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The Red King

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Everything posted by The Red King

  1. Don't do that. Don't give me hope. But really a weapon/vambrace like that on a khorne unit would almost certainly be decorated with khornate trim so I'd love to be wrong but I don't see it as likely. That said today's beasts of chaos rules article is actually really good. I was worried they were going to do minimal changes (and maybe the rest is minimal) but that's already a lot of good things. Ambushing the whole army is just going to play havoc with your opponents decision on who to make go first making drops not so important for the beast player. And the gors ability to give out fights last really justifies their inclusion. The ungor ability to shoot from off table is flavorful if probably not overly strong but I wouldnt really want sentinel level shooting coming from off table anyway. The only thing I want from the book now is the ability to actually represent the god marked greatfrays they tout in their current book so if anyone has insight on that give me a thanks react or something lol
  2. I'm cursed to get tons of releases but not really. I loved wood elves so then AELF releases dominate for years! But y'know... not for me. I love beasts of chaos and skaven so good news Warcry focuses almost all of their amazing unique sculpts into exploring the followers of chaos... but not for me. It's kind of funny because back when everyone was tired of aelves I agreed no more aelf releases please but at the same time I personally never got an aelf release. So wit warcry it's like "please stop doing chaos and use this awesome design space for some other armies!" And like... yes please do but at the same time not a single chaos release for me personally. So I want what's good for the hobby (more variety of factions) but colored by my disappointment that there already isn't enough variety for the factions they DID focus on. Anyway, does anyone know if anyone is going to bother leaking beasts of chaos stuff or am I stuck waiting for the tome because my army isnt even popular enough for leaks.
  3. And TOW is in a way the opposite. Stormcast haven't gotten nearly the level of preferential treatment as marines but they do still have the most kits by far and like marines show up in many of the boxes leading to the case of most people having some stormcast. Unlike 30k TOW is going to say "you know that faction that everyone has some figures for? Well forget about them. They're not in this game!" To be clear I dont want stormcast in TOW by any stretch. Just pointing out the anti-comparison between the two "historical" settings.
  4. Yeah I think his dragon ogres are good. I just find a lot of the beasts uncomfortably top heavy or potbellied for my liking. Pigs and ogors sure but why are the centaurs fat too? Are they not running around as one of the fastest units in the whole army? And dont get me started on the ghorgon proxy. His avian tzaangor proxies are amazing (I'd definitely go winged over disks) but at the same time his avian shaman has such a tiny head.
  5. No minotaur beats zealot miniatures imo but claybeast has some great monsters (cockatrice and chimera).
  6. So with the new errata for blades of khorne I cant recall if coalition units gain the "blades of khorne" keyword or if there is now literally no reason to use the coalition rule unless the unit in question is utterly broken in it's own book since you give up all allegiance abilities on them. Is that right?
  7. It's funny how a small change takes everything that makes dogors the better choice over bulls and flips it. Considering the "swing with an extra rank" rule is apparently now a batallion I expect I'll keep running 20 bestigor and 12 great axe bullgor and finally be able to swing with everyone without risking getting bounty hunted. Excellent news. Leadership of the Alpha seems like it could be really good if our herdstone really buff stays. Are there more leaks?
  8. "I am once again asking for your financial support*" *in the form of beasts of chaos points leaks please.
  9. At least you got an army shot showing they have taken pictures of the minis all laid out together which is a lot more promising than a sped up spin of the same beastlord reveal we already got. Oh well. Saves me money I guess.
  10. Got any beasts of chaos points? I'm hopeful it isnt too nerfed if everyone is going down.
  11. Seems to be a site issue. Hopefully itll fix itself.
  12. Half of my skullfray gors are now complete along with my first freehand banner featuring the custom emblem of Mazarak Blood-eye. Sneaking an endless spell under khornes nose by making it entirely out of the blood of slain foes. The striking red color should really add to the "alarm" feeling most players get when they're suddenly surrounded by ambushing goats.
  13. Contract complete including my first ever freehand banner with my beastlord custom icon and my "bloodground bull" endless spell. My girlfriend prefers the black banner but I like the striking visual of the white banner. I think what I'll do is a rough patch of white "warpaint" in the middle of the banner followed by the black image over top (black is easier to make smooth of course) though the rough warpaint look has some charm it isnt going to be feasible with the more complex designs I want to do (kind of visible on the unfinished banner) Still have the eye to do on the bull but that's it.
  14. Why would we see AoS figures on necromonday? T_T
  15. There does seem to be a real dearth of games where you play from the SS side though which would seem to be an oversight if games and real world problems are as separated as you suggest. Discussing the potential tones of a franchise tv show probably still counts as rumors but I think it probably belongs in another topic if we want to continue.
  16. I mean I still remember the back to back posts from GW "Guys fascism is bad and we dont support it the imperium arent supposed to be the good guys why dont yall get that?!?!" Right next to "Heres a trailer for space marines 2 which shows an uber man coming down like an avenging angel to save the common man from foul and monstrous 'xenos' accompanied by a soaring orchestral score!"
  17. Not to sound negative but GW isnt going to encourage us to continue using discontinued models as proxies. The one spear entry will be "copyrightus longpointstickdawnmayne with this exact wargear down to the feathers in their caps" The notice will be an overnight move of the entire range to last chance to buy and then they'll pretend they definitely never painted them right into the narrative reboxed them in AoS boxes and actively sold them to people. Wood elves and sylvaneth never should have been split up in the first place but they wanted more micro armies. Theres no reason they couldnt be like every god marked chaos army where you can focus on mortals or "demons" or mix and match and I dont give GW any slack for being in a tough situation that they created with corporate decision making.
  18. As the side getting nothing I hope at least our book isn't as bland as Skaven. I'm fine not being a tournament army believe me but they really took the soul out of Skaven.
  19. The beast skull on the stone RE is not beastmen and according to Whitefang neither is the skeleton in hair that people hoped was a shaggoth. I'm guessing one foot hero is all beasts are getting...
  20. Bit cheating since they're almost done but I've been working on them through the start of the month so 16 Gor for my skullfray Wildfire taurus And some cat butt magnets my girlfriend wants painted to match our cats lol
  21. Completely random thought and I cant remember any indications so far that it would be but what if the crazy stormcast hes been traveling with has been Felix all along? He does like singing even if that's not quite poetry. I don't remember anything else that would support or deny it. Just a random thought.
  22. I'm just noticing that warhammer fest next year doesn't have any AoS events. Killteam but not AoS? Can we infer some deep meaning from this other than "GW cant be bothered to host an AoS tournament at their largest event of the year"?
  23. 300 dollars? Am I going crazy? Last time I bought a battle force was the old skaven one and it was barely over 200 if that??
  24. My problem with that is that 10 bestigor are cheaper than 10 centigor while also being marginally more durable, though admittedly not nearly as mobile. Bestigor can be battleline as well (blessing and a curse of course) and against gally vets deal an absolute truck load of damage.
  25. Hah yeah. I'm worried all these metawatch articles will make them decide the beasts need to be nerfed in their new book which would make me very sad. That said I do have 10 centigor lovingly converted and they're already in my list. I could try them that way and reduce my drops but I play so few games I don't think I'll be able to give as good an idea of their effectiveness as you.
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