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Everything posted by Beliman

  1. Remember that a few months ago, you said Grundstock Thunderers were really bad, but the whole meta of AoS put them on top tier units (still there) because they have enough tools and synergies that can be used for so many things, even if their "numbers" are not that good. I suggest to wait a bit, mathammer is fun and it helps a lot when you build lists, but you need to try the game and see how the others armies had their main strength taken down a bit to see the whole picture.
  2. Me too! I can't stop forging runic weapons, even if they are a joke. I can't return to AoS list-building without feeling sad.
  3. GW copy&pasted Gromril and Ensorcelled weapons rules to Murderous, without remembering that this abilities doesn't affect two hand weapons /facepalm
  4. I'm not a fan of the Battle for the skull pass thunderers. Anyone know if quarrellers and thunderes had another double kit or something?
  5. Dwarfs, the most defensive army there, one of the Core Factions, rocks a max 3+ save. The only way to reach a 2+ is using spells or a Master Rune.
  6. That's exactly what I read too: GW - We are not going to produce or support this non-core miniatures because (reasons...), and we manage to take them out from our 3 or 4 years plan (aka, story, campaigns, supplements, etc...), and we recomend (aka, ban them from competitive) to buy only core armies.
  7. I was expecting a "today" answer... such a killjoy
  8. Thorgrim seems a bit off for TOW, remember that Alriksson was the High King at that time (btw, I want him too). About new BSB, I just hope to see a plastic King/Thane on (3) shieldbearers, with an option for the Thane to have a BSB. That would be a good equivalent of the Baron dude on pegasus. About the box, I hope you are 100% right (maybe thunderers instead of quarrellers, and I prefer cannons instead of organ gun, but either way, really good box). Btw, TK and Bretonia had a new/resculpted units. What do you think about new resculpted Slayers or Rangers?
  9. The Croneseer and Callis & Toll are awesome sculpts. Masterpiece
  10. I will try to write my perspective using basic questions, while looking at the game from afar: Heroic Actions Why Heroes need Heroic Actions? To have more utility and survivality. To feel "Heroic" at the right time. Sadly, I never had that feeling. Could that be done without creating a new mechanic? If their Warscroll had enough utility and survivality (btw, base core mechanic already did that with Look Out Sir), we could remove the entire mechanic and nobody would remember that existed. How much fun they bring on your games? It's something that you need to remember each Hero Phase, unless you have a powerhouse Hero with Finest Hour to win a brawl. Monstruous Rampage Why Monsters need them? We have two type of monsters: the powerful ones with enough utility, damage or defense to be relevant the whole game, and the ones that they are worst than 10 dudes but are cheap enough that you don't care to bring them, or so expensive that don't see the table. That mechanic give both monsters more utility and makes bad monsters a bit good, and good monsters, well... more good?. Could that be done without creating a new mechanic? If Monsters had enough utility, damage and defense on their own warscrolls (as some monsters already have), and the game was designed to use them as their own thing (aka, their role), maybe we would not need another mechanic. How much fun they bring on your games? Another table to remember, sometimes it feels nice, sometimes it doesn't matter. Grand Strategies and Battle Tactics Why we need Strategies and Battle Tactics? It gives us unique styles to play the game and reward Victory Points. This Victory Points are the main reason for changing our playstyle to do strange plays to win the game. Could that be done without creating a new mechanic? To be honest, a good battleplan design should be enough, just like most of the games on the market. But I get that chosing something to do each turn is good for the game, but IMO, it could be done a lot better. How much fun they bring on your games? It's a logistic game linked to our list-building. It rewards lists to achieve with weird plays some Victory Points. Battle Tactics or Strategies that doesn't interact with the enemy are easier to complete and are the ones that you want to have. That's why they are good, because we don't care about the enemy and we focus on completing them just for this artificial points that makes as the winner or the loser of the game. To me, that's exatly the opposite of what a wargame wants to be. I want to fight a war and interact as much as possible with my opponent. AOs should focus on that. Command abilities Why we need Command Abilities? They are tools to use in the middle of the battle, they let us activate some defensive, offensive or utility buffs. At the same time, they are used as "Reactions", that allows players to do something in enemies turn. Could that be done without creating a new mechanic? I don't know, Reactions are already a unique abilities that only a few warscrolls have. Appart from that, we don't have anything generic enough to do in enemy's turn appart from the basic wargame stuff (throw dice for saves, dispells, etc...). I think that a mechanic like that is mandatory for IGYG. How much fun they bring on your games? They are a mix of gotcha moment, win more and a mechanic that shows players skill (mostly based on defensive reactions). That last point is a good redemption that I think should be the focus of the entire mechanic. Another thing is that they can change the probability of any outcome (+1 hit/+1save) and that's something that should be restriced, warscrolls and stats should matter a lot more (they are own units!). Core Battalions Why we need Core Battalions? Because we want more artefacts or we have a strategy based on deciding who plays first or second turn. Some people say that's part of a list-building, but to me, it's all about the reward. Could that be done without creating a new mechanic? Of course, if the number of drops or artifacts were tied to other mechanics, nobody would build a list based on this battalions. Imo, the game needs more customizations, we need that feeling that we play with our own dudes. That makes battalions a problem for me and another issue that needs to be fixe'd (just let me buy artifacts with points and roll a dice for first turn). How much fun they bring on your games? Nothing, they are part of a plan that when it's done, you never return to it. GHB seasons Why we need GHB seasons? To shake the meta, create new type of balance patches, update old mechanics and/or some units/battletomes that didn't recieve updates during that edition. And I think that they are a good "beta" testers for new mechanic (Armies of Renown, Primal Magic Dice, etc...) Could that be done without creating a new mechanic? I think that campaigns/supplements can already do that, and even A LOT more. At this momment, we playon maps that nobody care (Andtor anyone?) using Primal Dice because they say so. All of this could be done in Dawnbringer books too. How much fun they bring on your games? First thing is that nobody cares about the Lore behind Andtor, take in mind that we don't even have a book based on Andtor (even Black Library doesn't cares, LOL). In other words, everything about Seasons is focused only on AoS gameplay. If the Season has any rules that impact your gameplay, it's refreshing and fun. But if you don't have magic in Andtor or you didn't have monsters inThondia... you get the point. Conclusion: AoS 3.0 added a lot of micro-mechanics or completely new systems to try to fix some basic issues. But the answer was not polished enough, and the reason why they were created in the first place was lost behind all this layers of rules.
  11. Me probably, doing my early workout routine before work (7am)
  12. It's not about that, and nobody says that it's impossible to accomplish all boxes in 12 months (pretty sure that GW can do that). But the point is that there are a lot more things going on appart from "take the old moulds, clean a bit, and ready to go".
  13. Take in mind that it's not "just" the production of 9x2 (plastic) kits, it's all the logisitics behind it: Made to Order (ready for each faction). Big Box for each army (warhouses, transport, etc...). Building hype for each one (presentations). That's exactly what TOW (and any other GW game) needs to face. But there are a few more things that are in the same production pipeline: AoS 4.0 new edition box (it should be close to be ready). AoS 4.0 all other boxes. All 40k (and that's a lot of plastic to produce). New Age of Darkness plastic army. All this should be on GW tables, without taking in consideration any other "minor" release (Killteam, Warcry, Underworlds, any plastic model for Specialist Team, etc...), all printing files (books/supplements/packaging), logistics for each release (same as above), etc...
  14. Yep, each one with their own things, but close enough.
  15. I've heard the same too. Tamurkhan was the Nurlge kurgan son and Vorgaroth was the khorne one. There are a few photos of some "unfinished" projects too, like the dwarven thunderbarge for the Black Fire Pass supplement too. I really hope to see some of them for TOW, even if they doesn't fit
  16. I hope so! That slayer dude looks awesome compared to the old metal ones!
  17. The rules showed that we will have 3 shieldbearers
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