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Everything posted by Neck-Romantic

  1. And its about time scenery with rules had point costs, frankly.
  2. Well I own 30 bladegheists, and no harridans yet 😂
  3. Test List; Reikenor 2x Necromancers KoS on ES STorment Mortis Engine 2x15 Bladegheists 12 Myrmourn Banshees 2x20 1x10 Chainrasps (ugh) 1990 points --------------- Mortis gives cast bonus to Reik and the Necros, KoS gives his +1 attack to myrmourns or Bladegheists, 4 dispell rolls, got 3 units of chaff and 3 units of lethality, 2 of which might get to attack twice. Plus gravesites (Swap reik for Oly and downgrade some rasps maybe)
  4. I dunno, Olynder still makes a bit impact whwn she doesnt just get run over in 1 turn. I feel like I could run my normal NH army with a mortis engine and a few necromancers swapped in. Maybe swap Weight King for KoShrouds seeing as Shroudguard is gone - NVM Weight King only gives +1 attack to Deathrattle. Damn.
  5. Hmmm true if Hosts cant be battleline Im qatually kinda screwed. Dont like rasps myself
  6. Perhaps. Things like VLs and Weight Kings are just flat better then KoS's tho. I feel both sides of this. Its sad NH wasnt able to stand on its own... but it will be fun to actually use some of these other models and new rules
  7. We'll see if the banshee battalion carries over; Im guessing not, but that is indeed a lot of -bravery Mortis Engine is in, great synergies there
  8. Thats if its a FEC terrorgheist. If we get access to it we will have the generic GA Death warscroll
  9. @SleeperAgent Where are you getting those perks for the terrorgheist from?
  10. Goes on preorder tomorrow hopefully we will get some more info
  11. Perhaps something along the lines of Lady O's vanguard, giving harridans/tomb banshees some sort of bonus... like +1 to banshee scream anti bravery roll and Harridan moving to Bravery 7 for their debuff. +1 to banshee screams would synergize heavily with added bravery debuffs as well
  12. Ah, well we ought to get a snippet or two on prerelease day. Honestly I dont see them giving us an entire different spell lineup or artefact list, but perhaps different allegience abilities to go with gravesites. My bet is a loss of WoT and Spectral Summond in favor of some sort of "wipe an enemy unit; ressurect a friendly unit" and some other attrition or bravery themed abilities reflecting the fact that the "surprise attack" is over and a more traditional "grind" campaign has begun
  13. Well doesnt Forbidden Power come out tomorrow? Might be hearing about it then. Come to think about it... was LoG going to be its own book or just a blurb in FP?
  14. Well bravery debuffs interact with banshee screams and Harridans regardless of battleshock tests so theres something
  15. I figured as much. Still; with the horrorghast and our native debuff thats -2 or -3, enough to make failing hurt.
  16. Dealing with Idoneth when they have two 2-piece shipwrecks on a tourney table is already congested enough
  17. Oh... besides the prospects of Legion of Grief ... justice for Garkorr! SOME stats please in GHB19
  18. Is it -2 for both bridges? I somehow doubt thats quite how it works but a definite boost if so. I was thinking you could summon the bridge in the middle of the opponents army, effectivly sectioning off a portion of their forces to dissect while being immune to the bravery debuff I'm also pretty keen on finally picking up a Mortis Engine if its allowed; one of my favorite "new" kits these last few years and been frustrated the starter box of Hosts, Hexes, and Engine didnt allow its use
  19. Hmmm. Wholly within 3" of the boatman will be tricky to pull off in the hero phase; you'll need to have the unit you want moved positioned just right beforehand. Bridge seems... okay... mostly because we are immune to the debuff. Maybe using it defensivly to block charge lanes? Not too fond of the Horrorghast model, I might kitbash something instead, but probably the one I'm most excited for. Pyramids might be crazy to combo with other movement reductions (Briar Queen, Shackles) or with other -1 to hit shenanigans (Mourngul, Lady O)
  20. @SleeperAgent Or a Terrorgheist! (I keep referencing them; if they open up our allies than those things will be nuts) I had hoped from the begining for a more 'outside the box' army that killed with bravery and MW output, hoping for the Myrmourn dreadvault band to have some interesting bravery gimmick too
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