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Everything posted by novakai

  1. yeah sadly, when I post the Battletome news it only grew about a quarter of a page, not exactly what I call hype
  2. From what I read, the 6 Chaos warbands are the one that get new models but the 9 non chaos one are warband that are made out of existing models (like Killteam). So I am assuming that the starter set has core rules that allow you to make an Ironjawz warband out of your existing collection of Ardboys and Brutes
  3. On the bright side we now know that Destruction is going to get a BT within the year and that AoS banner is technically 2 out of 4 correct with it prediction, so there still hope for an Ogor release soon.
  4. Well since it just a small teaser I expect it be quite a while before it come out unlike carrion empire which actually show the models in the box in it trailer i would guess around May or even June
  5. I am pretty sure that symbols is for Bonesplitterz
  6. yeah like an army that old that finally got an update in 4 years is just a battletome with no units is disappointing, especially when you compare to Stormcast who got 3 new shiny releases during those four years compare to them. I mean I hope the book can revitalize them but it difficult when that was the main complaint about them was unit variety. it would have to be something like insane gristlegore rules or bringing them back as a semi elite army. honestly I hope they rebox the vulkites into 20 man units and sell them at 60usd like they did with some of the early stormcast units
  7. I think they wanted the Endless spells to alleviate the double turn but it never really took off with players.
  8. imho I feel like the other 2 Fyreslayer spell beside the Golem looks really similar to the Prismatic palisade and the burning head. wish they where more unique looking
  9. yeah my bet would be Loonboss on giant cave squig since the teaser show a squig eating up a spite and that unit is very crucial for making an all squig list work
  10. I am not sure what Looncurse is but I am excited that it could be a vs Battlebox for Gloomspite coming in so soon probably fighting against Sylvaneath and I bet we may get a plastic loonboss on giant squig
  11. rules could really help them but a common complaint about Fyreslayer is their lack of unit variety.
  12. I am not sure what Looncurse teaser is going to be about but I guess that we may be getting a Battleforce box with Sylvaneath soon
  13. Some of those are a bit too recent I feel, the claw is probably the only one I peg as Slaanesh TBH
  14. yeah even Khorne didn't get a real trailer either. the ones like DoK, IDK, Nighthaunt, Stormcast, and Gloomspite all got a graphic trailer and then had significant model releases afterwards.
  15. well when they use their Graphics department to make an actual trailer then it usually signify I slightly bigger release then normal
  16. that particular shaman model also got phased out too after they sold him out as a Madcap Shaman
  17. well maybe their leaving room for a Troggking in the future
  18. it specific art from Warhammer fantasy though BOK was at least from the Realmgate wars
  19. Well judging by the preorder last it looks like there at least one if not two more weeks of chaos marine releases after the terminators and Havoks get out
  20. good luck getting past the people that spam for more Primarch release, fix Soup in 40k, Buff KO, plastic model for x faction, and make space marine good again crowd.
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