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Everything posted by Arentius

  1. So what we're saying is we want the Mirrors to get him immediately across the board and slicing people up?
  2. So as a High elf Fanboy I've already tinkered with making a White Lion of Chrace including a companion I humbly submit it to the masses to Critique and shred as needed (This is my first ever attempt at homebrewing something)
  3. The guy at the front middle doesn't look like one of the hammer guys? The haft looks much longer than previously seen pictures and it might just be the picture but he doesn't appear to have a cow motiff on his head
  4. I suppose the advantage is it gives you access to the nighthaunt endless spells if you don’t wanna run Nagash?
  5. Why not work a palisade into your list? He can't be seen over the model then on your turn 2 drop the mirrors and just hide behind the palisade as all LOS is drawn from second mirror? As far as I can read you don't need LoS to drop the second mirror so...you can make Nagash very hard to do anything to except magic through the mirror back at you
  6. Which was my concern the battle for glymmsforge book says I can take them as my main force...luckily I spotted the errata! They added the warscrolls for the 4 legions in the Nagash battletome so all is well
  7. So reading through the generals handbook today, none of the new nighthaunt are under legions of Nagash, they are under nighthaunt instead. does this mean the blurb in battle for glymmsforge about being able to take them in a LoN army is now no longer valid in matched play?
  8. So after visiting my local shop and perusing the new artifacts and whatnot a very fun combo has popped up to make the lord executioner one of the best hero killers. You’ll need 1 lord executioner, 1 guardian of souls and 1 vampire lord. the lord executioner from shyish has a lifeender artifact (increase weapon damage by 2 on a 6+ wound roll) this combines with his normal ability so 6’s do 5 wounds now...guardian of souls to make it pop on 5’s and the vampire lord to give him extra attacks
  9. So a question then, if that 20 points was the difference between having a command point or not, would you pick the vampire lord and lose the cp or take the wk and keep it?
  10. The reason a wight king is worth it IMO is rules state nothing about re using a command ability more than once (in fact several of the preview videos on YouTube showcase using the same command ability per turn) with that being the my basis for this until faq’d a wight king can lord of bones a unit more than once or on multiple units. i mean even 2 command points puts a 40 man skeleton unit to 5 attacks, then one for nagashizzar...followed by a van hels. i fully expect this to be faq’d but currently it seems to be fair play
  11. So as someone who never played a game of AoS but has somehow obtained a Death army (the models are just so pretty) I was toying with the following as a 2k list and wondered if anyone could with their experience tell me if I'm going in the right direction (this is assuming points costs out of the GHB2018) Allegiance: Grand host of Nagash Arkhan the black overhwleming dread Wight King with Tomb blade and shield - General Trait: Lord of nagashizzar Necromancer Ossific Diadem Decrepify Mounted Knight of shrouds Guardian of souls Amarinthine orb Skeleton warrios x 40 Spears Skeleton Warriors x 40 spears Grave Guard x 20 Wight blades and crypt shields Chainrasp horde x 20 Endless spells: Chronomatic Cogs Aethervoid Pendulum Caps out at 1970 points
  12. Following on from my morghast, here is my current Nagash progress!
  13. Morghast! Just need to finish off his Basing, I know I want a snow theme but I have no idea how to fill the space and make it look good!
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