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Everything posted by Beliman

  1. Everytime I see an artillery/warmachine on any promotion pic, I remember how meh they are. Players prefer to take 10 more dudes with bows/crossbows than any warmachine/artillery. Common GW, do something!
  2. Save stacking has a mechanic counter: High Rend (we aleady passed the -3 rend some months ago, just print -5 in some profiles and we are ready to go). Ward is so good because it's another save "after" Save + Save-stacking, and can even block the "can't be blocked" attacks. I don't have any problem with both concepts, if they are integrated in to the whole game. But the main issue is that we only have a few subfactions and some random units using the full potential of both mechanics (both saves and their counters), and that's why some people feel that they are "breaking" the rules instead of being "part" of the rules.
  3. Unpopular opinion I'm fine with "ignore Ward" attacks, and I think that the game could be build around 2 types of "defense" stats: Save and Ward. With that in mind, I think that the fixed profiles of hit and wound with any combination of rend and ignore ward could give us enough variations to units than just looking for our best dmg output.
  4. That's another issue that I have with AOS: GW only release new heroes for 90% of the micro-factions.
  5. I hope to see all this layers of rules removed and completely integrated in our core rules than just being add-ons to play with. I still think that 40k 9th Ed has better core rules than AoS but GW messed up with the Codex, and AoS has better 3d Ed Battletomes but the main rules are a bit lacking.
  6. Do you have any hint about that? I'm curious about this army
  7. Yes. Only batallions with one-drop deployment abilities are the ones that can set-up more than one unit at the time. There are a few exception like units that don't set-up in the begining of the game (not even "outside" the table, like Hidden-weapon teams), but sadly, we don't have any unit with that kind of stuff.
  8. Arbitor Ian has a video about the evolution of war40k from first to 9th edition. It's interesting because some concepts from the begining were changed over the years, and one of them is exactly what we are talking about. From an edition with complicated rules, closer to a RPG than a wargame, to an edition that had 4 roles (vehicles, cavalry, bikes and infantry), and then adding type of units to improve the whole feeling ot the game (until it was too much and they needed a reset... again). I'm not sure what's the most optimized number of unit-types for a wargame like AoS, but I would like something for elites, and maybe for God-like creatures. It's not the same a Behemoth of 150p than a Behemoth that costs 500p, and both counts for the same slot. Btw, talking about Monsters, Behemoths, subfactions, factions, etc... I think that it's good to have a control on how many labels are we dealing with. I don't like to add muliple ones like Horus Heresy: one unit can have up to 6 layers of rules (the main one being his rules, the last one being his Rites of War), and even if they are easy to remember... 6 LAYERS??? REALLY? Another thing to take in mind is how "hero hammer" AoS seems to be (big names moving the story by themself), but instead, we don't have mechanics that match the theme. We can't even have our own and custom Heroes with just 1 artifact and maybe 1 trait if it's your general (unless using a non-matched play system) and just to point it out, just a reminder of my periodical complain: we still don't have Challenges! /offtopic I can't wait to buy all the league of Votann miniatures, they look awesome!!
  9. Even if they had a perfect balanced (and powerful) rules, I will still think that's bad for Kruleboyz/Ironjawz/Bonnesplitterz. They don't even have the excuse of "they are old miniatures from another game", like Cities of Sigmar. It's like merging Fyreslayers with KOs or Syvlaneth with Lumineth.
  10. There are some micro-armies that recieved a second wave, and that's what a lot of this armies are waiting for (Sylvaneth being the last one). I'm not sure that merging some of them, after working on unique designs and completely diferent background, will be a good end for this armies.
  11. From my pov, there are a lot of good units, but there isn't an "autowin" one. Purple Sun and Admiral can turn anything with rend 1 to rend 3, that will help a lot our main units. Our AoA+Triumphs means that we are going to decide who will have +1/+1hit/wound and we still have some rerolls (khemists, Bjorgen, Zilfin, etc...). Arkanauts are still good point for point, one of our best units indeed, but the Veteran keyword is a bit annoying (even in blobs of 20). Thunderers are reliable in doing dmg full buffed, but my main experience is that they are really safe to use and can still contribute in late turns. Balloon boyz are a bit tricky to use but you see some of them in tournament lists. Skywardens can still be good in taking objectives, zoning, as a gun platform (cheap dmg) or jsut being annoying (chaff or looking to block charges). Gunhaulers are 50/50, sometimes they are our MVP of the match, sometimes are just a wounds jumping around. Everything about our book seems to be focused in one surgical strike at time (triumphs, ammunition, fly high, once per battle artifacts, etc...), I suppose that's why we don't have one "top-tier" unit compared to other armies.
  12. @Frowny Our main problem at this moment is not having enough bodies, but we are doing fine and some BT and Strategies are dificult enough that even some "high tier" armies have problems vs our gameplay. But I've seen some doubleClad lists doing really well. Maybe an Admiral? It's so versatile and buffs our main BigHit turn. I really like his Ammunition system (I hope to see that expanded in a future battletome).
  13. I think exactly the same as @Neil Arthur Hotep. Btw, I didn't catch up with the last GS presentation until today. I'm glad about the Votann, I can't wait to play 40k (never played before)!! I'm still reading Arkanaut Oath and I must say that it's an awesome book. A lot of my main KOs issues (Kharadron metrics, language/dialect, etc...) are explained there. I just hope to see all this stuff in to all new KOs battletomes. Note: I need to re-learn zBrush/Blender again to sculpt an Aesling figurehead for a frigatte conversion and maybe an Ogor with a skysuit
  14. I'm pretty sure that appart from Reincarnates and some other dudes, all over the top fantasy entities like Cathay Dragons, Monkey King or even Azazel could survive the End Times and take a piece of the Realms for themself. I know that it will not happen, but it could be awesome to see some of them making a return to AoS, with more crazy stuff and over-the-top units!
  15. Wow, that remind me about the Dung Beetle Knight from KDM. I still have nightmares fighting him. My poor survivors being destroyed but that ball... thaf f%&ing BALL!! Note: That's the Ancient Dung Beetle Knight, but I can't wait to fight him!!!
  16. I hope so. Horus Heresy 2.0 seems to be a polished version of HH1.0: Change half of all Special universal rules for a simplified version that has more options than before (bulky and vey bulky for bulky (X)). New (and more fun) psychic phase (no more RNG BOOM). More unit types and some changes (contemptors being Monstrous Creatures, maybe they are a bit overpowered but the game feels really good with so much infantery). Reduction dmg from AoE attacks, templates and ordenance weapons. You can play with ALL your specialists teams!! Hurra! Simplified special deploys: outflanks, infiltrates, drop pods, etc... all have the same pattern with just a few (and unique) diferences to make them feel unique. Tweaked charactersitic tables and movement characteristic (with a polished charging phase and wording). ReActions! I was a bit worried with some combos or #feelbad moments, but I was wrong. After a few games, they become just another part of the game. They are like mind tricks, but they are so telegraphed that are not so big plays anymore (bigger games with more detachments and units that give you more reaction will change that, but in 2000-2500p games, they are a bit limited to make a big play). I expect something like that: 8ed ruleset, completely polished (charges, LoS, USR, etc...) with some 3-7ed elements, tweaked/polished phases, tweaked characteristic and tables (WSvsWS, SvsT), new/diferent units-type, etc...
  17. Let me understand the new Underworlds band for AoS: SO, dogs with 2 wounds, save 3+ and ward of 5+ and a crossbow that hit like a KO canon. WOW 01.pdf
  18. A 1500p game fighting over a tiny run-down villages with grizzled empire captains, no high level wizards can still be emulated by AoS. But I think that the problem is not AoS, it's just that you want to play Warhammer Fantasy. But if you want to play a more actual Rankd&File game, I suggest Conquest: The Last Argument of the Kings. It can be played as an skirmish game (First Blood) or up to a Mass Battle (Conquest). It's easier to start playing than Fantasy with even more depth of play.
  19. I completely agree. I love what they did with HH. It is a blast even if some units or interactions are a bit weird (mainly contemptors). But the whole game feels like a war in the age of darkness, and that's something really hard to achieve these days. I hope that SDS do a similar work with TOW. And just looking at blogs, tubes and streamers playing other Fantasy medias, it seems that everyone want to see what TOW will become.
  20. Are you talking about the Land Trainnnnnnnnn??????!!!! CHOO CHOOOO, GET ABOARD THE HYPE TRAIN!!!!!!!!!
  21. The Flying Transport rule from their own warscroll: Yep, it sucks but it is what it is. At least our ships count as 2 instead of 1!
  22. I don't know about DoT, but Lumineths seems to have been updated with 3.0 and having better gameplay overall: easy Shinning Company for all Vanari units, better Deep thinkers for Scinari, and rumors about better Alarith traits. The only think that I see is that all NPE experience seems to be fixe'd (ignore LoS and the rumor about removing Fox's movement in enemies movement phase). I'm not a Lumineth Player but everything seems to be good.
  23. I really hope so: Done! Shipping cost for double the book's price, but what can I say, it's a Kharadron book...
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