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Everything posted by ThalmorRepresentative

  1. Progress coming along with Volturnos! Washes still drying on the spites. No highlights yet. 18 Spites with their wood based, 4 at stage 2 (washes), Drycha still undergoing basing. Progress on the Spites continue! Awakened Wyldwood (or a piece of one) Stage 2 - 3 Stage 2 on the Spites!
  2. WIPs I'm working on: I don't think the color of the wood is really fitting the Spites and the bad-vibes they have. Might try purple on the wood🙂.
  3. Finally got an opportunity to prime a bunch of stuff. More Sylvaneth, Volturnos, some Drukhari, and a random Saint Celestine :).
  4. A question: are we supposed to save our finished models for the month till the end of the contract? Or do we just continue to post as we progress through our pledges?
  5. Guess I'll start this off with a work-in-progress :). I might have to change my pledge to focusing on my Akhelian Guard. They're becoming less frustrating as I'm hewing out a standard procedure on how to paint them :). Trying to figure out whether I should use a pattern or just highlight the skin and forego the pattern.
  6. I think that is gorgeous, Sonnenspeer! I've basically done the same thing about the howdah that sits on the Leviadon. It's been a couple months in my case though, before I finally started to work on it lol.
  7. I shall pledge to finish this month (but do not promise 😋 - Finish the last 3 Namarti I need to complete a squad of 10. - Finish the remaining 2 Akhelians for my first squad of Morrsar Guard. - 10x Spite-Revenants - Drycha Hamedreth I'm going to try to improve my paint hours by shortening the length of my few painting sessions, and increasing the consistency of which I paint over each week. Hoping to get a good bulk of Sylvaneth primed tomorrow.
  8. I've actually watched a stripping comparison video by Goobertown Hobbies, and I think I know just the stuff to use to strip these models with minimal damage :). We'll see. The Reavers prepare for the hunt! Soon... they'll be ready.
  9. Hi Vasshpit, I've actually been considering what you suggested over the last couple of days, as others have suggested this as well. I believe I will try and save them😀, but I've never had much luck trying to strip anything. But I guess that depends on what's being used for the stripping process, and this time I'm more informed. Hope to do this soon!
  10. So, I have a bit of sad news... apparently, some of my older models that I varnished a couple of months ago by brush had a bad reaction to the cold weather here... and they have frosted by a noticeable amount. It really sucks because I've had these models for about a year now. The models affected: 2x Allopexes My Squad of 5 Ishlaen Guards, which were some of the first models I painted. Fortunately, nothing else has been affected by this. Still really bumbed out by it. I think they stand up enough that I can still put them on the table. But I will ultimately replace them when I can. After selling my Daughters of Khaine, and now this, my collection of painted models has grown and shrunk simultaneously this year. I cannot wait to get more stuff painted and based this year. And since it's winter, got nothing to do but paint more stuff :).
  11. Went back to my Treelord Ancient and made some more progress. Still WIP.
  12. Went back to one of my Kurnoth Hunters to see how I could improve it. Here's the result: Akhelian 95% finished, needs some clean up work. Three more Reavers completed.
  13. Sorry for the delayed update, and that there's not much to it at the moment. I was going to paint last weekend, but then I got sick as a dog and couldn't really be bothered to do anything but sleep lol. I did build a Wild Drycha. I've made some progress on my Soulrender, which is definitely still WIP. I'm trying to figure out how I want to base the blue armor. I could use the regular silver highlights, or I could try something different like a neon green to kind of give it a more undersea feel. I also managed to get another Reaver past the basing stage, for seven in total, but the pics I took only include the six completely based so far. I hope to start painting again this weekend.
  14. It has begun... Working on finishing one Namarti Reaver unit, then I'll switch to the Akhelians. Different stages for these three.
  15. Didn't get as much as I wanted done last month either lol. Here's my to-do-list this month: One Squad of 10 Namarti Reavers 1 Unit of 3 Akhelian Guard 1 Tidecaster 1 Soulrender 1 Soulscryer
  16. Hi Josh, Sorry for the late response! Thanks about the magnets, they were a bit pricey, but man they're worth it! Will eventually transition most of my eels to this. I bought the magnet + bases + supplies from Magnet Baron, if anyone is interested. I know they do customer orders on top of the stuff they already sell. Got the rest of my army primed. I should wait on the rest of my paints to come in... but I might paint something this weekend with what I have lol.
  17. Not certain if I'll get the paints I ordered in time to paint these this month, but, I thought I'd share! Sorry, working at my desk rather than the painting table lol.
  18. Still some work to be done, but here is my renewed progress on the eidolon.
  19. So, still WIP... this wasn't originally on my list, but I've gone back to my Eidolon tonight and here is culmination of my progress!
  20. Hi guys, first time joining in on the thread. This month, I will attempt to paint: 20x Namarti Reavers 1x Soulrender And maybe 2x Akhelian Ishlean Guard We shall see!
  21. @Trevelyan A second wraith would probably be a better option, wouldn't it, for redundancy? I do like your idea for giving the Treelord the Vesperal Gem, the Branchwraith the chalice, and giving Drycha the regrowth. Then the second branchwraith something that is a little more unreliable, but like you said, increasing volume, like Treesong, Dwellers, or VH. I'm feeling it😁. Will definitely try the Quicksilver Swords, since both of you recommend it. Question: I'm actually relatively new to AoS... how many Wyldwoods are ideal for any game? My initial thought is perhaps three?
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