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Everything posted by Overread

  1. There's also the issue that apparently there's an error on the system that can cause out of stock to get miss shown as sold out. It's likely been there for ages ,but its only in the last year or so that we've regularly drained FW's stock enough to spot it. That said there are also some things vanishing here and there too. Which is always a pain because its rare for GW/FW to be up front and inform us when things are vanishing or when they've gone. You just sort of wake up and its gone. Like how many were taken by surprise that Balewind Vortex was now gone from the game because the model vanished sometime last year from sale; but there was no real notice about it. It's one annoying thing - its a pain to lose models; its even more when its a "stealth" loss.
  2. Good preview and whilst there wasn't anything for my armies or AoS I really love the work GW has put into the Ork release. I love the whole "Mad Max meets Orks meets Horizon Zero Dawn" designs they've got going with the Beast Snaggers and that huge squig rig is just oozing orky madness. Great great stuff and they finally remembered how to make Deathkoptas too. The new Death Corps of Krieg also look great for 40K and if they spark a big release for Imperial Guard I think that's a fine way to update their line and give them something new and very very classic Guard in style. I also hope it sparks a return of their rough-rider models and that IG gets back to that old school WW1-2 style madness of war in a visual sense
  3. Death got a lot of attention in 2.0. That said of Death Factions both Flesheaters and Ossiarchs could do with some additions. FEC are still one of the smallest ranges (and almost the entire army is in the getting started set). I'd honestly like to see both expanded. I think both deserve it and would generate a lot more interest having a handful of new models each to give more diversity and variety. Vampires, whilst new, are starting with a nice big boon of releases marred only by the mess of Cursed City.
  4. We hope that GW learned from Island of Blood and those models will turn up in a starter set/boxed set or otherwise get sold on their own from now on. At least that is the expectation and hope. Also interesting to note that this months free(?) model is uniquely sculpted and not just a regular model pack split down. So that's bound ot be way more popular than in the past where it was just a regular warrior model from a box. Makes me wonder if there will be others coming (and slightly sad cause Slaanesh and DoK have both had their month so if this is a chance those armies won't see anything new in that line fo raaaaaaaaaaaaaages)
  5. Just be careful with stories. The Daughters of Khaine stories talk of artillery in the form of bolt and flame throwers and yet DoK still have no artillery of their own. There is much told of in stories that is only a dream in the authors mind; or a concept sketch or such that might one day become a model but isn't yet destined too.
  6. MODERATOR NOTICE I'm aware there's a new edition and people tend to get a little riled up around new edition times, however I'd like to remind people to remain open and respectful to others. You may not have a problem with something and that's fine to express, but lets not start to put others down who are experiencing a problem and sharing that with the rest of us. I would also remind people that the BEST place to present this feedback is to GW themselves. Granted its unlikely to produce any change today or tomorrow, but it might well be used for the next round of whatever publications get ordered. Making GW aware of things in a polite fashion is important.
  7. I honestly think that was how the late Kirby era upper GW was functioning. They were looking at sales data, which is darn important to look at don't get me wrong; but they were looking at it purely in isolation. They were seeing trends and looking for the best returns on investment, but without considering the wider context of those sales and the consumer reasoning behind them. So they'd see X selling really well and would push development of more X at the cost of Y; without realising that the main reason Y wasn't selling was because they were pushing X and not Y. Another aspect is something like Marines - yes you can push marine sales, but those marine players want opponents; they want Xenos and Chaos to fight against not just purely more marines. Again this was a failing of the Kirby era system in that it was very focused on the numerical side but not the consumer side and it eventually backfired with AoS at launch. Both in terms of the product that was created ,but also in terms of the marketing that they did around it. Even if you loved AoS at launch, you can easily see that it was very badly marketed. Almost zero actual marketing after a big marketing push for Old World (the product they were going to remove). GW learned from that and today I think they've a much more robust approach to market data and considering the greater picture of not just the numbers, but also the consumer feedback
  8. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/07/03/warhammer-preview-online-dominion-celebration/
  9. BRACE YOURSELVES Previewtime is fast approaching!
  10. So for someone who perhaps fell behind in collecting the broken realms campaign books and who is also behind on getting a hold of a 3.0 copy of the core book; I'm curious. Do the stories, lore and artwork from the BR books get transferred in full (or as good as) into the new big rule book; or do they hold good value in those aspects on their own. Basically is it worth me spending the money picking up those books purely from a lore perspective (esp since the only one that has any actual rules I "need" is the slaanesh one) or is it mostly present in the big book and I'd be wasting the money that I could better spend on models or other shiny lore things from BL?
  11. To be fair right now they shouldn't need to make much fanfare because everyone should be hyped for the new boxed set and stuff landing very very soon.
  12. The Old World to AoS change over was a huge mess and a huge amount of the anger was because after years of basically ignoring Old World, GW did the huge End Times campaign. Loads of new lore, BL books, really modern and big models (that's when we first saw Foregeworld sized Greater Demons appearing in plastic). GW basically hyped up the product and then destroyed it without any warning because they kept AoS super secret (even staff in GW HQ didn't have a clue in some departments). That AoS at launch was just a boutique model line with no game or rules or points (there were some joke rules but it wasn't a game at that stage) was a huge salt to the wound. GW could have done the whole transfer ever so much better. Of course the resulting fallout was that GW changed up their upper management; changed their attitude toward the internet and marketing; changed a huge bunch of stuff with AoS and things have improved a lot. The result of the mistake is that GW is in the strongest position they have ever been in and we have some outstanding models; we have GW media 7 days a week and heck in a few months they are launching a new animation streaming service and if that does well we might get even more animated TV shows. This is the stuff of DREAMS. Heck we got total war Warhammer - another dream come true for many!
  13. Game popularity is important to consider. AoS is built off the back of Old World, but Old World at the time it died was tiny compared to its height of popularity. It was also one of the worst product launces ever and AoS launch tanked sales. So AoS is for all intents a very new game. So every year for it is very valuable in securing more and newer customers; whilst the "old guard" who hang around are more keen (in general) to see reworked old armies rather than always brand new stuff. I think a lot of the big 40K sales last year weren't just current fans but old fans suddenly with lots of free time due to lockdowns and furloughs and with some free cash cause they weren't going out. So the sales went nuts because it was a huge return of old fans. Which works well when Marines sell to near on 50% or more of the market for that single game. AoS hasn't got either of those things; Stormcast are not marines* and AoS sort of has and hasn't got a huge legacy of fans in the background. So yep Corona knocking a year and a half now of games and in person interaction is a big thing. IT will have stifled AoS sales for a time and the growth of the game I suspect. Of course the flipside is that the numbers that AoS sells are are still numbers most other companies would utterly love to get (although in honestly a good few would likely crumble under the order volumes!). AoS is going nowhere but UP *Honestly I think GW gets this, but that they are also somewhat locked into some of their design choices for the army in terms of adding more models and such. It is popular, and might be more so than we think considering GW has the raw numbers of sales and they have been in the Magazine as well.
  14. There's a no win situation here If Dominion had sold out GW would be raked over the coals for not producing enough IF dominion did not sell out then we say that its undersold and GW has failed to market or has produced too many In truth lets consider that GW models do not devalue. After release their prices from GW direct only go up. At the very least this set has a set value and that value will steadily increase over time. In fact its value as a discount set will go up any time there's a big sales push for one of the two armies in there. In addition the rules have at least a 3year or so shelf life and with the box discount the rules are basically free any way. So in general the set has a long term shelf value. Yes stores that ordered a LOT all in one go have sometimes had to slash sales but this is more of a cash flow situation for them. Ergo they needed those boxes to sell to free up money to buy other stock and they can't afford to have 50-100 boxes sitting on a shelf even though they would eventually sell. Don't forget even after GW said there would be a 2nd wave of Indomitus there were actually quite a lot of sets floating around and Ebay had a very large number of split and whole sets up for sale for the length of time up to the 2nd printing and beyond. So whilst it sold out there was still a lot of stock around. It just wasn't purely online, but in the physical stores. If anything GW might have reworked their online formula considering the way Corona chagned the retail market over the last year for many people. And yep I can only echo that Marines making up some 40% or more of GW's total sales in some years reflects the fact that they are a HUGE selling force within the company, not just within the game. So stuff for them is bound to outsell most other product lines. Honestly we shouldn't even want that kind of thing for AoS. AoS is, for us, far stronger for having no big showstopper army that everyone plays. Having way more variety means more chance of armies being updated and added too and less chance of being left behind; and it means a more exciting and varied game experience. Not just marines and marines and more marines
  15. One of the powers of the thread is that it is a general conversation point. It generates a lot of activity in terms of reading and conversation. That's a lot of social interaction on the site that can be very hard to create and very risky to change least it dries up. In the end this forum lives and breaths on social interaction and chatter so where we have it happening we are keen to not try and discourage/damage what's going on and to instead work with it.
  16. I would expect/hope to see CruelBoyz get more than one additional wave of new models. Stormcast don't need to keep level with them, they've already got one of the biggest ranges of modern models in AoS. So the new army is the one in need of fleshing out far more so and I don't think people would begrudge them getting a fast release cycle to push their army out there. Certainly new diverse armies with a wide model range clearly get improved sales. Look at how Lumineth have clearly picked up a lot more attention with their second wave than they did with their first (accepting that their first was messed up with Corona). I suspect if Ossiarchs had had a fast second wave they'd have picked up a lot more attention as well. Whatever happens I expect a smoother year than last year; last year Necrons and Marines spent months with new models and a new edition and no Codex. I'd instead expect to see new Battletomes for AoS landing very fast after Dominus for Stormcast and Cruelboyz.
  17. Disney telling me about Disney at least can put some things in that aren't on the Disney Wiki and which aren't just pet theories that go nowhere. I'd also say that things like painting patreons charge as much if not more per month for content and whilst that might sound bad for GW; remember that many patreons might have hundreds to a few thousand subscribers at best. GW is likely to get many many thousands under this scheme for various parts of it. Plus some parts (like back access content and digital app stuff) is stuff they have/were making already - ergo really low cost for them to include.
  18. I figure they'll steadily add more, however at some stage I suspect its more and more work for them to dig up the old issues. Then again GW has an impressive collection of their material archived. I've really loved their reprints of the old Inferno Magazines. I'm tempted to drop my WD and get Warhammer + instead; esp as the painting and battle reports might be a touch more in depth than what WD currently offers. Though I do prefer things in paper and the art covers are very nice on the WD.
  19. I do think GW are cheeky charging £125 for a sleeve and different cover. Heck I honestly feel they are cheeky charging double price on most books just for a different cover. I think they do it best with WD where its a special cover for subscribing.
  20. I can't help but think some of the LGS might be panicking a bit. Lowering to the normal 15-25% bracket is normal, but much below is quite surprising from a few considering that this boxed set has a 2 week preorder and even if it doesn't sell out the rules and models will still have a several year shelf life
  21. Don't forget Indomitus was launched after 2 months solid shutdown only just after things started working after the first big lockdown. I don't think GW originally intended to leave Necrons and Marines with several months without codex after dropping brand new models in Indomitus. GW is in a much better position now than back then, so I'd expect the Battletomes for Stormcast and Cruelboyz to drop far sooner. There's just no good reason really to launch new models (and a new army) and then leave them without any way to play them for months. It would not surprise me if they are only 1 or 3 weeks after release of the boxed set. Perhaps giving 1 week off for 40K to get a look in, or just going straight into it. Heck GW are doing a 2 week pre-order and yet we've new models going out next weekend anyway, whereas normally GW leaves it fairly bare during a 2 week pre-order.
  22. I fully expect battletomes for both to be within a week or two of the Dominion box landing. Unlike Indomitus, which was a confusing messy time for GW, things are bit more stable now so I'd not be expecting a few months wait like Necrons and Marines had last year. Of course we might still get some local shipping issues with some regions getting things later now and then, but I'd expect more normal delivery from here on. Even if the UK goes into another lockdown, we've got to a point where we can keep manufacture going. It would only hit GW if they had a local outbreak.
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