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Everything posted by mmimzie

  1. It's not strictly hordes. It's big units you need to kill in one swing and enough model to survive the counter swing. You could be right and your local meta might not have this issue, and if this is the case than keep going, but: Let's say you are fighting your average 4+ save unit. You'll do on average about 12 wounds assuming you attack first and all 6 get to fight. That means any big monster is still alive, like gordrak, a terror theist, morathi, etc. While most units like a 10man evocator unit, a 20man witch unit, or some crypt flayed, blight kings also lived through your assault. So I feel as though that at 6 enlightend on disc you really don't have a very effective unit. Again I'm not saying you g don't try it as in your meta that unit might have a niche. Though I think from my experience other unite for the same price or less can do all the same jobs that specifically a 6 man enlightend on disc unit can. Such as 10 normal tzaangors + 3 screams the 10 normal tzaangors will pack the punch you want, while the screams will give you a small fast objective grabbing unit.
  2. I think 6 is what you can afford, but I dont feel 6 is really awesome. Most other similar units would want to be at 30, and 6 wont survive a charge from them, and 6 wont really kill the 30 in one shot reliably. But again you can't really afford more.
  3. Only thing I dont love are the enlightend. they are good, but 6 might not be effective enough in many cases. Otherwise it's pretty solid.
  4. Yeah it counts as one model as per silver tower faq That also means you can measure two and from the familiars as well. Yeah I mean that seems like it could be killy, but also seems like alot of support to turn 3 attacks into 12. I don't dot t they could be strong, but witch aelves and blight kings and so on have been strong for about 6months now, and they dont bother me none. I think your line "annoying but not something you cant deal with" sums up how anyone should feel about any decent looking release.
  5. Not sure why the LoC can kill the infernal raptures with a single spell assuming she has ~6 wounds. Heck you can portal kill her turn 1 with a spell portal and make her useless. Infernal gate way with our command ability only needs 1 3+... that's an easy reroll.. We also dont have points cost on these models. Fiends could be heavily over costed. Either way the founds only get 1 barbed stinger attack each... wow one attack thats good.... neat. Idk this seems like a dramatic take.
  6. good eye on that one !!! i bow before you keen eye!! I looked at it as another way to kill pinks, but the damage..... hmmm it's a weird model. It's nice because you don't have to cast, but it feel like it doesn't do quiet enough.
  7. Yeah no extra wounds from familiars. They are only there for +1 to cast and what ever else the other do. Magical supremacy was FAQ'd to give +12" to your unbind range. Meaning those super long range casters like the ones I mentioned are very likely to be in unbind range. where as all the casters I listed are more than safe if they are more than 30" after and can cast with impunity. It's all about making my turn 1 go as well as possible in my mind.
  8. That is really cool nice find. Really can change how the model plays. Letting him be very aggressive and hold stuff up. Though dont know if I'd use the incorporial form as i think my army is only afraid of heavy shooting and magic that can snipe characters. So I take the feather charm and magical supremacy. Magical supremacy is vital against stormcast with comet, nurgle with nasty rain, arkcan the black extending his range, morathi, and lord kroak & slann from seraphon. All of which can kill or make it very possible to kill your gaunt summoner on a single turn. The fate master guy would be pretty cool. Only thing I dont love is he is small so it's easy not to have alot of your models attacking him. I did a thing with deepkin where I had ishlaen guard with shield of thorns which was a 3+ rerollable doing mortals on 6s, and the key was getting as many enemy models forced to attack as possible. Both seem like the makings of a very interesting list with a kind of different battle plant.
  9. Honestly what the LoC is armed with doesnt really matter in my book. It's pretty small potatoes. I personally like the sword only because it forces anything in combat with the LoC to fight first or threats killing a few models that could be the difference to killing the LoC or not. Also I think the sword looks really cool. Other than that the rod is a good option as it let's your LoC add to your growing shooting force, but the fact that your opponent doesnt have to trade anything to fight your LoC feels bad. Claws are to middling in my book. More reliably, but not by much. Lower than the sword for damage output against many targets. Transformation is pretty meh, but not worthless if you summon a herald. You may give him transformations as after the herald burns his 3d6 roll you really dont care tooo much for attempting to cast his spell??? That said transformation is just kind of too low impact for the units we have available.aybe archaeon or a chaos lord maybe on manticore??
  10. I think the eyes of nine war band is meh. Some of the other war and have good places like steelhesrt and zarbag. That aside if you want to run a tzneetch army that has blocks of 40 acolytes. I might consider taking the eyes of nine. That 1 extra CP a turn from his spell will find alot of value very quickly in that army.
  11. I still kind of lean toward bolt of change because the damage from it is more reliable. Whiel firestorm can be more but is very spikey. So basicly, you summon your 20 blues onto one border objective. You put one unit of blues up as far as they can go, and then the 2nd unit of blues ~5" behind that first unit. So only one of the untis of blues can be killed. Now he either double turns and doesn't. IF he double turns he might secure both border objectives, but that's alright because on your turn you acolytes and pinks can get you back on your border objective. The gaunt summoner snipes down the the 25man clan rat unit, and i'd say the LoC should be taking care of the ratlings or the hell pit abomination. Honestly the ratlings even with the -1 to hit 4 ratlings can put down a gaunt summoner in a single turn. Turn 3 or 4 you go for that extra objective to even up or win. Maybe you can't summon right on the objective, but i find that usualy i can because my spell damage is general enough to purge and area of models. Failing that if all your opponent has protecting an area is rattlings and a grey seer or 10 ratlings that your spells only bring down to 1 or 2 models. You can pre summon your blues within range and then walk then onto the objective your next turn.
  12. So for this one it's important to know your list and what is going to happen with. At 1k pts, a single unit of pinks, and just quick silver swords you can only throw up one far afield wall. Also you have no fast forces to quickly move up ahead of your quick lord of change so your lrod of chagne shouldn't move faster than his minions. Your LoC and Gaunt summoners in this force are basicly immortal once you get rid of the ratlings. They are also the thing in your army killing everything next to your pink horrors. One thing too to consider. Firestorm actualy is pretty alright on the LoC as the +1 to cast doesn't actualy effect you chances of casting bolt on the LoC however the +1 does make it so you cast firestorm just as easily as you cast bolt of change. Just sort of had a hard think on that the other day. Okay so the game. First looking at the pts the middle and your opponents seem the most important to you, but let me put this needle in your brain. If you look at the net pts in the game or that is to say looking at the pts you could have gain + the pts your opponent could gain. Both home objectives are actualy a 5 pt swing, while the two middle ones are just a 4pt swing. Meaning the home objective, and the one you are start in the best position to secure are actualy worth the most in the over all scheme of the game. Game play wise so long at the ratlings die your LoC and Gaunt summoner are actualy invulnerable to damage. Which is another reason you might want to consider swaping the cogs for the spell portal, and maybe taking the feather charm or ethereal amulet for LoC durability. Other than your hero durability the next take away should be that you don't need to play every turn like you need to score more than your opponent. You merely need to play the whole game with the thought of scoring more than your opponent. Which means you should take time to secure your home objectives and one of the border objectives. If your opponent take the other two that's okay. Numberwise if you play well you should out number your opponent, and mobility wise the moment you get the chance you can move your LoC 6-10" and then summoning blue horros 12" away from that to quickly score either your opponents home objectives or the other border. So in saying that i would have summoned the blues onto one of the border objectives. using a 4+ destiny die to run a acolyte unit up the field to insure the numbers are in your favor. There, and abandon the other border objective. This would insure you survive any possible double turn. As AoS forces you to be alittle conservative as the double turn threat punishes greedy play pretty hard. Aim to kill that rattling squad and the 25 man unit. The helpit might suck abit, but your screens should hold enough against that so that you only have to deal with the abom maybe turn 3 or 4. When ever you get the chance summon some blues onto the opposite border objectives after using your LoC or gaunt summoner's spells in the hero phase to kill the forces there. You only need to hold 1 other objective once to win the game, so take your time and secure your two zones. Don't spread thin and spend all your resources making sure that you stay even until you are in control and have a turn where you can strike out and score 1 more objective.
  13. Yeah you are right. Guess my mind made the tzaangor warscroll the same. I suppose if that is the case I'd make them all shield models, as the melee damage they do is next to useless.
  14. Yeah basicly, that and it forces you to kill sword and shield models first. Also when you consider it for the most part you dont need to be too crazy about modeling your models to get the equipment you want. The box comes with 3 glavine models per unit and a paired weapon guy. You can also say that the guys with the bird and the scroll have paired weapons. Meaning only 4 have shields. Lastly they dont so enough melee damage to really matter.
  15. You are not required to remove the guy with the shield. You can kill any model you like.
  16. Also spent some time tonight adding some more color to my lord of change. I think I like him staying mostly washed out so the bright wings really stand out on the table, but he was too dark.
  17. yeah the ogroid is just brims now. it's still pretty good it's basicly shift the control of an area potentialy by 2xd6 because you can kill d6 guys and get d6 brims that can retreat and hold the objective. Also shooting wise the damage out put from shooting for both brims and blue horrors is about the same. Blue would be better obviously becuase they give you brims eventualy. Not sure if the summoned wizard should or shouldn't get a spell, but as i read it. It owuld seem you could get your spell as it jsut says wizards in your army can take the spell. It doesn't specificy wizards that started the game in your army. Though there could be something in the generals hand book the counters this. EDIT: looks like a yes from the FAQ: Q: If I add units to my army after a battle has started, and my army has an allegiance ability that adds a keyword to the units in the army, is that keyword received by eligible units I add to my army after the battle has begun? For example, if I have a Stormcast Eternals army and use the Stormhosts rule to give all Stormcast Eternals units in the army the Hammers of Sigmar keyword, would any new Stormcast Eternals units that I add to my army get the keyword? By the same token, if an allegiance ability has a spell lore that grants a spell to Wizards in an army, do Wizards that I add to the army that have the appropriate allegiance gain a spell? A: Yes to all questions.
  18. @Kharneth hit the nail on the head for this one. They don't do alot, they are appart of a shooting spam that can occur if you get tons of blues and pinks on the table, but really they are a cheap and mildly durable way to get wounds on the table. I think brims are maybe too throw away and they die to literally anything. The acolytes are abit better in that reguard.
  19. The first turn I secure as much of the map as I can. For that it depends on the mission. If it is a hero mission than I will save my casting pts to summon a herald turn 2, otherwise I aim for 40 blue horrors turn 1. Turn 2 I try to kill enough pinks to grab another 30 blues and summon most or all of the brims I got fro. the blue horrors that died previously. If the blues are dying fast than I tend to spend all my fate pts keep my model count high, otherwise I save fate pts for flamers/exalted flamers in turn 3. Edit: on the topic of none blue horror summoning. One could lean less into fate pts. Since most blue horror summoning is coming from pink horror milling, and very little from casting. You could drop the mark of conjuration on the LoC. Which would make the cogs less worth while. From there one could drop the vortex and spell portal both of which already having questionable usefulness. This would clear up 160pts and an artifact. The LoC could take the feather charm to move abit faster, and be abit safer. While you also bring 2x10 karmic acolytes to make your initial screen that much harder to penetrate.
  20. I like the spell portal because it does an average of 6 mortal wounds this is enough to drop most onfoot heroes with a single spell. Giving you some powerful turn 1 muscle flex, combine that with some turn 1 summoned blue horrors and you become a very realistic threat for droping a lot high profile heroes. That said i do agree droping the portal wouldn't be a bad idea. I also feel kind of similar about the balewind as it'****** or miss in various match ups.
  21. LoC cast bolt of change, he's the best wizard, i'm gonna give him what i see is the best spell. Tzeentch's firestorm: 9 dice fishing for 6s that do d3 mortal wounds: 9/6 is 1.5 times the average of a d3 which is 2, means you do 3 average mortal wounds. Less than the average of bolt of change while being harder to cast. Making Bolt of change the best spell. Spikes very high and also very low, can very realisticly do 0 damage, but could (all though less likely than 0 damage) do 6 mortal wounds. 7+: 1.75 8+: 1.25 9+: .83 Unchecked mutation: dpes d3 mortal wounds of a 7 which is average 2. ~.5 more mortal wounds on average from the unchecked mutation bit. But just keeping it at 2 mortal wounds. Alittle easier than Bolt of change, but not by much. Damage when factoring in the casting value (or needed roll) 5+: 1.666 6+:1.444 7+: 1.16 So comparing the two spell we can see they are really close when cast by a pink horror squad with full buffs. That said for me i like that uncheck put out damage almost every turn, but i can see the argument for the potential burst of firestorm. I think it's definitly a choice to me made, but i'm just a bigger fan of reliability over spike damage. It's not an infinite combo, and i don't think i've sold it as such. Sure you can't keep milling your pinks past turn 3 or so, but the value of summoning drops of dramaticly late into the game. As you opponent is likely well nested on objectives by then, and so it's more about smash in and claim objectives and less about summoning to take hold of objectives. So pink milling is turns 1-3, and enlighend/Loc/ Gaunt summoner/ogroid work to score you pts later by clearing hole in your opponents armies. Ogroid being key in that the brim stones he summons can retreat from the unit they are in combat with and still stay in objective range. Unlike normal summong that must be more then 9" away.
  22. Yay you mean i killed more pinks and get more fate points. AWESOME!!! Or if you mean for the enlightend on disc, i mean??? them the breaks of having a powerful spell. Generally the enlightend have paid for themselves or have done thier job before i attempt using fold reality on them. Edit: so like the opinion on pinks isn't on farming value from them, atleast no entirely. It is certainly quite nice when you get more pts of blue than you deserve from them, but it is more about getting the blue up the table and in the way turn 1. Getting the blues on or around objectives. This scores me lots of pts and force my opponent to have to kill them thus getting me the real value of getting brimstones turn 2 and thus hopefully get them into place to score more even more pts. It's our best and quickest way to score objectives and get ahead quickly in the game, and is one of our primary strengths.
  23. 2 of the pink horror units get fold reality. As they get a near always on +1 to cast just by smelling a hero. Then another +1 from the LoC command ability, and you ahve some pretty hand casters. Casters who can reliably help cast your net work of endless spells. I give two of the units fold reality becasue i like to make sure i have the spell later into the game. I do casualy pay mind to the burning head buff, but i don't break my net over it either. Yeah it's a pretty reliable 30 blue horrors, general i force the pendulum with the LoC and a Destiny die turn 1, and then attempt the burning head with one of the fold reality pink horor units. Then the other fold reality unit cast fold reality on the none fold reality unit. the none fold reality unit usualy hast unchecked mutation, and that unit tries to use the fold reality models to sneak forward into turn 1 casting range. i don't take another heros as i just use 120 of the pts to upgrade what would be a kairic alcolyte units into a wizard with +1 to cast, and use theo ther 60 to pay for another endless spell.
  24. yeah sure: LoC, General, Mark of confuration, Magical Supremacy Gaunt summoner Ogroid thaumaturge 10xPink Horrors 10x Pink horrors 10x Pink horrors 9x enlightend on disc (edit) Umbral spell Portal Balewind Cogs Burning Head Pendulum Is the current iteration. Wall yourself off with pinks and enlightend and slaughter droves of pinks on your first turn to get lots of summoning pts early on. Changes i've waffled on is droping the balewind and umbral spell portal for 10 acolytes to make my screen bigger, but honestly i use the enlightend as much as an anvil as i do as a hammer so i don't feel i need more of a screen.
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