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Everything posted by PraetorDragoon

  1. Just imagine a giant ossiarch bone construct crab. With a fancy hat.
  2. Well, if you're primary a 40k fan then ending with a new edition for AoS might not be that much of a bang for you either. Live action adaption would be a big thing for GW (just look at the mainstream popularity of an IP when it gets one of those), and certainly worthwhile for them to hype it up that way.
  3. There aren't many options for the Saturday reveal to be honest. It is billed as a mystery to generate wider interest. Faction/expansion/codex previews would be under the respective system. Which leaves either 1) Summer big release, or 2) something non-game related. For big summer release, we have either Old World or AoS3e, or potentially a Horus Heresy soft relaunch. For non-game related we can have the rumoured Live-Action Eisenhorn adaption. Old World I would expect some more buzz about (like sketches for the 2nd faction) and it will take the Summer big release slot, which will rule out an AoS3e this year. (Old World would require a bunch of releases, and would compete in hype with AoS3e, so not smart marketing) Horus Hersey relaunch would run into a similiar problem, and I don't know how big it is. Which leaves AoS3e and Live Action adaption. Personally I suspect the latter.
  4. Thanks for the clarification. That does put a AoS3e preview saturday back in the realm of possibilities.
  5. Does anyone know if all the PA books were out before 40k9e was announced? I think that might gives us a reference frame wether or not to expect AoS3e.
  6. Expected 3 boxed game previews, got 3 boxed set previews. And we got the superior crab that made all other previews look weak, so i count it as a win.
  7. The Nighthaunt unionized for better working conditions, which didn't amuse the aristocratic vampires.
  8. I don't think its a boxed product, but not sure. There are a bunch of options for the various Boxed Products, so I don't think we will see the Old World. For example: Underworlds - Idoneth Warband. Warcry - new Warband? We have some unknown sigils. Necromunda - Probably some more Redemptionists Blood Bowl - Enough teams to toss in there. Kill Team - Rules update? Aeronautica - It exists, wasn't there some expansion announced a while ago? Titanicus - Another titan variant. Not like that well will ever run dry. So we already have 7 options, pick 3 from the list and you have a solid preview already.
  9. Possible, but I don't think we will see much until we get close to a release. And I think that the Old World is a big enough launch to take up the Summer Release Slot, which is at odds with the suspected AoS3e release.
  10. Baseless speculation, but what if the new starter is Cities of Sigmar/Order of Azyr with 1/4 Stormcast? Rules allow it, and would make represent a Siege defendant force, if the Siege of Excelsis is the thing that kicks off 3e. Hey now, they got a named character a few weeks ago.
  11. The preview event today at 6pm GMT +0 is for AoS. Doesn't rule out regular previews.
  12. Guesses then. Monday: Soulblight remaining reveals. Big vampire mostrosity, foot vampires, dire wolves, bats, and spells. Also the reveal of BR: Kragnos cover, with Kragnos himself. Rumour forums melt in anger as we get Kragnos' grand alliance revealed. Tuesday: Sisters of Battle. Codex reveal + some additional sisters. Beastsnaggas. Wednesday: New books, Horus Heresy, some AoS, some 40k, etc. Rampant speculation on the AoS tie-in novel. Thursday: More on the House of Faith, Idoneth Warband, new Blood Bowl Team for chaos dwarves, Warcry voodoo chaos goblins. Friday: Previews for the next 3 codex cycle, including Eldar who are finally getting more plastic aspect warriors and the exodite subfaction. Saturday: Warhammer 40.000 Live Action movie about Rogue Traders. I like your optimism and dedication.
  13. I'll trade it for the Mortis Engine. More likely it will remain anchored in the Nighthaunt though.
  14. I think its safe to prepare for no ghosts in Gravelords, including the Black Coach. At best there is going to be a Bloodline with 1/4 Nighthaunt units, but that will be it.
  15. Think bigger... Hobgoblins bigger than Mega-Gargants?
  16. Chances of new Battletomes in the boxed set are lower than the return of Tomb Kings. More likely are Core rules and rules booklets that contain the warscrolls and background of the new units. (Like Shadow & Pain has)
  17. If Kragnos is destruction, I don't think he is a greenskin, but more a generic Destruction Godbeast-being.
  18. I think there is a reasonable chance that Soulblight will have the Mounted Hero/named Hero box that various factions have now.
  19. Chaos Dwarves in a supposed Destruction army? About as likely as Destruction Kurnothi.
  20. Necromunda starter was announced. Maybe we also get the AdMech codex as well, considering that one is announced and we have some articles for it. We haven't seen much of Kenan's reapers yet so they're out until we get a 2nd preview for them. And with the current hiccups it makes sense to me that they're trying to release both Underworlds bands at the same time. For everything else we have next weeks previews from Warhammer Fest, so nothing until we get those done.
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