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Everything posted by Honk

  1. MY LIST, the only official and relevant one... Archregent, GkoTg, 4x Terror and the Menagerie calling in a varghulf for hero support and two murderballs will rumble over the plains. of course no chalice, no chromatic cogs, things that could be worthwhile, instead of the circus. Also dropping one tg would free a lot of wiggle room. but lacks the TRVNESS (plz ignore the powergaming Archregent), like trve norwegian Black Metal from the early 90s 🤣👻
  2. There ya go: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1645854715611315&id=452117934985005&fs=0&focus_composer=0 and they first answer a bit ... he‘s a vampire (Alex Walker) but then, after Roseanne Seers asks again, they state :
  3. Not to mention the footprint of a mortarch with 10 hexwraith surrounding him ...
  4. In Legion of Night Manni is always the general, in grand host he can be the sidekick. As to his battlefield performance, I only fielded him once, in a swift death Soulblight. He stood behind my bloodknights carefully piling in, racing around wreaking havoc. That went very well... blackknights could guard him better, with bigger units, four morghast could also dish out nicely. And if you play LoNight with graveguard as bait, the CA could work wonders... i think for casual friendly games he can be a nice asset. Shooting meta is bad of course, but well whatever there is always something
  5. Vhat delusion might that be, oh mighty noble...😄 tricky thing with new releases, all the hope and anticipation, the fear that beloved things will get ruined. as things stand, soulblight has nothing to loose and everything to gain... while FEC has a functional book and i would consider it being a step back.
  6. They are both kinda weak and then tricky to use, wherever. Mannfreds Aura is pretty cool on bloodknights or Morghast, what Legion is not really a thing (host/night/soulblight) same goes for Neffi... her aura might cripple your opponent for one round, two if he’s hitting on 4+ (Host/blood/soulblight) thinking about it, Manni depends on the list YOU‘re bringing, while Neffi is useful against certain opponents... I really like the coven throne as discount mortarch. The spell is great to negate one unit, but tricky to use with the short range. up to 12“ in your hero phase is not really happening except for slow hordes. But hoping to charm scarbrand mid-charge, really tricky. and the CA can really boost a unit. Morghast, knights or graveguard and also the added save... aaaand more wounds than a mortarch 😅
  7. that’s the RPG side of FEC 🥳 the „Fleur de Lys“ appeared on the charnel throne, giving rise to the sad delusion that we are the proud knights of bretonia... and your charge is 2“ farther when screaming „for the lady“. The lady of the lake being a big thing for bretonia in the world that was, praying „the lady protects“ ups your undead Save success by 10%, scientifically proven 🧐 And yelling „I smite thee down, foul abomination“ makes your general look pretty stupid, when the maw whiffs
  8. Just bought a fourth SC-Box, going for gristlegore meme too 🥳 Classic Hail Mary list, but it is so far out of the norm, might get your opponent confused and if not, it‘s still epic. don‘t forget to yell „for the lady“ when charging
  9. I like the one with the cogs... the regents could summon in 40 ghouls for objectives, once the RTGs did their job. But both are pure meme lists, pretty tricky to pull off...but fun
  10. The prizetag should be relative to the points and amount needed to field them... if they end up in a spot, where a good nice Bloodknight Unit has around 10 models and if you go full cavalry Legion of Horses bloodline with horselord general, so 20-30 models in 2k, like they are right now, the dawnrider Price is kinda the limit. Around 200 points for 5. but with the wightking on steed, they might go varanguard style, or fulminator. tricky spot, since the pricetag suddenly goes into centerpiece regions. 100pts/model at varanguard price seems okish max, if they are worth it on the table to field max of 9 in 2k
  11. What are you talking about?!? Who would think about that? That´s not happening... *looks at the Kosargi Nightguard* Although, if the bloodlines are dried up, and the new setting is more Horror and Transylvanian Vampires, I would also like to have some Frankenstein monsters or Necromantic Abomination so i can have Skellis, vamps and monsters as triumvirate of Death
  12. And there you see the various approaches... i botched my last attempt in positioning and target priority. I ran 2x6 flayers with GkoTg double mordants is possible blisterskin is talked about it all comes down to preferences and skill 👻 and opponents
  13. Sorry I‘m not a native speaker, „spergy“ means something like rejoicing / frolicking / thanking the gods? if GDubs would throw an emo-glitterbomb on us like they furrier up them noblebright elves... I‘d do a Wilhelm The third , bearhug Vlad and throw myself from the walls of Altdorf
  14. Basically as an Hollowmourne general in a Royal Mordant battalion, buffed by an Archregent
  15. After much consideration I really like the Transylvania Style of the minis. More Eastern Europe Vlad Tepes than French court. the fear of „loosing“ bloodknights is also real, since a lot of People found ways to not spend 80€ for 5 minis (fe dragonprinces). GW wants/must sell new minis, not let you play with your 10+ years old knights or in my cast the 27 year old necromancer. Only selling new books is not really enough. I think they will *caution* revamp the whole line to a more ip friendly unique style, guessing from LRL and ID, as well as the Hedonites. The undead ogors and the ferals are imo a clear indicator of an overhaul in style and army composition. they will not ditch the whole line completely, don’t get me wrong, but a new set of cool bling will leave the old models and options in the dust.
  16. Well, there are still some old world models missing... good thing they got their ballista back 🤣 maybe some chariots next? the wightking looks rad, but I‘m not sure if I like all those bones in my bloodsoup🤔
  17. Sure thing... I dare say nothing to throw oneself off the Minecraft towers. the varghulf look alike is cool and will get used, whatever his official name. the feral thralls might not be everybody’s favorite, but I thing the poses alone are a good sign. Who can’t stand them: greenstuff and pliers, darkelves and the bit box... should be pretty easy to un-feral them without too much hassle zombies...well funky, but could be ignored for AoS if the gameplay is good, I’m in and if not, I’m still optimistic for soulblight.
  18. I hope, that the WHQ:CC stuff will be readily available for SB GL, not like the Archregent for FEC (for a long time)... and if they buff up the skellis that 20 will suffice, why not. Keep zombies as trash mob and establish Skellis at grave guard power, sounds ok for me.
  19. Primarchs for 40k, Vampire Progenitors for Soulblight / FEC 🤔 seems legit...
  20. Praise Nagash... the crucial moment has arrived. Let’s see, if our dreams survive the weekend
  21. Please no priest, Nagash is not listening if you’re not up to the task and everything is just too much, no worries, please ask your lokal Necromancer for reassignment into the Deathrattle corps
  22. Honk

    New to LON

    Tactics were discussed by brighter minds, sadly 40skellis are not the unmovable objekt they once were... keep in mind, that Gravelords are on the horizon, before any major investments. That might still be a year out, but AoS is not MtG.
  23. FEC are next level raving mad... and their delusions are contagious. ears deep in warm intestines? A nice banquet for the king... Stormcast visiting the village? Murder Robots from outer space... FOR THE LADYYYY!!!
  24. Yeaeeeehaaaaawww... if it’s a story where some obr dude crumbles about stupid fec, fine... else 😳🤬
  25. QfT... as the äealwes and duwuardyn showed us, legolas and gimli have left the building, and Honolulu soulcatchers or furry airbenders are a thing, next to naked sauna rage... and that is fine with me, as long as (fingers crossed) castlevania style vamp-lycanthrop goodness arrives and not some uninspired bs . and the discussion from, I dare say well versed and connected neckbeards, kinda hints at GW taking shortcuts, trying to push other games, instead of throwing out the big madness „lurkers of Shyish“
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