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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. Wait till somebody notices how great the skaven fit with the genstealer. change their believe and use skaven models with guns instead and you have the perfect 40k skaven force believing in the great horned rat, rising back to the top of the chcaos deity’s game, where he should belong.
  2. Not sure maybe, if your opponent doesn’t use at least 120clanrats anyways: I just noticed that the gnash gnaw on their bones form the clawlord on Brood horror can be stacked. could be a great combination if someone has some CP left over.
  3. Yes you are correct on this one. the verminous valour allows you to give off wounds or mortal wounds before the model suffers them but after the save roll. the ward save and artefact allow you o ignore suffered wounds or mortal wounds so the command trait verminous valour is used before the ability protection of the horned rat or the suspicious stone artefact activates. but after he made his normal reroll able save.
  4. You don’t count the great horned rat, true and only chaos god in the 9 mortal realms🧐?
  5. Nop that’s literally a combo that works. welcome to the domains of the under empire!!
  6. It looks legal to me! not sure what the problem is with the battailon, since it’s apart of the Ironjaws armie and if I’m not mistaken still available to use
  7. Well thanks for the answer, that really helps me a bit for the next tournament I’m taking apart on
  8. Mmh now that I’m thinking about it, how about a combination of Warpgale, dreaded Warpgale, warpstone vortex and shackles. choose a unit for example 9Skullcrusher, who’ll now get their movement halved 4times while having the charged halved 3times and suffering, if your luck is high right now, d6+2d3 mortal wounds maybe even 2d6+2d3 mortal wounds depends how lucky you are. but still a Skullcrushers unit that can only move a inch per turn sounds kinda crazy 😜.
  9. Nah you can literally just pick the same spell for each wizard in your army. just remeber that casting a spell can only be attempted ones. Although there are exceptions like the big toad guy from the seraphons who can cast his spell 3times in the same phase or our warlocks who are able to cast the warplightning spell multiple times
  10. Icon of Gork (or was it Mork?) fluffwise Orks always build some kind of an Icon of their god on plundered or destroyed city’s in the old world. Could be somewhat cool to see it back
  11. Having had almost no time painting last month, I’ll be trying to finish of another 20Stoemvermins. Id might change though.
  12. There’s an even lazier way of painting your clanrats. For example I’ve been using the leather brown spray from army painter, giving most of my clanrats their fur color. next step is to just base with any kind of color your pieces of clothes, and finish of your basing with an basecoat of fleshcolour on their tail. your model now only needs it weapon painted with the standard grey tone and your model is almost finished just needing some lovingly placed touch of Agra’s earth shade. youll be finishing of each models in about 5-minutes and your models will still look good enough for the battle field. her we have a pic of some clanrats painted that way:
  13. So The battle just ended from a minute ago. We were playing boarder war. His list was consisting of blood warriors (20) a unit of 10 Bloodreavers, a Bloodsecrator 2Bloodpriest a Lord on juggernaut and basically his deathstar the 9 Skullcrushers. so having since he had a battailon, he basically finished first giving me the first turn. the first turn for me was a bit more relaxed then the other ones. I started trying to cast the dreaded deathfrenzy onto my Stormvermins and plague monks who where protecting my big squad of Stormvermins from charges (or so I hoped), but I sadly failed. the Screaming bell tried to just cast a normal deathfrenzy on my nearby clanrats which successfully, frenzied my clanrats who where protecting a cannon and 2flamers. in the movement phase my clanrats Stormvermins and plague monks shuffled a few inches up trying to catch the two objective markers. in my shooting phase I overcharged my Warplightning cannon who then instantly killed 6Bloodwarriors who weren’t really sure what hit them. sadly my Bombardier wasn’t in range to shoot his rocket and screamed-squeaked random orders into the air. in my opponents first turn, he charged his damaged unit of bloodwarriors into my skaven, hoping to gain the Bloodgod a gaze for a second. Sadly his gaze was meant for another and so the bloodwarriors disappointedly killed 4rats in total, but staying alive in return, since their Armour seemed to be working, which was very unfortunate for my 36rats. although I had the first turn, the great Horned rats gaze seemed to have missed my glorious plans and so I lost the role of to my enmey. He immediately started to summon his axe and skull prayers , killing of my scream of plague monks which gave way for his now buffed Skullcrushers who where able to reroll there save of 2+, killing of 8of my Stormvermins in the charge. they soon attacked and killed another 22stormvermins leaving me with a pile of a joke left. unsure of what happened I chose my clanrats to attack inflicting no wounds since his bloodwarriors seemed to have some kind of an anti rat Armour. he then killed of my remaining clanrats with his lord on juggernaut an the rest of his bloodwarriors and blooreavers. knowing that everything was lost at my left side I retreaded my clawlord ab the Verminlord away trying to reach my right side. Knowing that everything was already lost at that side I choose to let the Storvermins that where left on their own, leaving their faith as peculiar meatshields be. in my shooting phase my warplightning cannon, who got stuck with the bloddreavers in combat, dealt 10mortal wounds killing them off and freeing itself. my warpfire thrower weapons teams, weren’t bad either, and chose to kill of his reamaining 10bloodwarriors of in one fell swoop. and incredibly they both didn’t blow up (first time I got to use them multiple times. My Verminlord who’s pride was on the line charged his lord on juggernaut activiatimg his brutal furry abilities, but sadly doing only 7wounds to him. luckily I got the next turn and my flamer burned his lord to pile of black ash. freeing my Verminlord, who then sadly failed his charge doing nothing. in my opponents 3rd turn he killed of my remaining Stormvermins and even got my Clawlord who I sadly haven’t frenzied to death. (Those skulls really have a high reputation) on the forth turn I won the roll of , and killed of another priest who got shoot to death by green lightning. After having Snorted those warpstone sparks, my bombardier who saw him as the greatest overcharged his doomrocket, while laughing in agony, know-thinking he wouldn’t miss. Sadly his own estimated skills where to high for him and so the rocket exploded before it even got shoot, killing of the overly estimated wisenheimer. in my charge phase my Verminlord made his charge after having rerolled it, choosing to charge my enemy’s death-stars, and right after retreat to the near objective with scurry away, giving me the upper hands for a turn. sadly my luck ran out and so, my Verminlord died to the mighty axe of khorne furry, while my screaming bell was destroyed by hungry juggernauts charging it. although I lost I’m very happy to have played the game. it was fun and also gave me a chance to see what unit is best or be taken for my next upcoming tournament. although I love The esthetics and fluff of the Stormvermins so so much and can almost not bring to my heart, throwing them out of my list, I sadly have to admit that they cost just too much for what they can do. the units that really amazed me and in the last few battle did not disappoint me at all, where the flamers. although only having 3wounds a piece, their damage dealing power, is uncertainly very high. most of your enemy’s will forget that they even exist until they charge your clanrats. in very desperate cases this guys can be used to shoot down 1wound left hero’s with a high Armour, giving you a change to free your own units. the cannon was amazing as well, although it just might be my bad rolling which made it so amazing. I always overcharged it and always got 10 or more wounds off while it suffered most of the time just 1-2wounds. its great when the rest of your roles are bad😂. I think taking 2of them instead of the Stormvermins would be a great charm having seen how my enemy feared the mortal wound dealing cannon. the Verminlord and Screaming bells, are good. but I might need some more time and a few more games before I can decide if they are really worth it. the clanrats where very good meatshields. Did what they do best for their points (dying😅😂) Ps: I forgot to take some pics, so yeah it’s just going to be some boring text😅.
  14. Thanks for the feedback. well I guess you could say my opponents is more into the tournament environment, but since both of us got more or less new rules which we are very interested in trying out I chose to take something different then going out in heavy magic casting. I’m still using 3wizards though which is for my taste already too much😂, buut I really wanna see how that cannon will obliterate a unit of hero’s while exploding in a significant green flame. the Stormvermins are meant to confuse my opponent, since he definitely won’t expect them, making it look like a mastermind who just can’t figure out that twisted, very twisted mind of mine. the endless spells, don’t have any real purpose anyways. Never used them since magic manifestation never really was my thing, buut I guess with the book that came a few things changed for me, so O guess it’s time to try those endless spells out. Im definitely keen on trying the Schackles and Warplightning vortex combination out, while shooting my foe to pieces with tones of warplightning cannons, while ripping them to shreds with rat ogors and tons of clanrats/Stormvermins/plague monks/giant rats/other meatshield units. edit: the idea is to exploit every single way of using all of these units to their fullest. I’m not interested in using one of the skaven meta list most tournament winning players have been using right now or in the future, it’s much more interesting to find something nobody ever thought would work, or even existed, while exploiting your own list that most befits yourselves. It may sound like madness to you but, a twisted mind, working out the best ways, exploiting weaknesses, (while pledging yourselves fully to the great horned rats existence), is one of our most terrifying weapons we have in our arsenal. I think there are soo many more combination people haven’t tried out, one of them beeing of course that 60clanrats and a thousand endless spells, the others not yet known but ready to be explored. the one thing I will pledge myself to do, for eternity, unless my schoolwork or those bazillions other hobby’s I have get in my way😅.
  15. So after a long time of waiting and scheming Queek Headtaker sends forth one of his mighty lieutenants to take-steal a mighty artefact of power known as the dwarf gouger, should he fail, it might have been his last. lets see-spie how things go tonight for our precious little pet-thing Yes-yes. may it bring glory to Mors!! or Die-die utterly failing. Lets scurry-send a Verminlord to protect-kill it if necessary!
  16. Just came in and am really wondering if I’ve mistaken this forum for the Stormcast one. Ah so were talking about the protagonist of the aos range. well I’m with @Nos on this one although I got the feeling that the focus on the Stormcast factions has been loosened a bit and seems to go more into all of the factions rather then focusing on almost only Stormcast and blades of khorne. Having some kind of a central point is just sometimes needed, in this case we have the poster-things. Just sometimes we also have to remeber that a story can get a bit sout if you only focus on that one point and just forget the rest, which more or less happened at the beginning. I mean nobody really likes the idea of somebody or in this case a specific faction to get everything and beeing updated every year, when another armie still sticks in the age of having been forgotten. Anyways back to the rumors and other kind of sweet nonsense kind of talk. Endless spell Maybe??? Terrain Feature for armies who still don’t have one??😅🥶 Or just terrain which looks cool on the table? or maybe a trap for poster-things, made by the Skavenrace to kill-slay this guys😀. (I have basically no glue)
  17. Thanks for the feedback. the reason why I’m taking shackles is to mostly try and hold his units of a bit, giving me a few more rounds of shooting and also securing one of the flanks if needed. its more of a cheaper not so much damage dealing easier to cast warplightning vortex version. The possibility of it not getting of or using it isn’t really that important to me, but I had around 20 points left and why not just go with the shackles. Buut like you said it could fire backwards, buut then again I had those 20pomts left over so why not just spend them anyways😂. Who knows maybe they are still helpful or will even be used😉
  18. Hi guys will be playing a game of aos 2000p, new khorne vs skaven. So I myself will be bringing: A Clawlord: 100p (with devious Adversary) A Verminlord Warbringer:260p (General; Brutal fury) A screaming bell:200p (suspicious stone; Deathfrenzy) 1Warlock bombardier:100p 2x40Clanrats:400p(battleline) 1x40Stormvermins:500p(battleline) 10Plague monks:70p 2warpfire thrower weapon teams:140p 1Warplightning cannon:180p endless spells: Soulsnare Shackles:20p Pendelum:40p, with me. any suggestion or do you think I would be better of exchanging my wplc and the bombardier plus the endless spells with a hellpit abomination and some other hero or a few more meatshields?
  19. Yes. I even asked a few times at some tournaments in my local area, and they where totally fine with it beeing proxed as another Verminlord. Not sure though if it would be the same at bigger events probably not
  20. Comparing Bestigors with Stormvermins is a very hard thing to do, buut let’s do it anyways. so firstly Bestigors are a great unit but will shine when they are in small packs of ten , since they don’t really get any bonuses for beeing in large groups and in tens you can be assured that thet all get in. Storvermins in the other hand only gain bonuses when used in large groups, and with that price on the head it’s a bit questionable to even bother using them. if we go back to the Bestigors, will notice how this guys will get bonuses like nothing when they charge. charge a unit with 10or more models and you even get an extra +1to hit. Skaven stormvermins in the other hand won’t have the options for such luxury and can literally only outshine themselves when they are used in 40s meaning that anything else is worthless with them. if you’d throw a unit of 10Stovermins against Bestigors who costs 20points less, The Bestigors will always have the upper hand, since firstly their save is a 4+ which the Stormvermins loose as soon as you killed one of them, the Bestigors have a change of gaining an extra attack and some bonuses to the to hit characteristics, where the Stormvermins lack in such kind of Luxus meaning will be stuck on hitting on 4s, making clanrats always a better choices instead of Stormvermins. So from experience in playing both of these units, I would really say that their points really just don’t fit them at all to well. 20points less and you might consider taking them.
  21. Yes, they are the better and cheaper version of Stormvermins. If you don’t want to use those plague monks, there is no need to do that. although for the rest of the start collecting, it’s great if your in dire need of a screaming bell and a warplightning cannons, which are now viable and good units to take into your armie
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