are designed to allow players to play a matched game with 1,000 point army [..] " - Gernal's Handbook 2019 p.72

  3. Spoiler
    14 hours ago, Paniere said:

    Yesterday I had my first changehost game ever and it was a blast! I was able to enjoy it only 2 rounds because my LoC was oneshotted in turn 2 by an alpha strike Braggoth's big hammer hero with themalrider cloak+cogs . However due to the great amount of mw , shooting and luck on rolls off , I was able to win the game anyway. A couple of question arose, apologies if they are trivial but as said I'm fairly new to the game:

    1) assuming I want to changehost 2 units which are both out of combat but close to enemy lines, let's say 5" for example.  Am I allowed to end with one or both within 3" from the enemy, exploiting the 9" radius to engage the enemy?

    2)Assuming I cast all my endless in turn 1, Can I unbind one of them at the start of turn 2   and recast it  later in the same turn?

    3) Paradoxical shield question. My GS saves  at 6+. With PS (assuming no rend) he has to reroll 6s, he will save successfully with 5s and 4s, fail the rest.  If he's on a balewind vortex and in cover (+2 save) how does this work? Do I reroll on my first save roll only 6s or also 4s and 5s?  Basically my question is: the save modifiers due to BW and cover are added up to the PS or to my basic save? How do we take rend into account?

    Thanks to anybody providing insight on this matter!


    1) The changehost allows you to freely swap in and out of combat, as long as your models are setup within 9" of the first swaped model.

    2) As @Reezark_SP  said, you are free to dispell and recast endlessspells.

    3) You only ever have to re-roll the unmodified successful save rolls! For the Gaunt Summonder its only the 6s.

    • Thanks 1
  4. Spoiler
    5 minutes ago, EMMachine said:

    For standard matched play it hasn't changed (but we don't know yet if there will be changes for standard matched play), but for meeting engagements they have another chart, that was showed on warhammer community:



    I have seen the chart, but that's only for setup. There is no information on listbuilding yet. And as I said, I am certain that the requirements stay the same, as GW stated "[Meeting Engagements are] focused and generally based around the core Battleline units of your army".

  5. Spoiler
    1 hour ago, Gecktron said:

    So, I had a quick 1K points game with the rules we know so far yesterday. I enjoyed building a list around Spearhead/Main Body/Rearguard. This added a lot of depth without making it that much more complicated. Only having to field one Battleline is also a plus in my books. 

    I play 1K games quite regularly and this one game took more or less the same amount of time as the others. 


    Im curious to see what the Meeting Engagement Battleplans bring to the table but the basic premise looks very solid to me. 


    Well, there is no indication that the Battleline requirements for 1k games have changed. I would be surprised if the limit will be droped to 1.

  6. Spoiler
    4 minutes ago, Sobakaa said:

    On the sword of judgement - how does it interact with exploding 6's if at all?


    From the Core Rules Designers' Commentary:


    Q: Sometimes a dice roll will trigger an effect. For example, a weapon might have a rule that says a hit roll of 6 causes two hits on the target instead of 1. What happens if another effect applies to the same roll? For example, the weapon from the previous example might have a rule that says it inflicts D6 mortal wounds on a hit roll of 6 and the attack sequence ends – would I get to inflict two hits that each inflicted D6 mortal wounds?

    A: When a dice roll triggers more than one effect, each effect is triggered once. For this example, this means that the hit roll would cause two hits, but only one of the hits would inflict D6 mortal wounds (you would carry out the rest of the attack procedure for the other hit normally).


    • Like 2
  7. 23 hours ago, EMMachine said:

    Sounds more like the fixation on  '25mm is < 1" so I get more attacks' is the main problem here.

    Well, as @Skabnoze   mentioned maximum base-to-base distance over a 25mm base is allways  less than 1". Played in offset, the distance decreases to ~0,85"( ~21,65mm) for the second rank, doubled for the third. That's a measurable difference.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 2 hours ago, CeleFAZE said:

    Are there any interesting combos we've been finding have potential? I haven't had the opportunity to test them yet, but I feel like a lot of the realm weapons that have an effect on a 6 to hit would synergize well with Euphoric Killers. I was eyeing an alpha strike with the Carving Blade and Into the Fray on a Godseekers Lord of Chaos for 4d6 auto-hitting auto-wounding damage with the reaper blade.

    That won't work. You still have to roll one wound roll as each effect is only triggered once as of the Core Rules Designers' Commentary:



    Q: Sometimes a dice roll will trigger an effect. For example, a weapon might have a rule that says a hit roll of 6 causes two hits on the target instead of 1. What happens if another effect applies to the same roll? For example, the weapon from the previous example might have a rule that says it inflicts D6 mortal wounds on a hit roll of 6 and the attack sequence ends – would I get to inflict two hits that each inflicted D6 mortal wounds?

    A: When a dice roll triggers more than one effect, each effect is triggered once. For this example, this means that the hit roll would cause two hits, but only one of the hits would inflict D6 mortal wounds (you would carry out the rest of the attack procedure for the other hit normally)



  9. 33 minutes ago, Sugar Maple said:

    This stood out to me for Changehost actually for that reason, basically replacing the old Changeling with a cheap boat. Cast the boat, move horrors, cast with horrors, swap for LoC, cast with him, gaunt summoner sacs some other horrors with arcane sacrifice and all of a sudden you have 20+ brimstones 30" up the board in the turn one hero phase. Could be a resurgence of actual board control Tzeentch

    Sadly Change Host's swap is "at he start of the Hero Phase".

  10. For lower games you could run a chaos lord in a seeker host with "Into the Fray" and Thermalrider Cloak to get two autohits with 3+/-2/2D6. Good chance to delete almost every Monster/Hero. And if you like the Daemon Prince more, you could turn him into one after he has blown things up.

    Edit: The Daemon Prince might even pile in an attack.

  11. Spoiler
    9 hours ago, kleinemade said:

    Yeah you are right, you cant use the DD for an effect of an Fold reality but for and Damage roll of an cast or i am wrong here?



    As @Magnus The Blue said, it's in the Tzeentch errata:

    "Page 74 – Battle Traits, Masters of Destiny Change the Damage roll bullet point to:

    • Damage roll (e.g. any roll that determines a Damage characteristic, but not any roll that determines the number of mortal wounds inflicted by a spell or ability)’ " - Tzeentch Errata July 2018

  12. Spoiler
    9 minutes ago, Satyrical Sophist said:

    I might have done the maths wrong, but 4+ (reroll 1s and 2s, 2 hits on a 6)/4+ works out as the same end result of 3+/3+, or 4/9 damage per ungor before saves.

    I'm curious as to what the best way to equip HoS Ungor will be. 

    Spear Ungor (30+)

     5+ (reroll 1s and 2s, 3 hits on a 6)/4+.

    Is 0.44 damage per ungor before saves.

    Spear Ungor (20-29)

    5+( reroll 1s, 2 hits on a 6)/4+.

    Is 0.29 damage per ungor before saves.

    Spear Ungor (less than 20)

    5+ ( 2 hits on a 6)/4+.

    Is 0.25 damage per ungor before saves.

    Club Ungor (30+)

    4+ (reroll 1s and 2s, 3 hits on a 6)/4+.

    Is 0.56 damage per ungor before saves.

    Club Ungor (20-29)

    4+ (reroll 1s, 3 hits on a 6)/4+.

    Is .49 damage per ungor before saves.

    Club Ungor (less than 20).

    4+ (2 hits on a 6)/4+.

    Is 0.33 damage per ungor before saves.

    I don't know why I did this, but I started and apparently there is something wrong with me.

    20+ Bestigor Vs a big unit that isn't order gets 2 damage per Bestigor before saves on the charge.


    Two hits on 6 only works in melee, so no Raider-Fun ..

  13. 2 hours ago, CyderPirate said:


    FAQ says you can use Curseling's ability to recast endless spells. Not sure how that works in practice re: models, though. In the case of the Skaven one, though, I don't think you can cast it as the Curseling is not a Skaventide Wizard.  Same goes for a load of spells that say pick a friendly Idoneth/Gloomspite etc etc unit.

    "Q: Can a Curseling, having unbound an endless spell, use the Vessel of Chaos ability to attempt to cast that endless spell?

    A: Yes."




    Well thats true for non-matched play.

    "Q: Some abilities allow a model to know additional spells, including additional endless spells. In a Pitched Battle, can you use these abilities to cast endless spells if you did not spend the points for those endless spells? In addition, can these abilities be used to cast endless spells that can normally only be cast by Wizards that have a specific keyword?

    A: No to both questions."


    • Thanks 1
  14. Spoiler
    17 minutes ago, King Taloren said:

    I’m still leaning that this was a bad oversight on Games Workshop not to include Hero in the ability’s wording.

    I don’t think there is a non-hero unit in the game that posesses a command ability. And 99% reference the model in question when using a command ability.

    It does create an interesting question if GWs intent was to have Command abilities only be on heroes or if this is the first instance that is not the case?

    Sure RAW it can be interpreted that command abilities can be used (and by used I mean the command ability is activated, I do not mean the actual use of the ability) by anyone though then why is it stated that you need a hero to use abilities?


    Beasts of Chaos' Gavespawn has the "Propagator of Devolution" Command Ability that's messured  from a "GAVESPAWN CHAOS SPAWN"

  15. Spoiler
    1 hour ago, Num said:

    Hello all

    I have a weird event coming up. It is a double (2v2), 500 points each. But it seems that we are going to be paired randomly. So I have to design a 500pts list that could match with about anything...

    Do you think that it is worth specializing still? At the risk of being matched with someone specialized the same way?

    • For instance horde: 1 clawlord, 80 clanrats. Or 1 master moulder, 80 giant rats
    • Or snipe with a warp-lightning cannon
    • Or magic with WLV, balewind and wizards jumping from gnawholes to gnawholes

    Or should I try diversifying instead?

    • 40 clanrats + snipe + magic
    • 40 giant rats + 4 rat ogors + master moulder


    I am lost... I never played 2v2 before (let alone with random pairing) so I don't really know how to approach this

    Thanks for your input




    I don't have any experience in such strange 500 points 2v2 matches but your "40 Giant Eats + 4 Eat Ogors + Master Moulder"-list sounds decent.

    I am more of the Skryre-Type and would run the following list:

    Allegiance: Skaventide
    Mortal Realm: Shyish

    Warlock Bombardier (100)
    - General
    - Trait: Overseer of Destruction
    - Artefact: Ethereal Amulet
    - Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism: Chain Warp Lightning

    5 x Skryre Acolytes (60)
    5 x Skryre Acolytes (60)

    1 x Ratling Gun (80)
    1 x Ratling Gun (80)
    1 x Ratling Gun (80)

    Total: 460 / 500
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 200
    Wounds: 24



    • Thanks 1
  16. Spoiler
    2 hours ago, Pandamina said:

    You can use it with Tzeentch allegiance in FoF battalion rerolling your first shot with DD (if first shot misses, you can then spend DD) and also make 5-6 dmg with DD to reliably kill small wizards. But it's pretty sketchy.



    Q: Can I use a Destiny Dice for a re-roll?

    A: No. A re-roll is not considered to be a new dice roll, it is the original dice roll taken again. The Destiny Dice would therefore need to be used before the first roll was made.

    - BATTLETOME: DISCIPLES OF TZEENTCH Designers’ Commentary, July 2018

  17. Spoiler
    13 hours ago, mmimzie said:


    Here you areScreenshot_20190306-100822_Drive.jpg.5086a6286de1a67a105cd9fd5604b717.jpg

    Silver tower faq for all your gaunt summoner needs.


    Even if it was super powerful no way to really bring a realmgate unless your friends let you being on for fun. 


    The Gaunt Summoner with Familiars' Warscroll in the app is dated February 2019 (Keyword change from Arcanites to Arcanite). So RAW you could summon any Daemon using a Realmgate. But that's not RAI.

  18. 1 hour ago, mmimzie said:

    The LoC is a massive magical force multiplier for your army. He also has a very consistant and powerful spell ideal for snipe characters. He can also become quite tanky when holding the feather charm, and provide some important magical protection via the magical supremacy command ability.


    Keep in mind that Kiros is a unique Hero and can not be given any artifacts!

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