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Everything posted by IrishCarBomb

  1. True, why would they cease making them if the molds are already made? Though they did remove many of the Tamurkhan models that were once available. As long as they keep them in the fold and update their rules every few years I'll be happy.
  2. Wow! 4 in total would look amazing on the table. I feel some poor soul is going to be walking into a meat grinder and not even know it! I just started collecting LoA and I decided to go all in! For as limited as the model choices are in the entire army (at least compared to other GW armies) it seems to be able to play many ways. I love that! I actually sold off my DoK army because though cool and competitive, they really can only be played one (maybe 2 ways) and many of the builds dare quite similar. Not to mention, the idea that many players have never even seen a LoA army on the table was very alluring. I wanted to purchase enough models to have several different builds, I think I purchased about 3000 points worth in total which should give me some great options. I really hope FW has no plans to retire the army, it seems more people have been mentioning it in the AOS world lately. I would love for them to add a couple new units! I truly think it is the most unique army in all of Warhammer and I have seen many others with the same opinion - I even like that is somewhat of an underutilized and neglected army since the turnover of units is much less, but obviously a few drawbacks come with it. I just wish I could get a little more fluff on the Chaos Dwarves, and LoA specifically without dropping $250 for the Tamurkhan Throne of Chaos Book.
  3. 3 Skull crackers, wow?! Do they perform well on the table. I went with a daemon engine and two magma cannons. I also got the Blackshard Warhost and the Execution Herd. I know the centaurs aren’t the most competitive but I just want to plunk 12 of those ****** on the table and watch my opponents reaction, especially if they have never played against them
  4. Forgeworld is back up and open for business. Just purchased my full Legion of Azgorh Army and cant await its arrival!
  5. Beasts of Chaos aren't currently a valid ally for LoA. You can use a few of the Tzeentch Tzaangor units if you want to keep a "bullish" or "horned" theme going but I don't think they are necessarily cohesive with the rest of the army. The Mindstealer Sphinx is an interesting model, though not a hero. Its ability could help support your lines allowing an enemy unit of your choosing to attack last.
  6. I can't give you advice since I have never played LoA and am fairly new to AOS. But I did want to say that I will be joining you as a LoA general once the lockdown is over as well. I am excited as I think this army can be one of the most unique and varied for a somewhat limited unit range, at least compared to some of the other armies. They can play a wide range of methods from defnesive and stalwart or defensive and shooty to downright aggressive and bullish (pun intended). ANyway I am excited to be purchasing them and they did tell me they have no plans to discontinue the army at this time (if that helps to ease any concerns). It seems they may be getting some momentum in the right direction and I hope Forgeworld continues to support them. Either way, GW should keep them in the AOS updates going forward as they are a very interesting and relatively unknown variable when they show up in the tourney scene.
  7. Does anyone have an unassembled or unpainted Deathshrieker rocket model they would be willing to sell?
  8. Yeah, I am concerned about that. I did send a notice to Forgeworld two nights ago and they got back to me today. I expressed my hesitation to invest in an army (especially an expensive one) with so many rumors of phasing the army out. I also questioned them as to where the Deathshrieker Rocket was and why it hadn't been restocked. Here was their exact response - Many thanks for your email Regarding the rumours concerning the Legions of Azgorh, I believe this to be false but I can understand where this concern may have developed into what it is. We have had several emails recently regarding the Deathshrieker rocket launcher being removed from our range. This is a fact, sadly The Deathshrieker has been removed from our range but only due to production issues. Please understand that the Deathshrieker being removed from our range was a necessary call for production issues not because we have plans to retire the range. Currently we have no visible plans to remove any other items from the range. I stay at your disposal. Kind Regards Francois
  9. So I am fairly new to AoS and wanting to get into LoA. I read a lot of info. on this forum and my only real concern is if this army will be available for the future. That being said, I see that many of you believe it will be viable, but my question is why would Forgeworld not fix the issue with the Deathshrieker model and get them back up for sale if they planned to continue with the army? I would find it hard to believe there was a mold issue with this too, as with the skullcracker which I understand can be very costly to recreate.
  10. Really nice look. what paints/method did you use for her skin?
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