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Everything posted by Beliman

  1. Really? I've read a few Warhammer Fantasy books (not much, over 12). Yes, sometimes it becomes a bit weird (a tank exploding in the middle of a medieval city like a Die Hard movie) but appart from a few chapters or characters, I had the feeling that everyone was in the same ground. I know, a human fighting a Shoggoth or even a Great Daemon was a bit too much, but if was written as if it was more about luck and the perfect timing than "hey, I'm angry!! I'm going to kill everyone with one hit even if I'm drunk" feeling that Gitslayer has (and yes, it's exactly how the book starts). Btw, I'm not used to 40k books. I think that I only finished the Night Lords Trilogy and some Forge world studio books (mperial Armoury and old Horus Heresy's Black Books)
  2. I'm in the middle of Gitzslayer and I must say that it's crazy how good are some books and how bad are others. It seems that even the power-level of the books is stupid, sometimes you feel lile you are in the middle of the Golden Voyage of Sinbad, snd sometimes you feel that you are in the middle of Goku and Vegeta (90s cartoons).
  3. I feel that AoS only has one offensive stat. MW is just a hidden stat to increase damage output vs high saves and remove interation between players
  4. Maybe they are diferent? It feels weird that diferent loadouts do exactly the same.
  5. I hope that 4 edition "mortals" means anything than 3d edition "mortals" LOL
  6. A bit of everything: Painting 6 more dwarf quarrallers Rebasing a bunch of miniatures: slayers, thunderers, gyros, Irondrakes, heroes and warmachines (all of them need to be painted). Waiting the release of Dwarfs (I need to buy a lot of stuff if I want to legaly play the game).
  7. Sad day for Beastmen, Bonnesplitterz, SCE players and anyone that follows the hobby. The only thing I can understand about all of this is that GW didn't have any plan for their minaitures and/or loyalty program for their clients.
  8. If someone had any doubt about that. That would be the case for 99% of players, even without GW permission, we would use this models as alternative models. And I can say that it will be exactly be the same for any warcry or underworlds warband.
  9. I'm glad that GW just says waht will happen, most of the #3rdPurge™ models victims seems to still be valid until summer 2025, that's a good move. There are still a lot of miniatures that still are in the eye of the hurricane, I expect all Dispossessed dwarfs and Dark Elves to go the way of the Dodo too.
  10. I hope that the CP mechanic is like a pseudo-reaction system to diminsh the double turn waiting-time, but without breaking the flow of the game because both players already know when the reacting-time can happen.
  11. I don't know, but I think you misunderstood my post. I'm not forcing anyone, I even voted Gameplay, so am I winning, no? I'm just a player, and I just pointed out some issues that I had experienced. If you like it and non of your friends have any critique or issue with AoS, good for you.
  12. I think that we are talking about diferent things @Sarouan. The poll is for players. @Gitzdeesaid that there is something strange about AoS rules and the logic behind it. I just made an argument about exactly with the same IRL problems that I saw with my friends. That's all. Like it or not, that happened. But I'm really happy because it seems that the main Lead Designer already knows that and with some luck, it will be adressed in 4oS. Completely agree. But I don't have any problem with simplification if the "flavour" is still there in some form.
  13. Yes, of course, I was talking about the recieving end (aka, the players), not the creation process (aka, the designers reasons). Again, I don't have any problem with strightforward and simple rules, most of the games outside of warhammer already embrace this philosophy (and Imho, most of them are top quality) and I can still understand the logic behind the system without any problem. I thing that we are oversimplifiying things here. The problem is when some of this rules are not behind anyones designers vision (note: I'm not saying that AoS doens't have any vision)... What I'm trying to say is that we, the players, are the last judges. I'm saying that as a IRL example, some people don't understand understand the logic behind AoS gameplay, even if we already accept and love strightforward and simplified rules (In other words, simplified rules are not a problem). Note: I'm not talking about that one rules of flying ship with an haproon, or the synergy between an artifact and whatever... that are exceptions and stuff that will happen with thouzands of warscrolls.
  14. When I was talking about "new people", I was talking about some of my friends that are not hooked (yet). Sorry to disappoint you, buy I worry about my friends. Already did. I have high hopes with Matt Rose. That part when he talked about rewritting all warscrolls trying to be tied with their miniatures is exactly what I was talking about, and it adresses my main issues with the logic behind the game. Let's wait and see if they can accomplish that. @Neil Arthur Hotep That's exactly what I'm talking about. I think that it's pretty clear that AoS is not a war-simulation game. But as I said, there are some issues that are hard to understand for new (and old) players. Don't get me wrong, every game needs a mix of simplification and abstraction to function. How much of this is completely subjective.
  15. The point is that we don't know Gw's writters view: maybe it's just an inheritance of early AoS (note: JM Hewitt already made it clear the problems of AoS ranged profiles btw), maybe it's because they have a unique vision for their game, or maybe it's all about balance and numbers (like @Gitzdee says above). But what we know is that there are people (I'm one of them) that doesn't understand some of the logic behind this mechanics. For people like me, that will play AoS no matter what, that's not a big problem. But for new people, it will be strange to understand (I'm not saying bad).
  16. 100% a lot of people doesn't understand most of AOS. Maybe it's because there are a lot of games that visually explain how the game should be played, but there are a lot of question that are hard to answer in the first AOS game unless "it's all about the gameplay, don't look for anything behind it": So, units can still shoot when I tie them in melee? aham. I see, my cannons are not that good compared with that 10 dudes with bows. That monster is crazy strong! I can't wait to use my Cygor. So charging doesn't give me any buff ******...? Ok I'm not saying that this should be exactly the same for all games, but AoS seems to ignore most of the warfare logic that people expect from a wargame
  17. A new large range of new miniatures every 3 years means a lot of miniatures for just one faction. Just remember that AoS is a game with lot's of factions, some of them were removed in the first or even in the second purge, others are micro-armies inherited for early AoS philosophy, others are just waiting to be renewed and there are rumours that other armies are going to be cut from the game with a new 3rd purge. That's somethig that needs to be adressed and starter sets are the best way to deal with that. I get the point that a "starter box" needs to have an easy to pain/ play army, but any long-term box (updated after 5 or 6 years after a new SCE renovation) or something like that would be enough for new players.
  18. I don't care about Battleshock, Morale or whatever any phase is called. All phases need accomplish soemthing for the game. I'm not talking about the "simulation" behind it, but why it needs to be in the game and how it improves it. A characteristic that points out which units are Elite and which units are Horde is ok... I suppose, unless the phase that this characteristic becomes relevant turns to be a win-more/ignore phase. This doesn't accomplish anything. If the morale/bravery was some type of stat/phase that gaves the opportunity to win fights as an alternative route of doing wounds (aka, fighting/shooting phase), that would be a diferent story. Sadly, it's not the case. Let's see what happens with 4oS, I hope they do a good job. (Btw, I play Night Lords and Emperor's Children, that should explain my preferances).
  19. -eth people: Sylvaneth, Idoneth, Lumineth, DoK, Malerioneth Colors of Chaos: Slaanesh, Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle, Slaves2Darkness. That would take down a lot of battletomes and to be honest, most of them had a coalesced mechanic in 2.0, so most people will already have units for them.
  20. Any rumour about next weekend preorders?
  21. We need to stop using "good game" and "bad game". Just say what you like and what you don't, it's better than talk about absolutes.
  22. The tone changed with Mordheim. Look for Jordan&Sorcery, it has one of the best reviews of the warhammer fantasy (the game, not the setting).
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