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Posts posted by syph0n

  1. 14 hours ago, Swooper said:

    Lots of interesting stuff coming to preorder next week. Three boxes of each for SCE and Nighthaunt (interesting point: Knight Incantors can be built out of the Evocator multi-part kit apparently?), all the new getting started boxes including the two halves of the old core box and... oh what's this, Made to Order including two Tomb Kings heroes? This should make some people very happy.

    The idea of building a hero from a kit sits well with me actually. If there's plenty of bits in the box, at least it gives some variety.

    Clearly the Knight Incantor is a model they want people to own. Freebie on a magazine, in the Starter Sets and now in the Evocator box. I got the Starter Set one for not much more than a fiver, so it's easy to get hold of even if they never put it in a blister. 

  2. 13 minutes ago, Jamie the Jasper said:

    No specific plans as yet. My thoughts on this change daily! At this precise moment I've decided to work largely with what I've got sitting around unpainted in order to get up to 2000 points, so no aetherwings at all initially - I'll be relying on the 3 Prosecutors from the first starter set for 'around the back antics' as @syph0n put it! :D


    I think you're absolutely right about this, and this is one of the areas where I'm struggling a bit. I really want to include a Lord Ordinator with at least one Celestar Ballista, so I'm hoping they can fulfill this role from afar. Neither Fulminators nor Longstrike Raptors strike me as particularly 'Anvilgardy', which is an issue that exists entirely within my own head, but there it is!


    Definitely going with Aqshy - it would be a lore-crime not to! All of the heroes in my current list are more or less utility heroes with low wounds, low speed and very little staying power. Even my general is just a Lord-Relictor. So I don't think giving any of them the ability to fly and harass the rear lines is going to help them stay alive and fulfill their roles. I'm thinking of giving the Relictor the Ruby Ring just to get some reliable mortal wound output in there.


    Yeah, I normally have an aversion to black armour and elves too. But I fell in love with the Cthulhu-esque Anvilgard artwork and somehow that's managed to overpower my usual inclinations. Now I love 'em! :)


    I think that's true of every army to some extent in an objectives-based game to be honest. I don't think it's the only strategy that can work though. At least I hope it isn't, because aside from one chariot everything else in my army is slogging it on foot!


    It's like you read my mind with the endless spells. I think you really need to double down on controlling your opponent's movement with this Anvilgard strategy, so the palisade and shackles are exactly what I'm taking. I now also have a sorceress to summon them on, although how reliable she'll be remains to be seen. Having Darkshards/Bleakswords/Dreadspears to sacrifice to improve her casting would certainly be a big boost, and they'd be a good battleline choice too I think (lots of bodies), although I'm stuck with Liberators for now.


    I've almost finished painting up 10 Corsairs and I refuse to paint any more! So much time and effort required to clean and assemble so many fiddly bits. So many different colours/textures/materials to paint. And I really dislike their Michael Jackson 'Smooth Criminal' pose. I'm taking 40 flagellants instead. No battalions for me.

    I can't face painting horde armies unless there's an obviously quicker way, like Nighthaunt. It's been a task doing Drakespawn Knights! 

    Another good killing unit to consider are Executioners, though I'm not sure if there's better options in none Aelven Anvilgard factions! 

  3. I think with Anvilgard, I get the feeling speed is very important. 

    I'm going for it on the back of an Order Serpentis view; 2 dragons with 14" move. Hydra is your anvil, and I'd take two now. Drakespawn Knights are reasonably quick (10" move). You can add Aetherwings for further "around the back" antics, but also think about the usage of Endless Spells. I'm not sure if there's one that can emulate a wall or table edge (Shackles maybe? Palisade?). Or, use the Cogs to improve movement. That requires a Sorceress and a big block or two of Shards/Spears. Alternatively, I'm thinking maybe a massive net of Corsairs (40 @ 260) with a Fleetmaster to have them re-roll hits. Potential also for Shadowblades - using the Dark Riders who are nippy with 14" moves. Trying to squeeze in Realm Reavers or Ebondrake Warhost I think is quite important. 

    Main problem is the lack of number of allies to take. And of course, I look at these lists from a very aelf-centric way. I have some Stormcast but I just can't bring myself to have them work together ?

    • Like 1
  4. Just now, Saiken said:

    I was thinking about a very similar 1k point army, at least for the core of it.

    What is your reasoning behind the choice of taking a Slaughter queen on foot, rather than multiple Hag Queen ?

    I think my list might feature 2x5 Khinerai Hearthrenders instead of one of your Doomfire unit.

    I'm also thinking about bringing in a Celestar Ballista. Anyone have been wanting to try it ?

    Purely because the Bloodwrack Shrine leaves a Hag and Slaughter free! I have toyed with playing the Slaughter Queen as a Hag, saving me 40 points to use elsewhere, but not sure how. I've messed around trying different Cauldron combinations but I think if the Medusa is General, giving her the extra wounds on the Shrine is quite useful for 60 points difference.

    At 1250 points I'd consider the Ballista. I have two on the way, but I'd use my Reaper Bolt Throwers anyway to keep in theme. I did also think about including a Hydra at that point level, or dropping a unit of Doomfires at 1k for a Hydra if I take out the Slaughter Queen for a Hag. 

  5. 8 hours ago, Overread said:

    And upon that day much blood was spilt upon snake booty


    In other news what you guys using to transport Khinari? I thought they'd be fragile, but having put one together my GODS are these going to be fragile models! Really beautiful but gods spears and tails they are thin!

    I've not bought any myself yet, but the Prosecutors and Aetherwings I picked up last month and assembled make me shudder every time I move the box they're in. I think the solution for me is to manufacture a series of metal shelves that I can put into a plastic storage box (father in law works in metal works, he can get me the sheets cut) and just magnetise my entire collection. 

    I've seen people use large fishing or tool boxes that are very simple and metal.

    I've got a 1k list ready to build, but not sure on temples, spells or artefacts, so advice welcome. Not played with the Daughters of Khaine yet - initially bought the Sisters/Medusa to ally to my Order Serpentis but also got my hands on two Doomfire Warlock kits so 1k list just happened...

    Allegiance: Daughters Of Khaine
    Bloodwrack Shrine (220)
    - General
    Hag Queen (60)
    Slaughter Queen (100)
    5 x Blood Sisters (140)
    5 x Blood Sisters (140)
    5 x Doomfire Warlocks (160)
    - Lore of Shadows: None
    5 x Doomfire Warlocks (160)
    - Lore of Shadows: None
    Quicksilver Swords (20)

    Total: 1000 / 1000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 200
    Wounds: 63


    I need to pick up the Battletome at some point to have a proper read through (only had chance to browse a store copy and look at stuff online). 

  6. 18 hours ago, DJMoose said:

    Due to Morathi's base and the Witch Elf bases I also went with a sort of ruined temple look.  From my local hobby shop I bought some sheet styrene (aka plasticard) with a 1/2" tiled pattern on it.  And then I just started chopping it up into pieces to make them look like ruined temple tiles.  Easy to work with and very inexpensive compared to buying pre-made bases.

    You can see a good example of my bases here.  I plan on filling in the spaces around the tiles with Agrellan Earth.

    Medusa and Slaughter Queen.jpg

    Those tiles are ace. Where were they from? Also, what is the Blood Sister conversion for? 

    /edit. Saw you said local store. Ordered some Evergreen ones. Cheers!

  7. I don't know why, but I imagined that the Hysh aelves would see the light (fnar fnar) before the Ulgu aelves. 

    As much as I would be all over Malerion's aelves, please let me get my Order Serpentis and Daughters of Khaine done first. My wallet can't take any more...

    • Haha 1
  8. 19 minutes ago, swarmofseals said:

    On a completely different tack, what do you guys do for basing on your DoK armies? I like using scenic/resin bases a lot, but several of the DoK kits make this problematic. Witch Aelves and Sisters of Slaughter have those built in rocks which are dicey to clip off (and create real problems getting the model on the base too), and Morathi has such a developed scenic base already. I really wish there was a nice rolling pin/press mat solution for making greenstuff bases with a khainite temple theme. That'd fit with the Witch Aelf bases and Morathi quite nicely. 

    There's a cthulhu themed greenstuff roller I had my eye on for the Idoneth Deepkin, which I think could really suit the Daughters of Khaine. @Bananamanalso had some incredible looking basing, using temple ruins, columns, pots and things. Awesome.

    • Like 1
  9. 20 minutes ago, Ragnar Alpaca said:

    I noticed that the points limit for allies is still there. Is this intentional? I thought in the new addition it was just 1 ally allowed for every 4 units, I didn’t think points mattered here any longer?

    Fairly sure that's true for matched play. It's the other game modes that the points (obviously) wouldn't apply. 

  10. 22 minutes ago, scrollbuilderdude said:

    Didn't realize these were up yet, apologies! Hard to keep track of what is out and what isn't... :)

    This update does have all the FW points updates (though I can see there are some I missed), but I'll be adding the FW allegiance abilities in the next update with Nighthaunt and Stormcast. 

    If you see something that's missing or incorrect, let me know via a DM here. Thanks and happy list building!

    Love the work. It made my life so much easier 4 months or so ago when I first got back into the hobby. Thanks for the hard work! 

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, InSaint said:

    Has anyone reviewed the new Malign Sorcery - Artefacts of the Realms yet?

    It says you can declare which Realm your army hails from and pick a Artefact.

    Yeah, if you look on the main forum there's a couple of threads dedicated to the new endless spells and malign sorcery. I've not investigated their use for Daughters of Khaine, but when I have the book I'll definitely be looking at the options for all of my armies. 

  12. @MrZakalweI'm scared painting mine. I can't settle on a wing colour or anything but growing up all I wanted to do was paint the dragons!

    Progress this week:



    Just the base and charioteers to do. Also, actually finished 5 more drakespawn. That's just 5 left of the first batch of 15 (10 in waiting however) and the knights. Malus/dreadknight done on this unit too:



    Failed the June challenge miserably. I have gotta get a move on with this painting business! 

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Double Misfire said:

    Darkling Covens have got it made with endless spells in the new edition. With a basic +2 to cast on Sorceresses after they've sacrificed a spearman and a casting and range boosting command traits and artefacts they're looking second to Nagash and Arkhan for reliably getting the big spells off. I'd be tempted to start a small force myself if the new Stormcast endless spells didn't look so damn cool!

    I keep discounting the ability to sacrifice and taking them as allies as a back line in my own army. Taking 2 lots of 10 spears or shards and 2 sorceress for the 400 allowance gives access to some spell casting power. You can still sacrifice outside of the DC allegiance can't you? Just based on key words?

    I've made a thread about the other Aelven factions and how allies, endless spells and artefacts of AoS2 here if anyone wishes to contribute:


  14. I like the Tauralon too, especially if you could paint it a shade of brown or even black. 

    I would like to see a mount more resembling the iconography of the Stormcast, particularly something lion like. Like a good Manticore. 

    I appreciate the imagination put into the recent releases. The Deepkin were similar. How easy would it have been to go with kraken, sea dragons, incorporate the kharibdyss and so on? Some would still like that (can't say I wouldn't) but I'm pleased there's some curve balls like the Eidolon. 

    Going forward, I'm really interested to see what happens with the remaining Aelves of Hysh and Ulgu... Particularly Malerion's Aelves. 

    • Like 1
  15. 48 minutes ago, Overread said:

    Honestly even if GW just reboxed Witch Aelves into a 20 man boxed set and released that; provided there was a discount compared to the current set of 10 that would be something. The WE are still priced as an optional elite army component price rather than a battleline model that's the cornerstone of the army. It's a hangover from when the Dark Elves were split up. 

    The worst thing is that when you're (from GW direct) looking at £105 for a single 30 model group that is expected to be one of several in your army; then that is going to turn a lot of people away from the DoK. That DoK are not even getting pushed during the relaunch is a worry. I can't see GW dropping them after putting money into the new sculpts; but at the same time it seems so odd to put all that effort into a new faction and then not followthrough with a getting started box and other adjustments to better represent them and make them interesting. Right now you can spend over £400 and only have your basic troops covered and NOTHING else. No heroes, beasts, riders, khinari etc... That's the price of some full armies with a lot more diversity. 

    It's a big issue for DoK in securing popularity and I really hope GW addresses this before Christmas. 

    I don't see any price cut at all. If we get a Start Collecting or larger box that's the extent of the discounts I think. The Khinerai are expensive for their points value too. 

    With that said, the DoK and Idoneth have played an important role in recent story progression so even if they're expensive (and I've no idea on sales figures), they're most definitely here to stay as a faction. (Irrespective of how new they are too!!) 


  16. Not worth sharing a pic of work done on my drakespawn, but mouths about done, spines, teeth and claws on the way. 

    Running a club at school, so took Lokhir to paint, rather than transport all my drakespawn. This is the result of 3 hours (1 hour club plus 2 hours tonight):


    It's all washed and ready for the final highlights. I'm going to use the Blood God paint on the swords, covering the whole metal. Then, I'll do fine little silver highlights as in the Daughters of Khaine battletome. Love that look. 

    I've also finished building and spraying my son's Stormcast Eternals:


    The gold spray is fantastic. It covered really well, two fine coats from top and bottom. He'll do all the Reikland Flesh, drybrush and I'll do the fine details. I found them a joy to paint before... Unlike my own bloody aelves! 

    • Like 1
  17. Lizards nearly done! 

    Faces, spines and gold to go. 


    Won't post the chariot pic because I've also updated the June thread. Also WIP... 


    My son's first army being built. 1k Stormcast (Starter set, 2x extra Retributors, Vanguard-Raptors). 

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