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Everything posted by Riff_Raff_Rascal

  1. I just want to wish all of you a well played year of the Rat. We did good. Carried that plague 'erwhere. I'll take-steal all of the credit of course. As you might expect, only the strongest, the most brilliant of us will draw the attention of the Great Horned One! Bask-Cower before my glory! <PSA announcement: don't actually spread Covid, thats a ****** move>
  2. To approach this from another angle, I dont think its worth buying them, but rather take them as a hobby opportunity to make your own. This should be true for any faction really. I was first inspired by how clumsy and impractical it was to store/field skaven stuff so i made my own and learned a lot! Save yourself some money and just find the right base profile to go ham on.
  3. @GunslingerOy I would definitely recommend gutter runners. If you have 20 models to play with (the bloodbowl team Skavenblight Scramblers comes to mind) it'll be a max unit and a decent horde discount. "Elite" units are more fun/worth it for conversions and the time spent on them. Either unit has utility (the NR pre-game move is definitely valuable) however they currently do diddily-squat for damage. That said, I would invest in multiple units of either, I personally feel the new lore book releases are gonna update all of Eshin within the next year.
  4. Did this community drop the ball this year and not do the 13 days of skavendom for the holidays. Let the bells ring.
  5. @EasyArmy Yes indeed. I'll be adding a fourth arm actually and will be two headed. Im writing up plenty of fluff for this army and this guys deal is two gargants in Chamon had a run in with Tzeentch forces and accidently got fused together. Im missing the GW gargant in the picture but I'll have one Mega from Chamon, one from Shyish and one from Ghyran. It'll be all themed to Ghyran because of them assembling near the supposed mountain range made up of Behemat himself.
  6. i havent bothered with converting gdub giants as of yet. i feel that id lose too much detail and have to hide too much. Instead i invested in some mantic models and have been free to hack up and reposition their solid plastic appendages. take a look...
  7. I do like the thematic flavor of your additions. From a 1000 ft view of the game, I am of the mind that the game can and will be healthier if we think of changes/additions that involve incentives instead of disincentives. For instance, when making the choice of first player for the round, why not take the ideas above and turn them into incentives for maintaining turn order instead of punishing a consecutive turn? Making a choice that benefits you in some way is far more attractive and fun than doing something that is more like "ewh, my opponent gets a bonus, I guess I have to rob them of it". See what I mean? But otherwise, I personally wouldn't mind playing the above ideas its just the other side of the same coin.
  8. The ol' mortar team models you say? Well you certainly can use them.. My secret: clone the little bugga's I did some early experimentation with rubber molds and plastic epoxy. Their shape and minimal appendages made it way easy to retain quality.
  9. Clarifying question for Taker tribe: The Very Acquisitive command trait means that effectively you can take 1 artifact from anywhere and a 2nd artifact that has to be from the Taker list, correct? For instance I want the Incandescent Blade from Aqshy and then I choose the Kraken Sandals. Without battalions and special rules to get more customization for our Megas, this seems to be the most effective way.
  10. can anyone explain the best order of operations for priming and paintin mega faces? the mouth area is quite a conundrum. once the actual jaws are in its impossible to get any sort of brush angle. i mean i could just keep it boring and just paint it pinkish but that dental work though...it needs to be seen.
  11. Don't tell anyone (but do anyway) that I've compiled our rules in this PDF for easy reference (in theory) during games. Its just 7 pages and in actuality you'll only need 3 to print out or view in practice. Enjoy. Teachings of the Horned Rat.pdf
  12. "Mightier Makes Rightier"RAW for the Designer's Note: I wish to explain that this IS abusable such that there are ways for SoB to auto-win in these types of scenarios without doing any work. You have free reign, most importantly no timing restrictions on when you have to declare that you choose to contest a point using scenario or SoB rules. So you can change the control rules at both the top and bottom of the same phase. In addition, there is no proximity restriction concerning where your units are or even if you control an objective in the first place. You can make the switch regardless of objective and its location. So to put this into an example, lets use Places of Arcane Power from the Designer's Note. As a reminder, you immediately gain control of an objective if a "Leader unit from their army finishes a move within 3" of the objective", the key being phrase being "finishes a move". In your opponents first turn, before they move a Leader onto the objective in their movement phase, you can declare "hey 'dat 'un gotta 'av lots of units" and now your opponent can attempt to move any number of models with 6'' of the objective, and they can, so that they'll capture it at end of turn, instead of immediately using a Leader. Before end of turn, at any time, you declare "oy! Me changed me mind. 'Oous got ta 'ave a boss around" switching it back to the scenario's capture rules. Since no Leader is finishing a move before the turn is over, the objective remains neutral. Now you may be thinking, "but I thought the large and in charge rule is only how SoB can capture points?" As far as we know contesting a point is scenario wide and both players share it. Thats gonna take another explanation by the rules committee, possibly concerning the core rules about how contesting an objective works. As of now, we've hit the equivalent of video game tearing where we fall through the environment and into the void. PLEASE READ: do be nice. do be fair. nobody in their right mind will like you to use this weird thing I just explained. This will get fixed. As always use common sense. Just like most casual gamers will discover, you don't know what you don't know and this will just never come up ever. I did feel obligated to attempt an explanation for the purposes of learning, if not for AOS, then for game design in general.
  13. The lowliest skaven may one day back-stab their way to power. Except in Eshin, there's some real 300 upbringing going on there.
  14. Rules clarification: i assume for the warpgrinder, when you set up and declare an accompanying unit, its considered all one drop for the purposes of counting drops? or do you just declare another unit later when its your turn and its now tunneling.
  15. The following advice I give to any of my friends who have non-hero monsters that aren't quite "there" yet: Re-think their role in your lists. Across the board, GW hasn't cracked the code on how non-hero monsters should operate (see Beasts of Chaos). Effectively, they don't beat face (reliably as mentioned by @Gwendar), they can't take objectives, can't use command points and the "monster" chart mechanic, while flavorful in theory, overvalues the need to nerf the only things a monster is good at. That said, the rule of cool remains, so of course you should field 'dem monsters, especially the A-Bomb. This brings me to my advice: Despite game-wide disappointment with monsters, they still look intimidating and important. The rule of cool can be used for mind-games even when playing against experienced players. Take advantage of this. Will it get shot at? Of course, it'll take shots for your other more important troops. Put it front and center to lead the army. Will your opponent swarm/surround an HPA to take advantage of a low save? Of course they will, thats why you plan on hugging the back-half of it with your own troops or putting an endless spell (like vermintide) up against it to minimize surface area to be charged or piled into. Alternatively, when you make a charge, you can hug up against a building when you tag a unit, so they can't pile-in that direction. Do you have shooting of your own? Flank HPA with shooting as the distraction piece will draw out a hammer unit that's ready for melee but not shooting. If a horde unit that knows it can take on a monster, instead flank it with your horde-killing spells/magic. My favorite concept, because positioning and movement is king, is throwing a monster up the side of the board away from objectives altogether. Inevitably, your opponent will want to commit something to it and have to move WAY over there. The theory is your try hard friends are thinking tactically and don't want to be "flanked" even though thats not my intention. Sometimes its a chaff unit that the monster can absolutely deal and is a win for you because the chaff unit isn't chaffing your actual main force/hammers. If you're fortunate they send a slow moving elite unit, think brutes, hammer-cast or necropolis stalkers. This is great. Fly casually, but not too casually that they don't take the bait. If they charge you out in the middle of nowhere, they're on an island and will take the rest of the critical rounds not being on objectives and not killing your other objective grabbing troops. Notice how I didn't mention a monster doing ANY damage or heavy lifting? In fact, in most above scenarios, they probably still derp hard and die. Hell, may never even get to attack. That said, when we think about a units "value" in its ability to kill as many points as its worth, its a crime not to consider "did I get X points worth of distraction/trickery/positioning or rule of cool outt'ive it?"
  16. I would offer up the following: completely abandoning clans as a core function of the book. Thats controversial so let me explain. What we have currently is really just copy and paste from pre-book (for the most part) and thus our books current design is just a hellpit abomination with pages. The designers never had cross clan synergy in mind (controversial too) AND didnt fully update the individual scrolls/clans to be stable on their own. Hence why most of us play good stuff soup lists. This would be my alternative: How 'bout a book designed around "schemes" of the skaven as a basis for the subfaction design of most other books. Imagine a "scheme" of assasinate from afar where theres clear synergy and buffs specifically with eshin units and skryre. Clearly this would lean on jezzails to pop heroes in eshin fashion. Or perhaps a scheme of verminous hiring pestilens to coat their blades. clanrats with mortal wound potential on wound rolls? Sounds fun. Since we already play mixed lists why not lean into it? The leftover design space for pure clan factions can then be left to battalions and general battle traits. The moulder battalion is a great example of this, and ive said before, but the menagerie is the best designed battalion in the book. Bonus: Ill repeat what has been said so many times but please make clanrats battleline everwhere. my goodness.
  17. Recently finished a game with Taker Tribe, KE + WS and 2x3 MC's. Cant say too much in a short space but my buddy super meta'd me and played Bonesplittaz of all things. Monster hunting ork tribes was unfair. Still fun. Lemme tell you Big Stabbas put a whoopin on Gargants. Was not ready for that.
  18. My friend, yes-yes. Just go for the third bell at this point. Rolling Peals of Doom is fun (more chances to get a Verminlord Cheeselord)
  19. honestly for the shooting meta, verminous is where its at. double down on bodies and battleshock immunity. we play by challenging the opponent to do 200+ wounds needed to keep us off of objectives. sticking with melee is where i have the most fun any ways. if your opponent wants to dance around objectives let them. in a lot if ways this might be the age of stormvermin for pulling melee and objective holding duty.
  20. has anyone played around with allies at all? i feel like a 2 MG list could squeeze in some fun toys to supplement the big boyz. particularly magic casters or something to prevent a full surround off on the big 'uns.
  21. @SoSoCho Sorry to hear that friend. I do recommend writing a re-cap of your games somewhere, either in a small notebook or in a word doc, if only for yourself. This is just to remind you of particular moments that went wrong, could have gone better or most commonly moments where you forgot one of your rules that could have pulled you out of a situation. This is a solid step at getting better at the game overall. I'm a bit confused about your concern with clan traits. I hope you realize that our book is very much soup friendly army when it comes to allegiance abilities. Each individual unit, no matter what clan keyword they have, can have their clan specific allegiance abilities. For instance, if you decide to play a mixed list with half pestilens, half verminous and a masterclan hero, the plague priests can still have access to Great Plagues, Warlords still get a free command trait and masterclan heroes still get a command point refund. Most folks just drop 3xclanrats and make whatever list they want. Your idea is totally legal. I think the skaven community would agree that mixed lists are more reliable because of this. I didn't want to sway you from trying out a single clan from the beginning because its what you had and because I wanted to assume you find the army fun. I won't encourage you to play the same list again, since pestilens are notoriously hard to pilot for the reasons you mentioned, but that said you can only get better from here the more you play with similar lists. My idea for you would be to keep a core pestilens detachment, like 1-2 units of monks and a furnace in your list, so that even though your list will change around a bit, you'll still get reps in with those same units (assuming 3 clanrat/stormvermin units included). Slow to read @Gwendar but they beat me to the point.
  22. ive been having a fun time chatting in the Sons of Behamet discussion. that will be my second army ever and needed the complete opposite experience of skaven. whats really funny is that theyre having a big kerfuffle about being able to walk over endless spells. reminds me of the time i was confused about our doomwheels being able to run over spells. fyi: endless spells dont have a wounds characteristic. So no, ignoring models with a wounds characteristic doesnt apply here.
  23. @SoSoCho I'd recommend the furnace. The most useful traits and artifacts benefit units with prayers and the verminlord doesnt do any of that. Also you can be a bit more aggressive iwth the verminlord if not your general. He's a great command point sink, using his command ability to buff himself and any monks he's with;A real independent operator.
  24. @Gwendar The actual advice I give in person about having the right mentality: "Behold! My stuff" and precede to drop the sickest minis on the table. At this point, I don't care if my models die in droves, they died with style. On the top of round 1 no less.
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