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Everything posted by novakai

  1. Eh, I kind of disagree with that, as someone who does look at Warhammer model as art, buying one off model just to paint is fine even if it expensive but relative to other hobby it not bad. I know many people who paint model vehicle who buy Warhammer tanks al the time just to paint with no intention of ever playing. Saying their model is not good enough is being disingenuous to where they are to the market and their quality. what really is expensive is playing the game and building up your army to certain power level with buying multiple troop kit Gaming is still an important aspect and GW establish themselves by representing a 4 pilliars and representing all 4 make them stronger and that I can agree with. But Warhammer is not an only work one way aspect
  2. Well I alway hold the belief that GW is a model company first and that they never really had good focus on the rules and gaming part of the hobby. I do think for the premium price that they put on their rule book, it probably fair to expect more from them. Not even in a competitive sense but even content and clarity wise too feels a bit iffy too. This is a big rant of mine but what always get me is that every army has their release tied to their rulebook release and rarely get anything outside that window and majority of armies get barely anything even when that release happens. if they where just a model company they would just release models all the time and just have an online rule set. I just feel like other company are not as rigid with their release schedule as GW are.
  3. Because they don’t need your money since all that matters in the end is the space marine money
  4. Yeah I felt like I alway use the -1 to wound trick on first turn one the most since it’s guarantee to happen and feels useful
  5. TBH Broken realm should have been the engine that updated army book (like PA) so they could play new edition a little bit better. It was looking good with BR Morathi update, but every other book afterward was lackluster when it came to army updates. I do wonder if they are only putting stuff in WD because they had initially plan to had AoS campaign books come out like they did with 40K with war zone books but the scrap the idea and went this route because of timing.
  6. Wow they randomly made a 4minute animated segment of the Armoring of a space marine with the quality that surpasses most stuff on Warhammer+, I am impress. surprise the marine didn’t say “H3ll it about time” at the end there lol
  7. I think this was also attribute to people liking big smashy monster and generally how unwieldy it was to play and play against infantry blobs/ horde units. I felt like GW must have saw that there was a big base for that kind of stuff every since BCR and FEC gristlegore.
  8. For seriousness, if you look at the RE history, most rumor engines are usually of separate kits, most of the RE of the same kit are usually release close together and often back to back weeks. rarely does one kit have more then two or three RE associated with it to begin with.
  9. Related maybe? i don’t think it for the same model since the bone flute one is really old and probably for a model that been heavily delayed
  10. It funny that grinnin’ blade is about having stronger shaman in the lore but the rule has nothing to do with spellcasting I think for Skullbugz they should give you sludgeraker as battleline like how that Fyreslayer lodge does it. It at least make the option more fun to play as a lot of changes can be also made with abilities I am just unsure if anything will significantly change due to how stubborn GW can be with updates
  11. I believe those imps on the Shaggoth are suppose to be full size beastmen, since shaggoth is suppose to be huge ( (mountain size) when they where release. But the scaling is not there and they look like nurgling size in present day. i don’t think it relate to the RE and the mysterious tangled in hair edit: to me looks like a baby alien creature and the bigger model is its mother at least that my guess
  12. TBF the state of the AoS in my area is booming and we had like over 20 people submitting new army new year in the AoS category this year so at least I find that the hobby in 3.0 has grown. I think really game has just been relegated to just playing casual with no one really playing many games super correctly I find. So I do find enthusiasm for AoS has sgrown because of the model not that they find the game rule ultra compelling like the 40K side of my community does.
  13. 43% win rate is ouch, I think the army is a bit complicated to play and take time to master but also mastering it in the end may not net you result in the end against more complete armies.
  14. Well except they didn’t say part one like GSG article had except they already reveal the new Tyranid model (parasite of whatever) just not officially
  15. TBF I though not AoS 2.0 tomes where good with it structure but it was just the writer not having an editor that create really bad balances amongst certain army, really if they had kept sub faction and spell lore/ artifacts where they where from last edition I think it would have been better then straight up downgrading option like they have. Really they just focus on too much of being cookie cutter. There does feel a lack of momentum right now and the stuff that Phil Kelly said during the 3.0 video really rings hollow now, like they wanted to balance the game with lower effort.
  16. No tyrant or BCR mounted hero though, in fact the Icebrow hunter is the only one based on a newer model which is Hrothgrom
  17. Surprise that with to two back to back Tyranids article they didn’t reveal the hero model especially since it’s a Monday. I guess it going to be a lot of Tyranid articles now that they finish up with Eldar.
  18. My experience has been mix it depends on who I play with and what kind of game we are playing. playing at 1000 pt is fine and quicker but stuff like Sons and even simpler stuff like max storm fiends and BCR are just terrible to play against unless you talior your list to counter them in someway. The best way to play at lower level is if both side agree to bring more balance army list and not to bring anything too agregious but sometime it hard when most people want to put models on the table that they want to see what they do. The Double turn and who get to choice turn order also more of decisive factor at lower level then it is in higher levels. I often find the first two turns order often decided who wins the game
  19. They are suppose to be release sometime in the spring according to the roadmap, summer is whatever the two mystery order and chaos tome are going to be, how big those summer release are is a mystery.
  20. One would hope but given how 40K still has Tyranids, CSM, chaos Knights, and now a Imperial Guard refresh in the rumor mill, one wonder how they fit AoS stuff in the next three months outside of battleboxes and tomes. That also not taken into account the leaked Horus heresy box
  21. Arena beastie when (probably not anytime soon) (that croc looks quite similar to the necromunda sumpcroc lol)
  22. Fomo boxes and disappointment is what await us. Unless there really is more Nighthaunt left unreveal I doubt they will reveal stuff past summer anyway since Autumn release are usually reserve for NOVA in September. adepticon is for whatever in the next three months (Necromunda Ash waste for example)
  23. Maybe I don’t think white dwarf are a great vehicle to be updating rules to begin with especially since it a limited publication and a good amount of people are unaware of them. it not like the three WD that Gitz got help them in any way either it a case by case basis. the best way would just be them release free PDF army updates every time they do a balance pass but they never like making big changes unless it’s monetize
  24. Eh I think their been less traffic on the forum in general in the last few year and took a sharp dive every since the pandemic hit and really there a lot of stuff going on in the world still. I don’t know why those are consider specialist army either unless you mean Kharadron is because they are all shooting
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