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Everything posted by novakai

  1. i think there was an old AoS lore excerpt about Spiderfang infesting a part of the eightpoint and Archeon having problem exterminating them because of their sheer numbers they also mention fangs in the article
  2. chaos dwarf riding that mechanical spider from Wild Wild West (terrible movie by the way)
  3. sounds like Spiderfang versus Chaos dwarf/ upgraded Iron golem warband be my guess
  4. Gen Con – Something Sinister Stirs in the Eightpoints - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com) something about spiders
  5. Well submit it to the GWFAQ email address if your really that concern about it
  6. Yeah it most likely an oversight mistake, they are intend to be play in Kruleboyz and I don’t know who would argue against such a silly mistake anyway
  7. that not exactly true for 7 bravery heroes, you actually get 58%of getting that heal. it looks bad when you compare to the brave 10 stuff but i find that it happens more frequently then people say it does the bravery issues isn't that bad with the Killaboss ability and save are not good but two wounds and all out defense makes up for it a bit.
  8. I think that where the Killaboss comes in it negates the bravery of course you have to give up one model if you fail BS on the onetime you don’t have the CP to fail. the Killaboss ability has been useful in large units of Gutrippas when I been playing them
  9. The +1 on MW on the Snatchboss is actually pretty bonkers as most stuff rarely affect range units
  10. Battletome: Orruk Warclans 3.0 – The Goonhammer Review – Goonhammer Goonhammers review seem spot on about them, i feel
  11. Looks pretty good so far for the Kruleboyz, points all seem reasonable and a lot of synergy and strong tactics. My only gripe is there feel like a lack of options because there isn’t many battleline or standard units to play with and Boltboyz seems like the most spam unit in Kruleboyz list given that they get furtherbufff by the swamp monster
  12. I guessing reboxing will happen when each battletome comes out. I do not believe any other army has gotten new red boxes other then those two
  13. Your point being what? the community is different that why Warhammer comp is not a thing as in TW: Warhammer. Investment is not the same between digital avatars versus pricy by beaultiful miniature that you paint and hold on for years. Last I heard the community comping hasn’t pressure CA into actually fixed TW quick battle and leaderboards (but it been a while for me so I don’t know if they change anything)
  14. I think it’s called the wisdom of knee ****** reaction
  15. Yeah but I then it just goes the way that GW has a level of authority that people listen too and the issues of the TT war gaming community is build different then esport gamers. I also suspect GW are just not concern about balance and comp being dominant, because they design the framework of the game and army rules and people already casually comp it when playing the games, yet people still buy their books because the values in them is not just the rules TW is a videogame and just playing each other competitive is really the only ways while Warhammer has more social artistic and creative aspect then just a TT game. it just a different community overall too and I don’t think comparison are fair between digital media and physical hobbies.
  16. Pretty simple really, Warhammer is more then just playing a game, the wargaming aspect is often time the minor small part of the hobby to most people and not everyone buy battletome just for the rules but often time for the collectability and hobby lore aspect. The community is not always thinking about competitive play but painting and having fun and socializing TW Warhammer is basically a game you play and there not much other then it just being a PC game i remember Warhammer weekly made a good point of why He oppose Comp because it would do the opposite and GW would not feel the need to improve or be responsible for their rule writing if the Community all of a sudden started their own. At the end of the day GW is a model company and even though they sometimes look like they care about competitive play their rules are secondary to them. It like how CA focus on single player over multiplayer aspect of TW:W
  17. I gonna guess sometime next year, it looks like GW are going to be busy for the remainder of this year catching up with their pending release especially with 40K and their codexes
  18. Not a strong rumor and may have been mention already but Warhammer weekly think there a Khorne expansion coming soon
  19. i mean i have always felt this was the AoS general Chat thread
  20. well i think COVID and the UK lockdown where happen around the time so it was understandable by the community, plus GW where more tight lip last year and didn't really specify when anything was going to be release for SM and Necrons. here they actual committed to a month for the release
  21. either that or the AoS app is having some problems
  22. in more upbeat news, GW questionable business decision is not the top of the Weekly Corporation debacle that goes to Onlyfan.com
  23. well at least you didn't miss anything during your shift
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