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Everything posted by Sangfroid

  1. Inferno blades on 10 brutes is basically new underpants time
  2. Great work @Rock Lobster the pics look fantastic too #BRUTES
  3. Best thing to do is email the FAQs team and get an official answer however I have always played it as a retreat from combat because the ironfist says “makes its move in the same manner as the movement phase except it cannot run” if you move out of 3” in the movement phase this is a retreat. Doesn’t mean I’m right at all so a clarification from GW would be excellent but that’s how I have always played it at least
  4. Only deploy 1 realm gate for Bloodtoofs but if another is on the board but players can use the new rules for them you can now stack Waaagh and Mighty Waaagh so command points can be used to use these more than once. I’ve yet to do a MEGA-Waaagh of more than 3 but with a 6 rolled that was 4 extra attacks and my footboss with destroyer soloed a black coach and my Mawkrusha killed 20 grimghast reapers! Who needs fancy maces or celestial lightning to deal with the supernatural, just waaagh energy brah!
  5. Also don’t forget that the weirdnob when he casts the cogs or balewind only gets one more cast that turn but 2 next turn., because he uses one to cast the endless spell. Otherwise I agree with @broche you need the brutes to be in 2x5 or failing that drop cogs and second shaman for an extra 5 man but to maximise the weirdfist ?
  6. This was picked up in a recent WhatsApp discussion and the FAQ team have been emailed hopefully will be clarified in the upcoming errata!
  7. @sporadicMike nice list I really like the idea of the Doppleganger cloak will be really keen to see how you get on with it!
  8. Great pack @Chris Tomlin glad to see your leading the way again with how the game should be played. The add on rules are fun and for armies without fancy new books extra spells and command abilities are a welcome addition! I did notice a mistake in the pack though I think you meant to write “impenetrable gloom” for the Ulgu Realmscape! I didn’t want to point it out because it’s a really ,really, really “cough” nasty pain for Ironjawz armies but thought I’d be remiss not to point it out... ??
  9. @Imperial this is why the faq team has been emailed, in aos1 the only time you could use command abilities was the hero phase so this feels correct however it says count up the units in the combat phase of the turn (doesn’t say your turn or the player turn etc...) it’s specifically says combat phase so going back to the new core rules I think (as do some others) that this therefore means it can be used in any combat phase. Am I right? Am I wrong? Not sure because the wording isn’t clear in the positive like it is with the lord arcanum but it also isn’t clear in the negative either I.e a clear wording would be “use this ability in your hero phase then count up the units in the following combat phase....” the faq team will look at it and hopefully when they do the errata/faq over the next week or so it will be clarified (hopefully so that we can use in any combat phase as this will give IJ more tactical depth and also a boon in power... we need it.)
  10. 1) The core rules say use in the hero phase unless it says which phase to use it 2) mighty waaagh and waaagh say count up the units in the combat phase of the turn (I.e. either turn....) the waaagh wording hasn’t changed from aos1 but the way command abilities now work has so because it says when to count up units (i.e. combat phase) it would appear to make sense that you use it in the combat phase not the hero phase. This is because command abilities are more reactionary now BUT cost a resource (use inspiring in the battleshock phase, lord arcanum on graph charger can use his in hero, combat or shooting phase. Etc...) it is not 100% clear (but does clearly say combat phase) It seems more than likely to point toward using in the combat phase but the Intention may not be so,Simon has emailed the FAQ team to get this cleared up definitively otherwise could be argued a bit either way which is a waste of good time when more dice can be rolled and heads krumped ?
  11. Just as a heads up, I noticed on the warscroll that the Mighty Waaagh and Waaagh command abilities only say “at the start of the combat phase” I.e does not say WHICH combat phase you can use it. Therefore was discussed on the Ironjawz WhatsApp last night @Ben Johnson is the admin if you want to contact him to get in, and one of the guys (Simon not sure if he is on here) sent an email for clarity from the FAQ team. It does seem a strong case which if agreed it’s BOTH combat phases opens up some new tactics for us megabosses and also a nice boon for Ironjawz such as screening with ardboyz allowing are selfs to be charge then having brutes Waaagh enhanced attacking over the top with 2” weapons (and many more I’m sure we can all come up with ?
  12. What page please fella save me searching ?
  13. So to cheer you guys up that it’s not all bad for IJ I had my first aos2 game last night Turn 1 with mighty destroyers moved Mawkrusha up 12” then 9” then charge his general (Durthu) took him off then lost MK, 5 brutes, 6 gorepigs and a footboss to Allarielle, freelord and 2x3 scythe hunters. so going into T3 all I have left it 2x 10 ardboyz, 5 brutes warchanter and weirdnob, he had Freelord, allarielle 3 hunters 2x10 (free) dryads, 2x5 revs and a branchwytch foot of gork does does 18 wounds to allarielle, kills the hunters (12 wounds) kills 5 dryads (they battleshock off later) 5 brutes charge and merc treelord T4 (#brutes) big win for the IJ Gork likes AoS2!
  14. Yeah good point and maybe a final use for the Prophet of the waaagh ? I still want to try and squeeze a MB into my list he does for me feel just about worth his points (120 would have been perfect btw)
  15. Some of the battle plans require either a Hero with artefact or a wizard to score, this is why I think a megaboss is actually a decent choice now plus there are some excellent items/weapons as well depending on how you want to use him plus he gets a look out sir. For example the Gryph-feather charm in Ghur (-1 to hit and +1 to move) is a solid choice keeping him an overall -2 to shooting screen some models around him and he will be tough to shift with out magic or effort i also like the doppelgänger cloak (shadow) charge him right into the middle of a big unit of something nasty also charge the flank with some brutes or whatever, fight with them first then enemy goes but has to pile into nearest model but cannot attack the megaboss so will limit the attacks back on the brutes, then you can go with megaboss meaning he stays free from harm. Golden toof is incredibly strong on our Mawkrusha but if going Bloodtoofs there is a argument that it’s not really that efficient so take da boss skewer on the foot boss for a decent 18” cumulative +3 bravery bubble) and something defensive or nasty on the Mawkrusha (like the banshee blade (Shyish) and it’s combo with Da boss skewer and endless spells that reduce bravery or crucible of molten silver (chamon) for extra mortals maybe). The other thing to consider is while the Mawkrusha can use waaagh multiple times having a footboss means you can spread the waaagh wider if needed as well as have some redundancy if someone ganks off the MK early. A lot of the items are really strong (lens of refraction as mentioned above) but are one dimensional some are more subtle but could be devastating (doppelgänger cloak) other just plan in useful all the time (green glade flask heal d6 wounds once per game) I’m really liking the customisation options available to us now even if it doesn’t make us suddenly Tier 3 to Tier 1 I do feel we may have snuck back into tier 2 comfortably ?
  16. Agree with both @Malakree and @Malakithe though the ardboyz in 2x10 or a 20 maybe handy for weirdfist lists or maybe just a single 10 in other formations for some bodies. I used to love running 3x10 with megabrutes lists so maybe a more classic ironjawz approach can work now too mawkrusha (ironclad, golden toof) megaboss (offensive weapon or movement cloak or the shadow cloak) fungoid cave shaman 10 ardboyz 10 ardboyz 15 brutes 3 pigs 3 pigs ironfist 20 pt endless spell (quite like the swords) =2000
  17. As long as it’s my megaboss don’t this I can’t there is a problem ? dont forget Command points will be a vital resource we have already seen one character that can steal them as well as they will be needed in the battkeshock phase literally 3 command points needed to replicate the effect of inspiring precedence over a double turn so the crazy smash will be more infrequent than peeps worry methinks
  18. I was under the impression you could use it more than once on a single hero (haven’t seen the rules yet of course)
  19. A 6 unit weirdfist with a balewind will mean you have a 50/50 chance of casting spells from 36” away with +3 mortals so that’s normal arcane bolt casting on a 3 with 4 mortals or 8 for D3+3 (edit crucially one of the few that can cast without being dispelled normally) foot of gork would cast on an 8+ (and we get to do now thanks to Balewind! Add in a fungoid to cast a pallisde in front of the weirdnob and then he can back board edge almost and can be shot but CAN cast as his spells don’t require a visable unit. I’d see a valid tactic as a low drop weirdfist army sitting tight for a turn blasting out some spells . Add in cogs (fungoid casts T2 but then leaves near weirdnob (he can cast 3 spells now) he casts gnashing jawz up front (12” from him and can move 12”) into the enemy and carries on blasting or if enemy close enough leave on the +2 move/charge and use the 3 command points on waaaghs and get stuck in my initial it’s though is this: mawkrusha (with new golden toof if it works as rumoured) weirdnob fugoid weirdfist 5 brutes 5 brutes 5 brutes 3 goregruntas 20 ardboyz Balewind cogs pallisade Jawz =1990 (id also consider dropping the jawz and have 4x5 brutes because with just 3 waaaghs that’s 3x klaw and 5 smashas per boss and 6 gore hacka but quite like the speed of the Pigs and the gnashing jawz lowers bravery plus can block as well as damage enemy. Ardboyz can stay back to provide +2 cast also weirdnob can always drop balewind and reposition
  20. I am happy to just grudge and save you the nail biting if you want Dave, third times a charm as they say ?
  21. Payment sent (finally) Da Ghostwulfz are comin!* *subject to my reading of AoS2 and the changes ?
  22. Next Friday (25th) will be the first thing I do when I wake up ?
  23. @Chris Tomlin sweet battle report and photos fella but ffs get yourself the proper tokens they looks so awesome ?
  24. South coast Grand tournament (Scgt) malign portents (MP or Malpo) SCGT have announced that they will incorporate 2 of the Malpo scenarios in as part of the 6 games selected for tourney
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