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Everything posted by robinlvalentine

  1. Oh! Shame - better model than the resin shamans they have otherwise I thought.
  2. This happened back when Gloomspite Gitz came out. All the generic Orcs and Goblins models have now either been quietly phased out, or folded into other factions (e.g. Goblin Shaman is now a Madcap Shaman)
  3. Off the top of my head, the sources so far have been very spurious: -NDAbreaker said it would happen - how true anything they said is is up for debate, but majority seem to feel they weren't on the level -An image of an Ogor was used in GW's announcement that there would be more battletomes coming - but only as part of a generic 'Order, Chaos, Death, Destruction' bit of art that's been floating around for ages -There was a design job at GW a little while ago where one of the application tasks was that you had to design allegiance abilities for Gutbusters. But obviously for a writing task they could have plucked anything out of the air - as someone who's set tasks like that myself, I can't say any of mine were ever meaningful indications of anything. If anything, you'd think they'd deliberately not tip their hand on anything for something as public as this. I think that's it. I do think it's not necessarily unlikely, based on the fact that the army has a decent range of plastic kits, and seems relatively well recognised by GW, in terms of having a store category, a place in the lore, art, etc. But IMO all the word pointing towards them has been no better than speculation so far.
  4. It is, but the Forbidden Powers campaign is also about 'the Stormvaults opening' - as revealed in the teasers. This article's definitely about AOS armies anyway, it says in the preview. It looks like they're also starting a Lord Of The Rings Battle Companies one this issue. Add that to the one in theory still going on the website too and you get the impression maybe someone at GW is just a bit too excited about the format...
  5. Next White Dwarf kicks off a new Tale Of Four Warlords called 'The Stormvault Warlords' - presumably that's people starting new armies for the Forbidden Powers campaign, as the teaser for that mentions Stormvaults. Which probably means Forbidden Powers is going to be revealed before that issue comes out, right? Maybe that's a leap. But it feels more likely than the article being all about people building the models for that new board game
  6. Definitely going to be picking up both of the new horror books myself - even if it's mostly 40k, I just love the idea too much to pass it up
  7. World Eaters - https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/03/22/22nd-mar-heretic-astartes-focus-the-world-eatersgw-homepage-post-1/
  8. The book was one of the 'Daemon Engine' rumour engines too.
  9. Big thumbs up for more female Stormcast, but thumbs down for that weird face - though it may well just be the paintjob. But yeah as an exclusive for store openings, your chances of actually getting an opportunity to buy it are crazy low, especially in countries like the UK that already have a high concentration of shops. So probably for the best that it's not an immediate must-have.
  10. Unless I missed something, he was talking about the old Ogre Kingdoms book from Warhammer Fantasy, not a new Age Of Sigmar thing.
  11. I honestly think we need to have a ban on the phrase 'Tomb Kings' in this thread. I get it, you want them to come back, but convincing yourself that every new thing is a 100% confirmed sign of their glorious return is just silly, and it ends up filling up this thread with nonsense. I mean, people are at the point where a release that GW have confirmed multiple times is a campaign expansion, not a new army is in their eyes undoubtedly a whole new Tomb Kings release based on some slightly Egyptian looking art design. That's directly ignoring the main facts we do know in order to push a fantasy. I know this thread by its nature isn't exactly the most rigorous or serious thing ever, but to me there's little difference between all these TK posts and deliberate trolling.
  12. To be honest I think prayers were already a step too far - again, if you can say some magic words to make a dude's skin turn into metal, or make someone explode into a fountain of blood, for all intents and purposes that's spellcasting. These are just an even more ridiculous step over the line for me. I mean, if Khorne is perfectly fine with people killing their enemies from a distance via magical means, what is it about wizards that he actually dislikes? Traditionally the idea was that throwing a fireball was dishonourable/cowardly compared to one-on-one melee combat, but now it seems like that's fine as long as the fireball is made of blood.
  13. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/03/13/mar-13-blades-of-khorne-preview-judgements-of-khorne-and-the-skull-altargw-homepage-post-4/ I really don't get these 'Judgements'. If you're saying special words to make a big magical thing appear, how is that not magic? Lore-wise you can explain it away however you like, but aesthetically this is magic. The idea of a Khorne priest swearing vengeance against all spellcasters in order to summon two giant floating blood-crying skulls that fly around the battlefield just seems like self-parody to me. It feels like business model over coherent game design - everything needs endless spells, so we've crammed them into the most magic-hating army in the game. Makes me a bit apprehensive about how they're going to do it for other traditionally non-magical factions.
  14. People trying to read into what the Facebook page says is like when people claim they know about upcoming releases because a GW store manager told them. Like store staff, the social media guys don't know much more than we do. Their answers to any question are always 'we'll let you know when we know!' or 'we'll pass that along to the relevant team!'. You can't read any kind of secret knowledge or extra info into their posts.
  15. I hate to say 'I told you so' but... I told you so. Fleshing out different kinds of Chaos tribes is a cool idea in isolation, but I think when AOS is crying out for a proper Skirmish game, having this be Chaos-only is a mis-step. I'm certainly struggling to have any enthusiasm for it. It doesn't help that a lot of the models shown are not great IMO. These dudes with old diving helmets on their heads are not my thing at all, and there are too many 'holding weapon in the air' poses.
  16. Interesting to have something with such a clear creepy crawly theme post-Gloomspite Gitz. Makes me think it's something for 40k, as it'd be a bit repetitive if it's AOS.
  17. @Mark Williams is spot on, but just to expand a little on the second part of the sentence - "reforged as the Broken World span sinister beneath a fell aspect". The Broken World is a metal core which is all that remains of the Old World (the setting of Warhammer Fantasy) which floats in the space between Realms. It's basically saying 'when they were reforged, there were dark omens in the sky'. Bit like saying they were born under an evil star sign or something. Just adding to the idea that they're a bit creepy and sinister.
  18. You really can't talk dude, you only ever post in this thread to complain about it
  19. Why would there be a new Idoneth Deepkin battletome?
  20. Obviously it wouldn't be good business practice to say "This reveal's going to be rubbish!" but I do think GW isn't very good at managing expectations. They tend to just say every reveal is massive and is going to change everything, even if one is a whole new edition and the other is just a Warhammer Underworlds warband and an updated battletome.
  21. Interesting... though I'm a little wary, GW do tend to say stuff like that about every reveal they ever do, no matter how small
  22. I don't see how that's inconsistent. The Idoneth are literally capable of making every faction in the game forget completely that they exist, including Stormcast. They clear entire settlements of life and then make everyone forget anything even happened. Even in the middle of battle you can't focus on them enough to shoot at specific targets. I mean, 'because magic' is this entire setting. Everyone's literally walking around on top of magic. To give a different example - Stormcast are supposed to be the bravest of the brave, but they're still affected by spells that make people run away in fear. They're the purest of the pure, but they're still affected by spells that mutate people. Same for the undead.
  23. Seems like the sort of thing that's very easily explained by 'it's magic'. 'The enchantments of the Idoneth give the Luminous Greedhoard a supernatural lure that few land-dwellers can resist, and burns at the souls of those that do' etc Keep in mind the Idoneth are masters at clouding minds. And there are already lots of effects in the game that wouldn't logically work against certain targets, but are handwaved for the sake of it being a game rather than a 1:1 simulation.
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