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Morglum StormBasha

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Everything posted by Morglum StormBasha

  1. Really not sure what new models they’d give Nurgle if they were to do a mini release other than Pestigor. But I don’t think we’ve really had any hints of that
  2. I suspect the reason for some of the resculpting being done in priority to brand new factions is probably also Old World competition. eg skaven not in Old World as being redone next year etc - studio showing that they are doing stuff with the range rather than leaving them orphaned
  3. I do think we will see Chaos Dwarfs at some point just not in 3rd from what we’ve heard rumored from white fang my understanding is the next year is Flesh Eater Courts in January ish with a cities size release dawnbringers 3 probably chaos themed with Valkia dawnbringers 4 no idea but maybe the fyreslayers second wave Aos 4 stormcast warrior chamber resculpts vs skaven resculpts and beyond that not sure we know much. I do think it’s worth noting that we are now 8 years into Aos and multiple kits newer than aos are now being redone eg heresy mark iii. So I do think we will see almost all the 2015 stormcast redone. I also think we are at the point where having seen the sylvaneth and the ironjawz second waves it does make sense that we see Fyreslayers in 3rd as they are the only one of the year 1 Demi factions not to have been expanded. I do think Gorgers probably are the vanguard of Ogor redo in 4th. which would then leave Beasts as the only not really aos line.
  4. I think chaos dwarfs during 3rd is just hopium at this point. assuming FEC is released in Jan/Feb and new edition is July I think it’s more likely that we’d get a Dawnbringers book V with either the rumours Fyreslayers wave or a second cities/lumiineth wave. incidentally the cities book changed the map of Aqshy and turns the Forge Anathema from a chaos dwarf forge to a fyreslayers lodge
  5. For me the Gorger warband stole the show. Really amazing and unexpected upgrade. I don’t think there is an example of a warcry warband that hasn’t heralded a army redesign coming so it seems fairly likely that we will see an Ogor refresh in 2025
  6. So tonight with popcorn I will be watching and expecting the below. No idea on underworlds tho. Predictions 40K Jump assault captain Jump assault interecesssors Terminator chaplain Multipart sternguard Aos New ardboyz Zoggrok anvilsmasher Weirdbrutes New gitz trogg Warcry Maneaters Kurnothi Underworlds ? Old worlds Bret and tk amry boxes Tk zombie dragon Heresy Mark 3 revamp Deredeo dreadnought Bloodbowl Vampire team
  7. Was there any necromunda or middle earth out before October ?
  8. It feels way more likely that the vanguard will be kits form 24 months ago and that the new ironjawz kits will be sold only at full price initially
  9. We must be getting a Kruleboyz Vanguard box or something then. I don’t think they’d discontinue the killaboss on gnashtoof otherwise
  10. I really really really don’t want them to reset aos. aos 3.5 would be nice for 4th rather than any sort of reset. There is no need to invalidate all the warscrolls - I can’t see what benefit we would gain as we already have a near perfect format. sure they can rewrite battalions, add more about scenery etc but I don’t think the game needs a reset
  11. So I guess assumed release schedule is something like this ? August 18 kill team week August 25 cities of Sigmar launch box Sept 1 Tyranids codex Sept 8 ?? Sept 15 ?? Sept 22 IRONJAWZ /dawnbringer 2 Sept 29 October kill team striking scorpions vs primaris scouts ??? spacemarines?? legion imperialis ?? November cities of Sigmar December army boxes January flesh eater courts
  12. Thank you for sharing that so it’s 3 characters boxes and 2 infantry units. tuskboss and weirdbrutes might be dual build so maybe it’s 7 new warscrolls - very fun. also now that we’ve seen the Bretonnia lord on Pegasus in plastic I think that confirms the new plastic wyvern from the same old world rumour
  13. I’m so excited for 5 new Ironjawx SKUs. And presumably at least 4-9 new warscrolls. Ironjawz were my first ever fully painted warhammer army and were my way into this hobby as a game and painting as opposed to just reading back in 2016
  14. As far as we are aware the problem with epic is a recall issue on the rule book. notably the gw website has now removed the note which says that deliveries will be delayed so I assume there won’t be a problem with them pushing out the cities box set. none of the units will be legal in it till November tho given the back page validity note
  15. I would love Liberators in thunderstrike in the 4th ed starter
  16. Ok so if Skaven are the 4th ed evil starter faction then I assume we would see a pretty comprehensive redo with all of these kits getting updated: 1. Rat ogors 2. Giant rats 3. Plague censer bearers 4. Skryre acolytes 5. Jezzails 6. Arch warlock engineer 7. Gutter runners 8. Night runners
  17. If anyone wants to count actual SKUS releases each edition. Feel free! That could take some time tho …
  18. Ok so yeah maybe the addditional heroes cover the remaining spot in the schedule - although in that case I could arguably a 12th wave for second ed in 2021 of “big heroes” to cover off Kragnos and Kroak
  19. So the only old armies to redo in 4th are Ogors Skaven Beasts So at least 1 of those is getting done if not all of them? given third redid Slaves, Seraphon and Cities
  20. Wonder how big the 2024 FEC army will be ? 1. Ushoran the summer king 2. Her Highness of Ruin 3. New ghouls 4. New foot character ? 5. New foot character ? 6. New infantry ? 7. New cavalry ? 8. New monster ?
  21. So do we think it’s just ironjawz wave 2 and FEC left for aos third ? That would make it I think have less product released in the edition than first or second Basically we got 13 model waves in aos1 and 11 in aos2 (plus a smattering of characters) How much is left in aos3? Aos1 2015 1 Stormcast 1 2 Khorne bloodbound 3 Slaves to darkness 1 2016 4 Fyreslayers 5 Ironjawz 6 Stormcast 1.5 7 Sylvaneth 2017 8 Desciples of tzeentch 9 Stormcast vanguard 2 10 Kharadron overlords 2018 11 Maggotkin of nurgle 12 Daughters of khaine 13 Idoneth deepkin Aos2 1 Stormcast 3 2 Nighthaunt 2019 3 Gloomspite gitz 4 Hedonites of slaanesh 5 OBR 6 Slaves 2 warcry 2020 7 lumineth 8 Sons of Behemat 2021 9 Hedonites 2 10 lumineth 2 11 soulblight Aos3 1 Stormcast 5 2 Kruleboyz 2022 3 nighthaunt wave 2 4 Sylvaneth wave 2 5 sons of behemat wave 2 6. Slaves to darkness wave 2 2023 7. Seraphon mega wave 8. Cities of Sigmar mega wave 9. Ironjawz wave 2 2024 10. FEC mega wave 11. ??? 4th Ed
  22. I think it’s been fairly evident that if you want 15 years use of a model you should only ever buy the new models. If you buy 8th ed dark elf or dwarf models now you have to be at peace with the idea that they may be legended within 2 years.
  23. Personally I think this is bonkers and wish they’d kept the wanderers kits over the dark elf ones.. but I do understand Har Kuron is a thing
  24. Cities having 54 warscrolls is a bit of a shock to me and makes me think way more is saying than we’d thought. 1. New lady on manticore 2. Generic lord in manticore 3. Freeguild Marshall 4. Steelhelms 5. Alchemite warforger 6. Freeguild cavaliers 7. Fusil major on Ogor war hulk 47 others units…. there are 62 units in the current cities range. If we assume that the cities range is say 17 new warscrolls (equal to Idoneth in scale) then we are keeping 37 of the existing warscrolls to get to the right number and therefore losing only 25. if you lose every model that was part of the Empire army book in 8th then you lose 18 warscrolls. so what are the other 7? Wanderers I think only have 6 warscrolls. So maybe we’re only getting 16 new kits. so my assumption is all 8th ed wood elves and Empire models go all 8th ed Dwarf and Dark Elf and High Elf kits stay
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