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Everything posted by Acid_Nine

  1. hey, we never know. There could be another pose / head on teclis, almost like Magnus? I just want more, and I want it now. I know we got a few good models for now, but I want to know more.
  2. oh you better believe people are going to. Hell, I want to put LEDs inside that armor and I never did anything like that before! Unfortunately I think end times made sure that realm was destroyed by slaanesh and a betrayal by bretonnia. but there could be fluff referencing this, maybe as a source of power to avoid the flaws that the idoneth and Daughters have?
  3. I think I can speak for a vast majority of Deepkin players when I say that we all are a bit frustrated with deepkin. I love eels and I'm still frustrated that there are times when an eel unit just doesn't feel like enough, or it requires super meticulous planning to wield it when every other army can just steamroll forward without too much thought. It's a hard army to play around to be sure, and I can see it getting harder the more units are released. It is a book that's two years old and after 2019 you can really feel the age creeping up on it.
  4. I think they are most certainly a duel box, at least for the spear men. I don't know if they are made for a start collecting box, as I would think that they would have a generic lord for it more than the Light. Still, could be a possibility. I love the model, but I would be terrified to do absolutely anything with Eltharion. Looking at how everything connects, I have no clue how you would even glue half the stuff together, much less paint it!
  5. Yea, I am warming up to that now. I am just being my usual worrying self. Just don’t want an idoneth kind of mistake where only unit out of the book is really used. Just want a good, well rounded book with tons of playing potential. Plus, I find it interesting that they mentioned talismen and other magical things being on them. I have high hopes all around that I hope don’t get dashed!
  6. Eh, even if they are I'm sure the spears have a long enough reach to be used in two ranks at least. I thought the same for mortrek but again I was wrong. This could be an argument till released, but I hold out hope they do not have a namarti situation on their hands.
  7. At the same time, as long as they don't forget that every other spear in AoS has a 2 inch range they should still be better than the namarti. Plus, looking at their stance it looks like their feet are fairly close together. comparing it to the mortek guard, they look like they have around the same amount of negative space. when looked at the same angle. Or I could be full of carp. Still, these guys don't look as swol as the namarti, so they could be on 25mms. I know when I saw the previews for the Ossiarchs I thought the mortek would be stormcast sized instead of the size they actually are.
  8. Well, considering the most recent info release was yesterday during LVO, I think after it is a fair bet that will be after it. 😉 But, depending on the release I think we will have more info between now and adepticon. If I am remembering correctly and using them as an example, I think the Ossiarchs where released without ties to any major tourney, so maybe those are not things to go by completely. by the way, does it look like the Wardens are on 25mm bases? because if they are then It's making me wonder if GW has learned a lesson after the idoneth release. The namartii are on very large bases for a horde unit, which lead to their decline on the table top in hordes and thus a decline in model sales because they cannot engage enemies as a horde unit. Considering the ossiarch Mortek Guard are on 25mm and people absolutely love them, and considering that the wardens look to be in the same vein, I'm thinking GW had a change of design style just to avoid another Namartii type fiasco in the game, which is pretty fascinating to me.
  9. Man I was hoping the last thread would just be renamed. Ah well time to Haunt this one now. I hope there is a new dragon kit and a new mounted lord kit, possibly riding an eagle or griffon / sphinx, something to keep up with the mounted knights. I also hope there is a war machine bolt thrower, a monsterous Calvary / dragon unit and some sort of mage captain. I do wonder if they will follow the Sacrosanct chamber and disciples with having basic units have their own power up or spell to make them better. Outside of models, I am a bit nervous about the knights. I wanted regular horse knights since the empire knights where discontinued, but I hope the rules for them can match the monstrous Cav that came out. It seems that the riders in modern day fantasy need their mounts to back them up with attacks unless they make the riders absolutely godly on the charge. (btw new drinking game: everytime someone says hope take a shot of elvish wine 😉)
  10. You know, I can accept the face when you put it like that. He had two worlds to live through and is now on his second race of elves. I can accept that now, and It's starting to grow on me a bit more. But that could be me forcing it. He is also a god, so that could just be the Alien sort of look to show he's not of this world just yet. I could also see someone painting the face to look like a porcelain mask. The rest of his clothing doesn't bother me, even his magnificent helmet. I really can't wait to see more of these guys though, and I have to keep the hype high for the new aelves. I really want to see what the Captain equivalent is like. I'm hoping for a mix between a loremaster swordsman and an old high elf prince, maybe with a few options for different mounts. Still holding out hope for a dragon lord.
  11. So I had some time to sleep on my ideas, and Teclis is on a seesaw going from terrible to awesome in my mind. I would have to see what he looks like in real life to see if I love him or not. so one of the things I just want to see now is what happens when an elven society isn’t falling apart at the seams like in most fantasies. I don’t want any more doom and gloom elven civilizations, I just want to see what happens when they are flourishing, powerful and hopeful dammit. This looks to be in the right direction, even if they are still standing on the ruins of their society in model form. i at least want to see what happens when their gods are able to walk and fight alongside them. Before the gods in the old world where esoteric and not all the way there till the end times. Now they can go to fight alongside at least one or two gods of their pantheon.
  12. Look, I think it’s time We as a hobby group invested in special magnets to make models float. That’s the only way I could imagine playing Teclis on that base. the only critique I have is teclis’s face. It looks a little alien to me, but maybe that’s the point? i love the light of eltharion, and I am so interested in seeing how that grim ****** came back. And I am interested to see how the Calvary does in game. Their horses don’t look like they have the powerful jaws of a drake or an eel, so I wonder how much weight the rider’s lance will pull.
  13. Phalanx spear elves, actual elven Calvary, magic floating armor, ****** giant goat cat things oh my Teclis I want it all. I want it now.
  14. That is a fairly good point! My only fear is that my opponent will be savvy enough not to stay within charging distance of the table edge. But, your idea is quite a good one, I may only use the one for now, and practice using him until I got the idea down. Right now i’m Trying a royal council list, and it’s a hard choice to keep him on the table to use the command ability, or to outflank him. (Bringing the eidolon and having him do rituals in the back with the tide caster seems like a really good way to help the eidolon out )
  15. Usually I charge on turn 2, if not turn one. I should probably wait longer before I commit everyone, but something inside me is so against letting a vulnerable 340 point unit sit there and do absolutely nothing till turn 3. I have to hold them back on turn 1 and remind myself I need to set up charges. It is a bit more difficult to do that though, as the opponent could ruin all your plans by getting a single model within 3 inches before they had a chance to move. ideally ideally, you charge turn one, survive, retreat turn 2 and then charge again turn 3. But since I am trying to be patient then it’s a bit harder to do that. if their mounts had attacks like demigryphs then I would be a bit easier about it, and call me insane but I would consider a mount profile like those guys have if it meant having rend and a chance for mortal wounds whenever instead of only once per game then again, I could be insane and not know how to play the idoneth, which is a distinct possibility...
  16. That just sounds funky, and would require so much thinking to change the opperation order. It would so very much mess with the opponent, and the game as a whole... i ducking love it
  17. May I ask what the reasoning behind using both a king and volturnous is? also hope what I brought up doesn’t get buried as a discussion🤐
  18. So, does anyone have any trouble cycle charging as much as I do? Kinda hard to plan around a hit and run type attack when the enemy can potentially double turn you and either steam roll the guys already in combat, or just charge the unit that just retreated. In a perfect world I could see being able to cycle charge, but to do that really requires every thing to be in the right place and for the enemy to sit still.
  19. I honestly just want the army to be fun, without some of the problems their deep kin older brothers have. I would like every unit to be viable, for the magic to be interesting, for the Calvary not to be wet noodles when not charging... and While i’m At it I would like for all my student loans to be paid off and for me to have an extra grand in the bank.
  20. It's times like this I really miss the short stories from Malign portents. I think they did a good job hyping up factions like idoneth deep kin and daughters of khaine, and I really miss that kinda of extra insight.
  21. Honestly one of the coolest parts of Warcry was the human tribes from across the realms, and seeing stuff like the realm of light and darkness being representative in their culture. Which other realms haven’t been fleshed out though? It seems we covered mostly Ghyran, aqshy and shyish the most.
  22. hey, why not both? who knows, maybe teclis's wayward sons will have an alliance with them in the fluff.
  23. you know, I should pick up a novel about teclis instead of reading the book about Malekith. I need to get this hype train rolling even harder!
  24. You know, getting a closer look at the picture... it almost looks like teclis’s sword is made out of light? At least the blade portion? can he deflect the bullets from Ratling guns?
  25. Moon Elves sounds about right. An aspect of light, seen with arcane power and mystery in both AoS and our world, the possibilities of curses like werewolves being involved... Sounds dang awesome now that I think about it. Wonder what the gloom spite gits think!
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