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Everything posted by shinros

  1. Yup, if I recall tomb kings already have a similar spell for their units that would solve so many problems with Death right now.
  2. I think that image is from the first age of sigmar campaign book.
  3. I can't wait to see a glorious model of him when we get there.
  4. Funny enough in the godless short story the slaaneshi warband in ulgu were in a place where they could possibly contact slaanesh shadow and suddenly they were attacked by seraphon
  5. So I guess if this rumor follow's through mortahi elves might be akin to the tzaangor's for disciples of tzeentch a slaves to darkness slaanesh army with the elves speed sounds fun.
  6. I hope this is true slaanesh is my favourite chaos god and one of the armies I am currently doing until GW feels like actually doing Death.
  7. That was one of my favourite tomes problem is the group I was in kept going for the sex angle and assumed my character was the same.
  8. Tzeentch did orchestrate it he did it in order to break the aelf gods from the pantheon. I recommend for people to read the slaanesh short story godless.
  9. Nope going by the fluff is ulgu. All the followers are congregating there and the short story takes place in ulgu. Also if you want to hide something ulgu is the best place. Since Malerion has powers that can even block the sight of tzeentch. It's how sigmar made the stormcast without tzeentch knowing about it even tzeentch does not know where slaanesh is kept. Going by the short story of course hence why I believe the grand spell he is weaving is to reveal the location.
  10. Yup I was just thinking that might be the case if the rumour is true.
  11. This is what I expect to happen shadowkin are most likely are going to be the faction fighting them. While the slaanshi elves will be together with the humans as ,Morathi as their rallying leader. If the rumour is true.
  12. Still as with all rumors you take it with a grain of salt I am going to entertain it as possibly true. Now when AOS came out we all remember this image right? I mean white dwarf hinted where did the dark prince go? Then gave us this image. Now that symbol to me looks like a headdress of sorts and they note that slaanesh throne is empty and slaanesh is being held in Ulgu. There is also another certain character who is also in Ulgu with Malerion and it's noted when he found her she was "changed". Now do recall the rumor said some elves will be joining slaanesh and who was the head of the cult of pleasure in whfb? During the end times slaanesh spirited her away for unknown purposes before Malerion found her again. Now that symbol looks kinda similar to her headdress. Also in the slaanesh short story the slaaneshi warband entertain the idea that possibly slaanesh allowed itself to be captured. Now possibly Morathi may become slaanesh or join with slaanesh or most likely will be an important figure in the storyline. Speaking as a slaanesh fan, slaanesh has too much baggage with the fanbase most people who are aware of fluff know that slaanesh is not really about sex. Yet people always think of that when it comes to slaanesh Personally I see this as GW's opportunity to redefine slaanesh and take some of the dark eldar's angle on excess and it's honestly easier to market. I could be wrong but that's just my theory.
  13. I personally think darkling covens is going to get a similar tome to the like of bonesplitterz in my opinion.
  14. Guys relax think about it they get a update now with a new updated version of the current tomes like sylvaneth, tzeentch etc. After this they most likely won't get another update this year or the next. To me this seems like GW just wants to get them out of the way and hopefully this may cause more variance in storm cast armies which I feel is a plus. Hell I am mainly a death player, so honestly people chill.
  15. Honestly humans have taken to riding giant birds and having half dog and bird creatures as pets.
  16. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/01/27/stomcast-gryph-cavalry-inbound/
  17. Pretty much as I said this is the last we will see of them for awhile. I mean from a narrative stand point it seems strange to me they are going on and on about cults and this phase of the fluff is focusing on cities then they drop this kind of release on us. This just seems like a "gap" filler than anything narrative focused.
  18. Indeed after this I suspect stormcast won't get another update in awhile since they are getting a new tome with everything in there, command traits, prayers etc. Also according to the facebook page it seems going by GW's comments they understand that people want to see other armies I just see this as them getting the stormcast out of the way now. Since a lot of people are tired of order and chaos. Also they said this at the end of the page. Still as a Death player still waiting for those plastic vampires and new zombies. Still the gryph hounds might make me expand my devoted of sigmar force into free guild so I can use them. PS: We have another reveal from next month’s releases tomorrow. Check back then to find out what…
  19. Well at least stormcast players are getting a new tome with the new stuff in there.
  20. Well looks like I was wrong in a sense *sigh*
  21. I just want to add one thing after reading the disciples of tzeentch tome I think tzeentch is trying to find/free slaanesh. Possibly, going by this eldar release slaanesh should be "soon". Also rumors pointed to a new N'kari.
  22. I am of a similar mind to daedalus on the matter.
  23. Soon as I saw the cat I knew it was not going to be them.
  24. Gaaaaah, don't remind me of the years before my godhood.
  25. Perhaps I am going senile I mean I am recovering from sigmar stealing souls and disrupting the death cycle and Archaon stabbing me in the past. D:
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