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Everything posted by novakai

  1. FYI Pantheon means more then one god, takes two to tango
  2. yeah it really just Slaanesh, Everchosen/Darkoath, and Gutbuster left. of course both could use updated BT for existing faction like Ironjawz, BCR, Khorne ect. I noticed that there no dice for FEC
  3. I believe they would have tease something at the end of the article if that was the case yeah I think the 40K event in March is going to be big
  4. well they usually only do it when there a new Tome or codex releases unless your stormcast or a shadespire release
  5. true but I would never encourage a new player to buy any resin models from the GW store if they didn't know want they were doing.
  6. I do wonder though why the Skaven Warscroll cards are in Chinese
  7. not exactly true, DoT warband didn't coincided with any known or rumor release so far. though 5 out of 6 warband isn't bad I guess I also doubt the release for this year could be bigger than 2018 just because last year was a release of new edition of AoS and had fewer 40k releases
  8. I mean Skaven, FEC, Slaanesh, and Darkoath is already a lot of tomes to begin with (if rumors are true), granted I do expect the Chaos release to be somewhat spaced from one and another. and there always a chance that there a stormcast Battletome this year.
  9. March has been heavily hinted at as a big 40k event where Abbadon is suppose to be coming to Vigilus since the countdown ends around that time. it probably going to kick of a 40K global campaign and chaos marine release
  10. hmm wouldn't that also mean that The Hag can also be in the battalion because she has Fellwater and Troggoth keyword on her war scroll card
  11. they win ever other year so it probably Pats much to my dismay there realistically to much legal and land issues for it to ever happen within a reasonable time Umm Snooki or JWOWW Beige is awesome you heretic
  12. I don't think it fair to compare them to Evocator another unit who probably also undercosted. if you compare them to say Dragon blades, Drakespawn knights, and Demigrypgh knight who are all 140, I would say bar their low bravery and unreliable movement, the Bounders are offensively superior to those three
  13. speculation on my part, but if it is a model release Plastic Tyrant/ Butcher a named character a Gobbapalooza style kit for Maneaters a big centerpiece model something akin to a giant ironblaster or scraplauncher style unit scrapyard terrain piece
  14. Going by the army grouping when AoS 2.0 came out, I think any army that had a battletome previously probably won't get merge but get a stormcast expansion treatment except for maybe Clan Pestilens and Everchosen
  15. well to be honest I think Eldritch council is probably an army that I think will get phased out because of what up with the plastic Swordmasters being in the spire of dawn box and all. the Archmage on dragon would probably ended up with Order Draconis if the kit survives that said I think what help BoC was the fact that they had the new Tzaangors in them, even then I doubt it was a selling like hotcake situation.
  16. welp guess it back to idle speculation time. since a lot of Dispossessed stuff are out of stock right now (warriors, Thunderers, Drakes and Breakers) must be a reboxing for the upcoming Battletome: the Grudge Lords
  17. hmm I would have thought they would keep Darkling Coven since those models are not as old. understandably phoenix and wanderers would survive since they have player bases, Scourge privateers has been given a lot of development from GW as well speculation I could have swear people bought the dragon blades and cold ones for conversion purposes for Blood knights and Saurus riders
  18. well that good news, I though if Cancon was able let Gitz in then LVO had enough wiggle room to do the same
  19. wasn't the LVO cut off date before the Gloomspite release, so the battletome can't be use at the event or at least that what I heard from the Frontline gaming show but I could be mistaken?
  20. I think it because GW said on their article that they had more exciting news for those two armies in the coming weeks so it implies that it not that far out. granted we are all assuming it new battletomes and maybe new model release, but it could honestly be much smaller than that or that the exciting news ends up that white dwarf has a segment for those two armies in one of the issues.
  21. that not counting the possibility of releasing different Stormhost into becoming their own army like space marine chapters are in 40k
  22. you forgot Gitmob though they are also in the same state as Greenskinz if not outright gone at this point in time.
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