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Everything posted by Luke1705

  1. Basically what I'm doing with Archaon except with sheet metal from home depot. They also have the crates I need, so it's a one-stop shop (except for the magnets). Only thing I've found is you have to check to make sure that the specific sheet metal is magnetic since not all of the stuff they sell is! I usually bring a magnet with me when I purchase (or borrow one from home depot's magnet aisle lol)
  2. Need a taller box. I would never leave home without a Glottkin in the new edition, especially for Nurgle mortals. I gotta say, I feel your pain though. Working on an elegant transport solution for Archaon currently. Hint: not sure there is one!
  3. Page 64 of the nighthaunt battletome. They are playing it incorrectly if the are using legion of nagash as an allegiance and a nighthaunt warscroll battalion, which is the allegiance for all of the warscroll battalions in the nighthaunt battletome (shockingly). Might GW FAQ it differently? Sure. Maybe they’ll FAQ it so that I can use the plaguetouched warband again as Nurgle. Sure hope they do! But for right now, that’s not how this works.
  4. Would love it if they fix it so that Nurgle can be plaguetouched again. I’m not certain that is likely, however, as the warscroll battalions in the nighthaunt book can be presumed to be Nighthaunt battalions. Don’t really see much of a disconnect there. You just can’t have allegiance legions of nagash
  5. That’s why the tallyband isn’t taken then. Too much redundancy and or too expensive if you go the drone route
  6. I don’t think I’d take more than 1 unit of 30 plaguebearers. Maaaaybe 2 but when you can summon a unit into the game, why would I want more?
  7. Interesting to know that about GA: chaos (I’m new to sigmar and thought nurgle allegiance looked pretty strong with Maggotkin) Just be careful with what you imply there. I know it’s different strokes for different folks, but it can sound kind of “you’re having fun wrong”
  8. One unit is always within 12” of itself, so at minimum you can always do mortals to at least one unit, regardless of how you roll
  9. Hence the plaguetouched warband. I think, even though you lose nurgle powers, you still have to take it if you want to be hyper competitive to be a 1 drop and get your defenses up before you get alpha struck
  10. Plaguebearers are a lot more inherently durable when they’re in large squads
  11. Thanks. This plethora of places to find rules is a little silly right now
  12. Which core book? The core rules? Am I blind? Or do you mean the old GA chaos book?
  13. Does the plague priest have the mortal keyword? This is a requirement of the battalion Marauders are very important in my list in particular because I can still make them stupidly durable. I can simply no longer use them offensively. I also really really miss making Archaon eat things on a 5 or a 6 with the nurgle wheel.
  14. Giving up the spells is really what kills me. Blades of putrefaction is so important on the all-popular marauder bomb. Giving them an additional +1 to hit sounds dandy until you remember that it doesn't matter if they hit on 6+ if they don't have blades on them. Definitely something I'm going to try going back and forth with, as being a 1 drop (and -1 to hit in combat) is still pretty bonkers, and the realm-specific artifacts do give back some of the power lost from the carrion dirge/witherstave. Tbh I'm just hoping that GW totally reinstate the ability to have your allegiance be any keyword common to all units in a battalion. Oh and also the command traits are from the 2017 GHB for GA Chaos right? I don't see them re-printed in a newer publication.
  15. Basically the same list I’m running except my battleline are only 5 chaos warriors and trading out the blightkings for 20 marauders. Dropping the palisade lets me take a mounted chaos sorcerer lord, which makes Archaon way more consistent and gives you another cast for some of the amazing nurgle spells
  16. Source for this? (For the new everchosen battletome being on the way, I mean)
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