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Everything posted by HollowHills

  1. Nah it will have new models. They wouldn't have hyped it as something that will take years otherwise. Plus not much money in a game that relies on old kits. There may be some overlap but I assume it will work like HH with lots of forge world units. It may even be a game that uses smaller scale minis like titanicus.
  2. Hi Puchat. If both abilities trigger at the start of the combat phase then the player whose turn is taking place chooses which happens first. So in this case if it is HIS TURN your opponent can fight before you use RDP to activate Shieldwall. However, in YOUR TURN you can activate Shiedwall before he gets to fight. Does that help?
  3. Words meanings change based on context and common usage. No one says you shouldn't call something "cool" just because it isn't physically icy to the touch. In games something you have to include which restricts your choice is frequently referred to as a "tax". It communicates the meaning well enough as a cost you have to pay out of your points budget. It can come across as very pedantic to pick people up on their words like that. I have an MA in English by the way.
  4. This would be so cool. As others have said it also kind of makes sense based on the Fey Enchantress having been an elf in disguise all along. My angle, Teclis and Tyrion realised they couldn't just make new elves after the Idoneth turned up corrupted. Then they got made an offer by the Fey Enchantress to mix the rescued elf souls from Slaanesh with the virtuous souls of the Brettonians. This balanced out the flaw of the Idoneth and allowed the creation of new elf like beings formed into knightly orders.
  5. Doesn't fit idoneth or DoK, looks most like a high elf weapon to me. So also going hysh on that.
  6. Bonereapers players shouldn't complain. They have one of, if not the, best battleline options in the game. It's not a tax to include something you absolutely want in every single list. For KO I think it would be nice if the ships benefited in some way from having arkanauts in them. Maybe if arkanauts garrisoned in ships counted as models in range of the objective if the boat itself is in range. I don't normally encourage power creep in armies I don't play and have no intention of playing, but I feel like KO players deserve some good rules after all they've been through!
  7. The KO rules look much better from the preview. From the wording about warscroll changes I reckon they realised they slightly mucked up the original KO release and have done a big rework.
  8. That's because KO are a real aos army whereas freeguild are leftovers. Anyone playing those left over armies should be grateful they are supported at all.
  9. You don't want scenery. It's a pain in the ****** to take to shops and clubs, it isn't as fun to paint as normal models and it adds a mandatory monetary cost to your army. Also most (admittedly not all) faction endless spells aren't great rules wise. Dice are a nice collection item, so I can see that as frustrating. Did they get dice at the previous release? At the end of the day the only thing that matters is if the rules are good. Then you can finally enjoy your army.
  10. Seems like tzeentch are getting the better deal out of this, though I suspect kharadron players will be happy regardless of the book gives them half decent rules.
  11. I voted Hysh elves, Ulgu elves and Idoneth. I'm hoping for Hysh elves to be a major release and Idoneth to get some new endless spells with maybe an embaillor hero. Plus the all important new battletome. I'd also like to see GW finally pull off the plaster and squat the rest of the WHFB stuff. I know it won't happen with cities and legions existing, but my pet peeve is for people who play aos but refuse to buy a new faction that fits the setting.
  12. I don't really want to say the source, but someone who knows about the balance of the game and the general's handbook support. No idea about if they get new models or whatever. Just "they are treated the same as every other aos army going forward". The rest of the stuff being squatted is a guess on my part based on hearing that it isn't supported by the rules and balance team. I only really wanted to post to try and reassure the chorf players. If you like any models I'd buy them now just in case.
  13. Nurgle, DoK and Idoneth. I'm not having it that those books were 2. 0 ready because they evidently weren't.
  14. Hi everyone. I don't really care about fw stuff but here is what I know. Legion of Azgorh are considered a main army for aos in the same way as any other, they will continue to be supported going forward. Everything else is likely to be phased out.
  15. The reveal of a new primaris dark angel character.
  16. That's exactly what we need. I'm sure iit would go down so well.
  17. I've had it confirmed to me that tzeentch, kharadron and a brand new army are coming early 2020. That could mean January or April for all I know. As a guess I think that new army will be hysh elves. Personally I also think there will be a seraphon update with new models, but no actual info on that. Lastly I expect Nurgle, DoK, Idoneth and Stormcast to be updated in 2020. Probably endless spells / scenery for all except stormcast who are due a new release.
  18. 25th is mostly dark angels focused, expect to see some aos news at the new year open day. 100% tzeentch and kharadron, maybe the new faction that is coming early next year too.
  19. Ah that's a weird mix, thanks for linking though.
  20. That would be weird with all the other stuff being Nighthaunt.
  21. I think it's a superficial similarity on the leg. The leg on the Necrofex Colossus looks like a crows nest from a ship but turned upside down, the one from the rumour engine looks much more like stone or metal. Plus there is little to no lore set up for Vampire Coast in AoS, normally with big new armies you get lore hints quite a long time in advance. I could be totally wrong, but that's my view.
  22. As someone mentioned earlier the fact that the sharks have a small shooting attack does mean they can chip a screen before a charge. That's not something eels can do. Given screens are generally 1w models with a 5 up save (sometimes 4 up) the shooting could do enough to give you a better charge. That said you are losing movement, so deepstrike may be best. You also take up much less base space with sharks than eels, again this can help with deepstrike.
  23. Yeah me too. To be honest I wouldn't be against another underwater army in general, but I don't think they would want to compete with idoneth sales wise.
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