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Twisted Firaun

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Everything posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. Speaking as a representative of LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!! I do not see how that is a bad thing. Now then, here's hoping Skaven get an update, some new mortals (Skyre and Eshin), and daemons (Since he's now a major god and all).
  2. I’m so hyped for Adepticon this year! I turn 20 next Tuesday, so I’ll just count these reveals as an unintentional gift from GW.
  3. I'm just hoping Tomb Kings kits are brought back at a reasonable price . Still, the amount of lore and kits that are coming our way, from Kislev and Cathay alone, will spark hundreds of projects. I once told @Neverchosen over on the Old World Discussion thread that I plan on making an Ainu themed army from Kislev and Cathay (or Nippon if they ever release them) kitbashes when the time comes, to say nothing about my plans for Araby.
  4. That'd be pretty cool honestly, though I see the palanquin of a Hedonites Pretender in it's future (if I ever buy it).
  5. Much like @Enoby I didn't really start a "new" army, and instead I'm just expanding on my armies from 2021. I'm having my Slaves to Darkness and my Soulblight Gravelords, as well as their allies, fighting in the Soul Vine Bayou, with the Kruleboyz using the conflict to capture slaves and hostages for the lolz. Currently I'm working on writing some lore on the major players in both factions, particularly the vampire portion of my Gravelords and how they interact with the local skeletal nobility. I'm also converting the Changeling to be an Arabian Nights styled Nighthaunt character, showing the chaotic degradation and subversion of the local culture. Link Below:
  6. All we need now is @Whitefang to like his post and chorfs are confirmed!
  7. It really says something about the decline of lore in Battletomes when we get more information about certain factions from an RPG book. Not that I'm upset about this (I'm actually tempted to buy the Champions of Death Book), but it still kinda sucks that we have DLC for books.
  8. Same Here @KingBrodd, though it's more like the legions of LONG LOST NEHEKHARA need some scaly bois to pull their allies coach (Swamp themed nighthaunt conversion).
  9. I too want some new ghosts to play with @Neverchosen, especially since those crossbow bois are the first proper ranged unit in the entire Grand Alliance (catapults and dragons don’t count) since the Tomb Kings were squatted. Let’s just wait until after Adepticon and all the sweet reveals to see if it’s worth it.
  10. Please GW, please give us some crocodiles/alligators for the Mortal Realms!!! I swear to god I would buy at least three kits of them if you did. I’m really starting to love the “gothic bone armor” thing the Ossiarch Bonereapers introduced. It gives the entire range a bit more of a macabre feeling to it, though I’m still wishing for some nehekharan influences as well.
  11. Probably not, but the Old World versions might! Also, well played sir @novakai, well played. I just hope they expand the roster a bit, I'm not asking for an entire new faction.... Well I am but that's for Araby and Nippon.
  12. Unlike the Dark Mechanicus, chorfs are about to be in a major video game.
  13. I honestly just like the lore more then the rules at this point. @Public Universal Duardin, when we finally get the prophesied plastic army, how are you going to paint/build them? I have plans for a a Hashut+Slaanesh carnival based on some lore from the Hedonites battletome, or I’m going to make them nautical themed from Zhar Vyxza from the SoB tome ( @KingBrodd please forgive me your swoleness, but I don’t plan on adding any gargants). The point I’m trying to make here is that as long as we’re having fun with the book and army, who cares how badly the rules suck? know we have some tournament/meta gamers here, but the most important rule is to have fun (followed by the rule of cool).
  14. This month I will pledge sixty skeleton warriors and two units of sybarite archers to be painted up to Battle Ready status, as a part of my War of Funerary Delights campaign (link included below). I also plan on beginning my Nagash kit bash/proxy OC model: Sekhubis the Joyful Mourner (made from Kairos Fateweaver and Gobbsprak, Mouth of Mork). Anything else will be a bonus.
  15. I can't really judge anyone for acting crazy about leaked rules (seeing as how I haven't played an actual game in years), but I understand the frustration to an extent. Imagine having spent hundreds, if not thousands in some cases, of dollars on a faction ... only to have your entire army to be completely jerked around. Of course, that doesn't even factor in the guys who had their preferred factions squatted. Also, I agree that knee j£rk should not censored.
  16. @Black_Fortress_Immortal, cheer up mate, it looks like Chaos Dwarfs are coming for Total War III! Odds are GW will drop some kind of Old World news and maybe bring back the Legion of Azgorh line in some form.
  17. I look forward to seeing it! you don't mind if I do the same? I have this idea for a Nighthaunt conversion using the Changeling and some Tomb-Guard spears.
  18. If one picks up the new war band, both undead blood bowl teams, the soul blight gravelords kits, and has access to Tomb Kings models, they could potentially create an army based on The Universal Studios Monsters. That is an army I'd pay good money to see completed.
  19. Alright, so far from the two clips we know that the Chorfs are coming, and that Legion of Azgorh are confirmed as a faction. We also know that the big hats are fighting amongst themselves, so let’s see what happens next.
  20. Let's go! what are the odds we see these guys alongside their AOS counterparts at Adepticon this year?
  21. Thank you @Neil Arthur Hotep, unfortunately I’m (mostly) out of blatantly Tomb King bits and am gonna have to get creative in the near future. The Nighthaunt range is one of my favorites in AOS, and I plan to convert and ally in some units to fit my lore. I’m particularly looking forward to those crossbow ghosts that were revealed at LVO 2022, since they’re the first proper ranged death unit in the new game.
  22. We’re going to see a lot of Lofnir lists aren’t we? Ah well, the legions of LONG LOST NEHEKHARA! Welcome these giant monsters and their hairy masters.
  23. .... Something very strange is going on in GW..... My money is on an updated model or they're planning on axing somebody.
  24. Sure, all they'd have to do is claim that she's a corrupted Sister of Battle or from a feral/death world.
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