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Everything posted by novakai

  1. And that is unlikely to happen given that this box took 24 days of teasing with new rumor pic and reveal on Christmas making it the big focus while this one it oh yeah AoS exist got to give them a bone here too lol
  2. or its the long awaited Rival Deck as fortold by their own Roadmap
  3. I mean since this is the first battlescroll update I feel like giving them the benefit of the doubt until we get a clearer picture of how frequent they come out and if they steadily improve the quality of the update in the next one. They do seem however svery conservative on too much changes though and seem very hesitant to change warscroll too much(especially units stats and weapon profiles) At least when compare 40K, AoS hasn’t really push many new tomes out yet and it just may be that they don’t want to make too much changes when they expect a lot new book to come out and make those changes for them.
  4. That everything confirm unless there some for Necromunda that slip by but given that this new chaos vs Eldar boxset look like it Shadowspear big I can see it taking up most of the first quarter. I am only assuming that at minimum the Deepkin tome is comming out soon because they spoil the new hero on the Gotrek novel cover already
  5. Only certain army allow you do it under their 2.0 rules set, it not guarantee that their 3.0 update happens that there will be further hard to get too that number. not to mention that a lot of these strong power pieces are more points now and can easily take over a half or a third of your Amy for 1 or 2 individual models
  6. Yeah it clear they are lowering model count just by the recent point hikes overall, why nerf hordes and put a big focus and force multiplier on single big models in the game. I am guessing they known they make consistent money on large model more then people going past min battleline options
  7. Clearly that trailer with the power armor chaos dude fighting the power armor Aelf dude is a sign of the next AoS release being chaos dwarf vs LRL
  8. I think Fyreslayer are 100% are getting a new hero soon, just by both the rumors and the one engine that basically a Fyreslayer axe. It unknown if they are getting anything else afterward though
  9. I mean those model teaser on the LoTR article clearly are AoS model, Chaos dwarf confirm /s
  10. I think the gripe has been why is Slaanesh the summoning army and can they just drop the summoning table and just make their unit costed appropriate without have them having be balance with that unit tax
  11. I am also guessing with the Nurgle book coming into the meta that they may actually have good match up against some of these MW shooting armies (specifically LRL) even if they may not be good against army like Sons
  12. Not just any Primaris, a Primaris Lieutenant with a power sword
  13. It not really special case, GSC, sister of battle, and Slaanesh also had second waves soon after the first wave. it just LRL where a shorter window may be due to delays out a subject but I believe the popularity poll was Chaos, Greenskinz, Empire, Dark elf and then High elf
  14. I don’t think it can beat the sword polisher servantor meme from Helbritch
  15. Coalition rules seem like an attempt to keep those marked mixed army legal but it seem like they are going away from that kind of souping so now it just there but not really a compelling options to use coalition units
  16. Well maybe not you specifically but most Ogor player I follow or know hate Gnoblars and they will never put them in their army
  17. Kragnos seems interesting now though still kind of expensive, 3D6 charge for the army that uses him sounds pretty fun. they seem to ignore any direct change to the strong MW range units and went with point increase while it does have some impact they still at do their stick ( 30 inch range and Morathi shoot twice ability.) it may not be as bad though with the increase cost but amulet going to a 6 + probably makes them stronger again. The core game mechanic change all seems good. Point changes seems conservative, I can’t say many of my armies benefit from it. Seems like any army really struggling are just basically waiting for their new tomes and hope is not too experimental
  18. They have always been conservative with point change, probably why they started using increment of 5 so they can adjust more conservatively
  19. I meant it more like it didn’t belong to the new Rotbringer Sorcerer and wasn’t part of the maggot kin release but it also one of the oldest unsolved engines atm and most likely of something that has been heavily delayed which could mean it for a cursed city expansion
  20. I am convince they want to do something with Firebelly, why give them there own spell lore lol
  21. Rumor has it that the rumor thread on this forum contain no actual rumors just blatant wishlisting, 40K advent calender guessing and off topic discussions
  22. Yeah but I don’t think that stop people from buying star drakes or Bloodthirsters though, because they look cool, even if someone using 6 for a PoG game was well excessive. You may buy models and paint but not nessisary play the game i don’t think Slaaneshi being a bad army is stoping people from buying that battleforce either. It more like being tie to sex (yeah I know it not all about sex but it unfortunately a label that exist for them) and body horror is not alway a universal appeal to hobbyist
  23. There was a few survey done really well by Warhammer weekly that gave a good picture of each armies player base I believe most played and owned army was SCE and Fyreslayers was on the bottom
  24. You have to consider that they actually started marketing themselves during that same time period. Like they don’t do a good job of it still but having no visibility to having some visibility does wonders for your product. just by how they train their store managers to teach new people how to paint battle standard miniatures and promoting armies on their aesthetics and lore over gameplay mecahanics. granted I heard AoS launch didn’t really flop is just that they understood that their approach was bad but they had something worth expanding and improve upon in the future
  25. I do hope those expansion are not limited run like BSF where. Extremely hard to get the Zoat or Ambull now
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