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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. Yeah, or do you still remember the time when, one of the malign short story’s told a tale of a certain deathrunner (the Model from silver tower one of the newest skaven models) which was right after the book came out discontinued and never to be used again. Ah all those fantastic looking skaven models, being discontinued, for no reason, it still haunts me
  2. Yes so do I and that for already 2 and a halve years. Still Gw seems to keep them at that devilish overpriced pointcost for no reason
  3. Surely there’s nothing wrong to argue about something, just be ready to get feedback that might not be your taste. ANYWAYS, back to the (possible) tomb king tail(??)
  4. At least the tail looks similar to this one Edit: sorry for the double post
  5. Could this be the return of the tomb kings 🤩🤩
  6. Well firstly we all know that the great horned rat is the only true chaos god, everybody who thinks else is just fooling themselves(😜) And secondly why should I ever start anything traitorous like the poster-things, clearly this guys are dead-Dead soon! Yes-yes beware of the danger beneath. As For the mad-things, I’m missing all the explosion of glorious cannons and weapon teams. And I would never betray my Kind only the skaven are true children of chaos. Also where are we right now?, I’m a bit lost in all those glorious plotted plans I have in my head
  7. Are you sure because I’m still waiting for that skaven model release😂
  8. Change The fluff (or don’t) and boom, we have a huge range that fits perfectly into aothr (age of the horned rat). also calling something aesthetically not fitting in is more or less wrong, I mean do we have any lore in how Aelves or humans are clothed in those realms, technically all of those temples and the militia, could have a similar heraldry across the realms. Also from a certain perspective lion range are probably the perfect aelves that could roam the realm of beasts hunting gigantic monsters and other kind of beasts. Swordmaster look like they are a part of a great city in Azyr, Same is it with the dragon blades, and all the high Aelven mages. More or less everything that ones was a part of the dar aelves, could easily be mistaken for living in the realm of shadows I mean the variety is so much bigger with all the realms, the only thing that keeping this armies still bond to the old world, is the missing aos fluff
  9. Oh ha Daemons may have misunderstood you there, thought you were talking about bloodbound😅
  10. 313 pages more and the rise of the great horned rat is assured
  11. Yeah same reason why I’m mostly hesitating to take anything from clan Eshin into my army, the looks are some of the most important thing (or at least it is so for me). well I guess that’s that, it really will be interesting to see how often the new battletome/models will be bought.
  12. Well does it help if I told you that slave to darkness units aren’t really seen to often in any of those other chaos pantheon when people play for some reason😅, anyways, it’s only an idea, of making a Slaanesh army more interesting and giving it more variety, after all there seems to be many people around her who think that Slaanesh is only playable if you’re going full out on Daemons, and this is just an example, of somebody goes for it or not, doesn’t matter, There is only one rule in this hobby and it is called:” have fun” I for one find it very interesting and am thinking of doing exactly that with Khorne or Tzeentch (I don’t really like nurgle or Slaanesh not sure why though🤔)
  13. Let’s see, her: take a few units of slave to darkness (chaos warriors, chaos knights, a chaos lord/daemon prince, maybe?), take the Slaanesh beast of chaos battailon and fill it with brayherd, warherd, and thunderscorn, and if points allow it take a few Daemons into your list and boom you have a perfect army that contains not only Daemons but mortals as well as a whole battaillon that isn’t halve bad with a huge variety of beastmen
  14. If you say so? Funny though that I’m loosing almost every time against khorne and winning against every other army If it’s only mortal you still have the change to wield slave to darkness units, sure some might look old but hey I mean there’s nothing wrong converting a few units
  15. 1)yeah I forget they existed as well😅 2) I wasn’t sure if people also included Gors as mortals, but good to know. anyways I think Slaanesh has a huge variety to choose from, yes they may not have gotten any new mortal units, or Slaangors, but I mean the option to take slave to darkness and even have a whole army of dedicated Slaanesh beastmen, is fantastic. and with the possible extra range of new chaos barbarian models who might just get rules to be played in the actual existing game system, So let’s wait and see till we have the new book. So am I over the skavenrange (it’s very sad to see that acolytes, all weapon teams, the whole Eshin range, halve of the moulder range etc. Looks so bad and most of them are even made out of failcast or metal. so yeah I feel your pain.
  16. Ok let’s see her, we have Maggotkin of nurgle which got no new mortal units, except for 1or two new hero’s, the rest was taken from the end times. Khorne got bloodwarriors, bloodreavers, 4new mortal hero’s and the rest of Bloodbound was taken from what was back then known as warriors of chaos. Tzeentch got acolytes (cultists) and a gaunt summoner on foot for its own mortal range as new models. Skaven got Sadly nothing new and we are still suffering from failcast and metal made miniature. and Slaanesh got I guess no new mortal units (or at least not yet?) So basically Slaanesh is standing over skaven, at the same level as nurgle and just barley under khorne and tzeentch if we compare their special mortal range. And as it has been with the rest of the special chaos god books (not including skaven) Slaanesh will probably get their own commandtraits, spell lores and artefact for the other mostly overlooked slave to darkness range. so yeah make your own conversions my friends and start your slave to Slaanesh army today!😉
  17. Well I wouldn’t really call the wpv op. Its very strong, especially against the new meta of charging in the first turn while destroying everything, which we are starting to see with the Witch Aelves, deepkins, flesh eater courts and etc. not being able to fly or move as fast as possible from one end to the other will be a huge issue for this army, while the skaven still have a few more spells which can render their charge and runs to near useless. to tell the truth I think this spell was made to deal with such problems.
  18. Well you probably haven’t met Arielle sitting on a giant bug before😜. Nah definitely not. The chittering of the green-things has become louder since the arrival of the book and new minis. (not that it can keep up with us skaven, Yes-yes we chitter-squeek much better then them)
  19. Retired, meaning you want them gone for good or just resculped in plastic?
  20. Exactly one of many reasons why I’m taking them to a tournament tomorrow.
  21. Those are some beautiful painted models😍😍
  22. Firstly Thanks for the battlereport, it was a joy reading it. Secondly l, the warbringer, is a great Verminlord, which can buff Stormvermins and clanrats rather greatly up. his spell the dreaded deathfrenzy can also be used on other unit like ratogres etc. And isn’t limited to only verminus units, which gives you a huge variety to choose from. need that deathmaster to kill your foes toughest hero, who refused to die and will probably one shot your deathmaster right after, no problem deathfrenzy will solve your problem. want a hero can be used as a sacrifice for the greater god, take a clawlord, give him the brutal fury commantrait, cast deathfrenzy send him towards Archaon or Nagash or anything else that could be dangerous to you and let the magic begin. attack with him first (doing 6attacks) and after he has been slaughtered, just take that change to attack with your clawlord again ( and this time with 11attacks😈😈)
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