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Everything posted by Overread

  1. It's certainly a marketing trick and GW knows people will be pausing to try and grab screen pages. That's why the speed flipping through varies and why some pages are blurred out and others clear. GW does it for marketing, it soaks up peoples desire to hunt down those rumours and hints and secrets and builds up a little hype and interest of its own beyond the "hey here's all the info" dump. GW knows people like rumours so they are feeding that desire directly rather than relying on internal hints. It might even be that it helps reduce internal leaks when staff feel that the marketing division is doing stuff like this.
  2. It could be a centipede - it could be a huge smoke stack - it could be a wavy rising spore - it could be a squigpede - a mount of writhing squigs! It could even be a worm or a wyrm without wings or a giant spider monster thing - its basically a tall wobbly shape at present. Still GW will likely spill all the beans (mushrooms?) soon!
  3. Darn this is a fantastic release for Grots! Really liking the way GW has done this - they clearly are thinking about it being two functional forces within one book that combine easily and effortlessly! Destruction and Grot fans rejoice indeed! *tries not to be jealous of the Grots Endless spells --- all FOUR of them!
  4. My doctor has told me to stop taking salt with my rumours as its getting my salt levels way too high and I can't stop my rumour addiction. That said something happening with Slaanesh either in AoS or 40K sounds right. A new Greater Demon is expected this year at the very least.
  5. Personally I fully expect to get a second wave release for Daughters of Khaine. In fact it surprises me that both Daughters of Khaine and Idoneth, both being early 2.0 ready factions, have not shared a joint release of faction specific Endless Spells. In the future I'd expect Dok to get at least: 1) One 3 model faction specific Endless Spell set. It's clear that this is the intended direction since we've seen them for all new factions since 2.0 dropped. 2) A getting started boxed set which might possibly come with a new unique hero for the set. GW could even just provide another hag queen sculpt if they wanted. GW clearly has GS sets for big and small factions, its just a standard part of their model delivery system. The Blood Coven set was in stock with 3rd parties for quite a while, but UK side it seems that distribution stock has fully dried up now as I don't see any of the regular big stores getting any more. We do have the Christmas battleforce right now (as so do Idoneth) so it might be that a getting started set comes much later because right now the battleforce is an ideal starting point and also expansion to most forces. That said GW could make Daughters fans happy if they just released a new Witch Aelf boxed set with a new price that is more in line with a battleline troop type (and do the same for Fyrslayers too). Personally I got a Battleforce for Christmas and am really tempted to grab one more before they vanish forever (we've really no idea how long they will last before they vanish and I can figure that the DoK one is going to be a strong seller). I'd then have a full 20 both kinds of khinari; 20 Blood Sisters, enough cauldrons and such to last me a lifetime and more witches (In fact that with the box I got for Chistmas I'd only need one more box to get another full 30 witches)
  6. One big bonus if the spidergrots are in the same book is that GW can still internally balance it so that both moonclan and spiders can be viable forces in their own right; whilst also being able to swap units over and take whatever they want without alliance limitations. Consider that Daughters of Khaine can go witch heavy or melusai heavy or a mix and all three are viable choices. If Grots get the same internal treatment then it leaves players in a much better position to have one book than two or three. Personally I've no interest in Grots, but will look forward to seeing this new battletome and chapter in AoS development unfold!
  7. I agree with this, it seems the wrong time for GW to push skirmish hard for new customers and gamers because so many factions are not yet ready; instead get skirmish encouraged with established gamers (hence why its in white dwarf) and then when you revamp to skirmish 2.0 later in the year (or even early 2020) you'll have legions of existing fans already playing and willing to encourage new people; plus a lot more armies with battletomes so that when those new players get into the new skirmish they'll be ready to be led into AoS as well
  8. That open day might be a huge huge event esp for AoS in getting sneak peaks/ Hopefully GW might even go a little further than the next handful of releases - a game plan for the year would be great (They had one for 40K when they said they were going to do pretty much every faction they could in one year)
  9. Every time I see that pegasus hyena model I get jealous of stormcast getting mounted units looking that darn good!
  10. By getting started I mean the very same getting started boxes that we have right now on sale.
  11. Interesting to note - one of the pages has big title SKIRMISH with pictures under it of a whole selection of the getting started boxed sets! Sounds like AoS Skirmish is going to be a bit bigger than Killteam!
  12. Ahh I never played Warmaster, but I did love their models and honestly GW had some of the best looking small scale fantasy models in that range. Plus it had GW behind it - most other 10 or 15mm fantasy games are tiny in support and often a case of rules from one company models from another. There's some great ones out there, but by and large its an ignored segment of the market. Thing is Warmaster style AoS could easily use movement trays and have formation movement, wheeling and flank attacks and the like. Ergo it could bring back a lot of what old fantasy had, at a scale that lets you build large armies without breaking the bank. It's a win win situation in my view. Though honestly I'd expect Adepticus Titanicus and Epic to return and be out for many years long before we'd see anything on the AoS front. Which honestly is probably a good thing if that were the case since AoS clearly needs a year or two more just to get its 35mm scale sorted out.
  13. A simple showing off and inspirational thread where those with 5K or more points in a single army (formal army not grand alliance army) can show off those huge model counts! Gives you an excuse to get the whole army on the table/floor/shelving and show it off! Some people have some really huge armies, 10K, 20K or rarely even more in points; and I think those armies are worth showing off. To show the dedication and fun people have had collecting a single army to such a vast size! So come one come all and lets show off and chat about these huge armies!
  14. It's things like that which make me wish Warmaster came back! Or at least the AoS version of that game!
  15. Thing is DoK only got 3 new sculpts. Morathi and two duel kits. And GW has done triple kits in the past so its not beyond them to do a couple of new sculpts and kits to flesh out a faction. So they could be very readily brought up to standard with only a few minor additions to their current army. Heck look at Fyreslayers, they are not that big a faction in terms of model diversity.
  16. Previous Count 0 Current Count -3 Completed two boxes of Doomfire Warlocks, 10 more models done! Though technically they are only part done as I want to paint some parts up before final assembly. But they are as close to done as they will be before paint is applied. I also completed a 1 model blister of an attack dog from Wild West Exodus, neat little dog and well cast. I've also been chipping away at some metal chaos dogs and khorn hounds in metal. Be nice to get one or two boxes of those done and another 5 Doomfires before Christmas. That would leave me just Melusai and cauldrons on the Daughters of Khaine front and have done the brunt of chaos metal that I've got in stock.
  17. Hehe tis a neat idea! Though I'd rather be able to turn lost boxes into new boxies for current projects! I need more daughters!!
  18. I've not been seriously looking, but I've also been thinking on adding pillars to mine. Though mine are already built so I'd be ideally looking for something that fits into the base between model and base easily. I do agree its a shame GW didn't have them leaping off pillars or around them so that there was a thicker connection point to make them a bit more stable.
  19. Sisters and Witches are very close, but don't overlook the extra attack native to witch aelves when they are close to a leader (and in DoK leaders are close to the troops most of the time). Witches are also a little cheaper in points than Sisters. Both are viable choices though and you honestly can't go wrong with either, their use on the battlefield varies in a more subtle way. That said a unit of 30 each would not be a bad choice and many people use Sisters of Slaughter. As they both come from the very same kit its more a matter of building choice than lack of funds. So by all means go for it - sometimes in this hobby its good to build models you really like, not just build based on theory and lists.
  20. Morathi's ruling is a bit odd because they are applying one logic to damage but not to restoring health, it does sound like a bit of a cop-out to make her weaker without saying so. The first point has been in the DoK Errata for a while, it just referenced the core rule errata which didn't have that statement in it (so it applied to Daughters but no one else - until now!) Great to see GW finally added it, though surprised they waited till a full update to do so. Of course in the original errata for DoK it only mentioned, by name, the rending attack from Blood Sisters. @Kimbo This thread might interest you as it compares the Witches to the Sisters of Slaughter: https://www.tga.community/forums/topic/18324-daughters-of-khaine-witches-and-sisters/ In very simple terms the Witch Aelves can put out a greater total number of attacks, esp if they are within range of a leader. However in practical terms the 2 inch range on the Sisters of Slaughter whip means that they can most often be more reliable in getting more bodies into close combat; furthermore they have a 6 inch pile in range and move. So whilst Witch Aelves per unit can put out more attacks (on average and within range of a leader); the Sisters of Slaughter have two means to more reliably get more of their bodies into close combat range during combat. Thus giving them the edge in delivering actual hits and wounds, esp on any table with decent amounts of terrain. One thing you might casually see is many Sisters being equipped with the buckler and many Witches with duel blades. Originally those were the builds for both models and itsa design many follow through on. Tactically its a trade off for both; the buckler increases survivability for both and is great if they receive a charge and get attacked first as the bucklers will deal mortal wounds on each attack of 6 on the dice. That said the duel blades let you dish out more volume of attacks, so in larger units and when you make the charge and get the first round of attacks they come to the for as superior.
  21. At this rate we're going to have one mega brawl between grots and skaven come newyears day!
  22. I could see them very much sharing the characters between the two! In fact it would be a perfect setting for skirmish and doubles the value of those models to both games AND GW! Those who don't like or don't want to try Shadspire might well use them for Skirmish and vis-versa. Plus any who do get tempted over to the other game will likely buy some rules and materials to play with - so its win win for gamers and win win for GW too!
  23. So Forgeworld hinted a while back that they've got a new AoS division beavering away on new models for AoS! So lets show them how much we love the guys and gals of FW and show off our mighty beasts and warriors from their resin vaults! Classic and current models. One, two, three or a whole army! Whatever you've got show it off and chat about it! LEts show that we love what they produce and want more excuses to buy more of it! Note please leave complaints about prices and pricing policies out of this thread - yes its an issue, esp for many overseas; but this isn't the thread for it. Also leave out recastings too! Again this just isn't the place for such chatter - feel free to start your own threads on those topics : )
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