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Everything posted by novakai

  1. i thought they did release the kits separate, just not packed with the cards like they did for Sureheart and Garrek in S1 | Games Workshop Webstore (games-workshop.com) | Games Workshop Webstore (games-workshop.com)
  2. yeah i would put more stock on Grotbag Scuttler since it both an actual name drop by GW and they constantly mention in the fluff. things like grot who decided to live in the oceans, steam golem automatons, chaos worshipping duradin, armored chaos gargants. i would put less stocks on
  3. its a possibility it just that symbol doesn't really scream Orruk to me. the style feels a bit different we are all kind of assuming its for Destruction since they always tend have at least one warband for every GA in each season. it could be the silent people for all i know
  4. hmm most people say that the April Warband symbol belong to bonesplitterz, but looking at the symbol again i can see it being Spiderfang too since it look more fang-like then beast boned oriented
  5. well judging by the roadmap, its probably not going to happen this season. i think this Skink warband is going to be similar to Zarbag and other horde warband, where it most a lot of little dudes.
  6. WIP only Krakeneater, slowly painting him up
  7. TheIr next possible reveal is probably their usual Christmas preview that happen during the holidays.
  8. I guess it’s related to Cinderfall not sure if rebirthday is related to Sigvald but that tag line does sound like a Slaaneshi tag
  9. Rule wise or lorewise? i don’t see how they going to drag more mercenary rules without another mega variant. Easy thing would just making any battalions since Sons have literally zero at the moment.
  10. they like mixing cultural stuff lately, Bonereapers had some elements of Samurai armor and Egyptian aesthetics, Realmlords where kind of a lot stuff ( Spartan/ High elf/ eastern Asian/ Tibetan feel) guesses would be that Vampire has some classic Transylvania/ Count dracula vibes but also traits from other culture.
  11. to go into japanese school system, they are very strict on their uniform code.
  12. i guessing no one considering that it just going to be regular Vampire that are not pirates
  13. Gordrakk may just complete smash Excelsis in BR and only when he at the footstep of Azyr that Sigmar is force to open another chamber to stop him in the new edition.
  14. Sigmar as newborn? Plot twist it hard to see any dwarf army getting the title card in BR at the moment without any major develop characters in either army. I think since they have traditionally been in conflict against Orc, goblins, and Skaven in the past, the BR books with those army will have the dwarf armies in them Ironjawz attacking a free city, Fyreslayer mercenaries are hire to fight them Gloomspite or Skaven causing trouble and attack a KO sky port
  15. from Bolter and Chainsword actually the Gitz box is a bit cheaper then the other 3, which make sense since they have less retail price in the box.
  16. i agree that Kurnothi will happen eventually just because of the Beastgrave warband, but resurrecting the sisters of twilight as a part of the Kurnothi release is another thing that base entirely on what the model designer and AoS team want to do. like a Kurnothi god model could be Orion , hinted to be Orion by the AoS writers, or a completely a different new character like Katakros again based on the writers. Not saying they don't have a chance, is just i think GW are slightly more selective of who they bring back
  17. i guess it depends on how you want them to come back, if it like Balthazar Gelt or Settra it mainly from BL or the writers who do the books and stuff if it kits it basically what GW plans with the AoS wood elves and do the Kit designers feel the need to bring them back. hell the plan could be that Kurnothi is the future for Wood elves and the character they decided to bring back is Araloth/Orion or they make a new character that not even related to the old world.
  18. Battleforce prices have been posted £125, €160, $210 for all 4 AoS boxes higher prices this time around but the discount is the same for the larger amount of models in these boxes this year.
  19. most likely a timing issue, they could not get that part of the range done and out of the public for the Hedonite books so they had to launch the daemon side and delay the mortals until now, another theory would be that Emperor Childrens is on the horizon and they wanted to coincide the Slaangors for that release. if people believe that Lumineath are getting more models so soon after their BT then it probably also because they couldn't fit them in the initial release due to time constraints. EDIT: it not really 4 years in the row though, since i think those boxset are related to the slaanesh model releases
  20. It looks like the next one is going to be Slaaneshi focus given that there has to be a rule supplement of some kind when they released them. There doesn’t look like there going to be a BR book in December either.
  21. I just want to say though that the Yak helmets while utter ridiculous on the stone guard, if they where on Chaos dwarf it would surprisingly fitting for them.
  22. Battleforces are up for preorder next week https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/11/22/sunday-preview-big-army-boxes-for-christmas/
  23. well i agree with everything here except for the Slaughterbrute (sorry Teclis you where just too awkward as a model in the end)
  24. Ah yeah Black library weekender they probably have to reveal that Dark Eldar model that they teased a while ago to since they just announce the codex.
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