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Everything posted by novakai

  1. I think OBR just got unlucky with being the army that skewed the competitive scene too much because only certain armies and build did well against them as Petrafix elite and having terrible sub faction internal balancing at release. Like why does it have the +1 save but also the best command ability and arguably the best artifact and command trait compare to the other legion. Who thought Ivory host was comparative to any of the other legions. most release that came afterward like tzeentch, KO, LRL, and even SoB probably would have done ok against prenerf OBR.
  2. Eh the soul war never gave me much of an impact as a narrative event because it was only largely focus on two event that meant anything Forbidden power and wraith of the ever chosen. basically they lost Josh Reynolds and never follow up on the Soul War novels. Teclis ending soul wars felt kind of too soon and anti climatic
  3. Sure, i am just stating the chances of them revealing anymore new stuff in the next two weeks other then what we already know is coming since Belekor is stated for April atm and Soulblight Gravelord is probably right after that Be'lakor seems to be more demon based release too and just maybe just more rules for mixed daemon armies
  4. i mean he such a big mystery that there so much speculation on him and what Army/ GA he going to be in. Everyone has there own theory on him : A destruction Godbeast that can be use in any of the Destruction army similar to Archaeon/ Nagash or how the New Twins work Kurnothi god that comes with New Aelfs that can be used in Sylvaneath or is a new stand alone army a BOC God that comes in with new models comes with a Brand new Army for Destruction, he either leading Ogroid Centaurs or Silent people Revamp Chaos Dwarfs none of the above .
  5. realistically i don't see BR Be'lakor is coming out with more new stuff other then Himself and the Battalion boxes if the release is slated for this month. (unless it the S2D chaos warriors and knights from the starter box or somehow its ties in with the NH and Gardus model) we would have probably have known by now that a Plastic Kroak was on the way. if there is a new Kroak model its probably a few months off from now. BR Kragnos is still a mystery, but i expect them to fully reveal him and any related release for that BR book in the next preview show.
  6. is there still unrevealed stuff that people are expecting to happen beside the Dire wolves? going through the rumor engines there still that Vampire like hand holding the sword and 2 that look like its for a new Corpse cart.
  7. Looking at the content now, i feel a bit disappointed with this book compare to Morathi when it comes to the stuff OBR and FEC got. i guess they couldn't spare a page for a fluffy new Legion or Court for those army or some more random battalion. At least Nurgle got some much needed changes on some of their weaker warscroll. obviously the title faction is going to get the most focus but it does ring in my worries I had with BR and that the content armies got where going to be varying in quality.
  8. i think what they did was cut out all the Specialist game release as well Warcry and Killteam to get caught up in the schedule for the main ones , they also didn't do any of the long two week preorder that usually happen on big release. also Shareholder pressure also mean they are going to keep the new edition release on schedule. hell they even slow 40k codex and been blazing through the AoS stuff for the most part.
  9. that kind of a shame, the Grot scuttling and Deathrunner where also on Share sprue in Silver tower. so they could never be release separately unless they made a new mold for them.
  10. i don't believe the BSF heroes have been separately release yet, the only thing has been release so far is the CSM Lord and the Chaos marines when Vigilius happen
  11. i mean they just nerf DoK's prayer to be only one prayer for a character so it was also a problem in it of itself i would be careful of protecting things that require skewed list/ specific armies to counters it because that was the Petrfix elite problem from OBR and they had to change that because only certain armies could compete with them
  12. depends because they have only reveal the Admech codex so far, So it probably the only 40K release that is slated until their next preview show airs. Sister and Orks are on the horizon but their Codex hasn't been reveal yet so they are probably slated for May and June respectively
  13. what was the rumor preorder date for BR Bel'akor again? also i think they will try to put out one more BR book in late May/ Early June after Kragnos before AoS 3.0
  14. well this some how slip through the cracks of the AoS News cycle but Tempestfall (the VR game) release a pretty cool cinematic trailer Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Tempestfall | Cinematic Trailer (PC VR, Oculus Quest) - YouTube
  15. they use to be part of the forces of Destruction but where too prideful to follow Gorkamorka so they turn against the GA. Gorkamorka then brought the full house of all the Destruction armies upon the Ogriods so they had to flee (apparently to the Allpoints) and join/ or enslaved by Chaos.
  16. well almost all the Aelf gods are on the Dramatis Personae page except for Morathi, even Tyrion has an excerpt in it. what role they play maybe small from what i can read Malerion, The Shadow King. Ruler of Ulgu, Master of Deception and embittered son of Morathi
  17. i don't see why not, the only rule people have on conversion is that it on the right base of the unit your trying to represent.
  18. yeah I think I am on the Ogroid Godbeast theory train as well since that probably the closes similarity he has to anything that exist to right now other then it being Kurnothi/BoC related. didn't the sentence before that said that it was related to Nagash's plan?
  19. well at least Bladelord don't have the Sunmetal MW ability
  20. i mean the biggest strike of him being related to Dwarf is the lack of beard, what kind of Duardin god has no beard unless it hidden behind his body in the picture Edit: if he had this magnificent lock then we would be talking
  21. IDK if you look at his tail, it clearly a horse's tail which implies he more of a traditional Centaur creature. a bull tail is more a long fiber muscle that extends before the hair sprouts out.
  22. i guess we went from the Activation wars into the Pile-in Wars
  23. i think the big thing like 40K is that it will include terrain and a playmat in the starter set (depending on which edition box you buy) Orruk is probably the safest bet atm that why most people are thinking its them, i know the podcast where floating other possibility of it being a pure brand new army like Grotbag scuttler and Silent people
  24. to add to the Grimdark live rumor that AoS 3.0 is going to have Indomitus style boxes with Stormcast vs. an unnamed Destruction army (though that is a general speculation that the community has been predicting would happen)
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