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Everything posted by Sharkbelly

  1. Adding the eyes really does make the face pop. Good call!
  2. Gotcha. Don't get me wrong; I'd love to see another Quest board game.
  3. Is there any meat to this talk about Warhammer Quest? Or is it just speculation?
  4. I spent most of 2020 painting Star Wars Legion models. In 2021, I am going to get back to Warhammer. Here are the first of the models, Myrrmourn Banshees. I love all of the details on these.
  5. Oohh... this could be the thing that finally pushes me to get a box set. Vampire Counts were my first army, right after they split from the Undead and became their own faction.
  6. There are a few rumors right now that Blackstone Fortress has wrapped up and the focus might go back to fantasy. But only rumors.
  7. Well, they did reach 3 million, so the Orc Bard will be a thing. I am glad for that. I updated the original post to reflect the correct name. 😕
  8. Sounds great, everyone. I have a MegaGargant to paint up, but he will actually go in with my old square-based pirate-themed Ogres and Humans. This year I want to finally finish a bunch of Chaos Adversaries for Warhammer Quest.
  9. What updates did they get? As far as I know, the sculpts are the same as they have always been.
  10. This right here. There were a lot of folks who lamented all the work they had put into obsolete armies, but 15 years ago or so when I played competitively with a good-sized club, most of the guys started a new army every few years or so. I think a lot of AoS players have done that.
  11. One of my favorites too. I have one sitting ion the shelf waiting for some paint. Along with a Necromancer on Manticore... I'd love to use the Dragon as a Dracolich in a D&D campaign some time. And in Warhammer. 🙂
  12. I've booked one Mythic. I want them to reach $3 million for the Orc Bard! Update: there has been a fair amount of movement in the last 24 hours. Maybe it will push past 3 million? The extra Abominations would be nice.
  13. The pitch is a giant tattoo on his back. I kinda like this idea.
  14. True. I mixed them up when I first posted this. I owned a copy of the original HeroQuest that I bought at a rummage sale may years ago. I cannibalized it for figures for D&D. I'm excited to see this come out again.
  15. I used to love the articles in White dwarf where they showed all of the bits from a new kit painted up. I remember staring at the Fortified Manor one and thinking of all the different things that one could make with them.
  16. No posts in here about this yet? I'm surprised! I just backed this. Very exciting! heroquest.avalonhill.com
  17. Clearly it is Count Noctilus. He has returned from the Galleons' Graveyard. 😁
  18. One of these days I'll get around to painting Dreadfleet 1...
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