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Everything posted by Scythian

  1. Sulpherbreath Troggoths is awesome! I hope they’re the new Chaos Troggoths.
  2. Rockgut Troggoths are incredible! Very few units in the game have the hammer and anvil capabilities of Rockguts with a 5+ after save to boot. They are amazing on the table and often cause opponents to go bug eyed once they hear, “O.k., so that’s 36 damage.” Trust me, my Gloomy friends! Wherever 30 Rockguts go, no more news comes out of that area!
  3. I would love to see it’s range extended each turn by 6” like the Beastmen.
  4. I think they have those listed on the Community page. Not sure, but check.
  5. It sounds like you want a more trail mix type of Gloomspite army. You can have all of the aforementioned units and have a very nice Gloomspite army.
  6. The 12 man unit in the center is like a tidal wave of death. 30-45 damage on average per combat phase. With rend of 2, just forget about living. Lol, they demoralize meta chasers.
  7. One of my buddies last weekend said, “Non-competitive my $&&!” Lolol. You can’t play these little 3 man units with Rockguts. You need 9 man units to get the job done.
  8. Faced Fangs of Sotek, Ossiarch’s and Lumineth last weekend. Won all three games. Once the Rockguts hit, no more news comes out of that area.
  9. Cmon, GW, do you really want all of this beauty to go to waste??? Give us a good battalion. Do it for Fungusfoot da Foul!
  10. Love the deepstrike suggestion, but once again, useless with a bravery of 5. They’d just break from battleshock. Now, I’d accept a +2 bravery for each unit in the battalion. Ok, that’s a compromise. I want Hand of Gork to be useful with my Troggoths.
  11. The bravery would still come into play against attacks from terrorgheists, banshees, and other bravery leveled tests. I want battalion to actually mean something. 170 for the current herd is completely useless and my army is better without it.
  12. I actually think the blanket rule of immune to battleshock covers most of our problems. I can get +2 to charge from Cogs, so I’m not worried about charges. Also, it is due to the fact that they’re too ravenously hungry to worry about battleshock. Fits their theme perfectly.
  13. Troggoths should and would be a terrible force to deal with for surface world armies. These are 12 foot brutes capable of killing most heroes with two successful hits. Now imagine an entire army of these lumbering fiends. These creatures would be a terrifying force to deal with if loosed upon the world. I want a battalion that reflects this on the table. All we need is immunity to battleshock. That way, Hand of Gork becomes the spell of spells to be feared.
  14. The best possible rule for a Troggoth battalion would be immunity to battleshock. This would make Hand of Gork truly one of the most deadly spells in the game. Imagine dropping a 9 or 12 man Troggoth unit on your opponent’s flank without fear of battleshock. Not to divert into a wish list, but if Rockguts had the 4+ armor save that they should have, they would truly be one of the most incredible units in the game. I hope Glogg’s Megamob isn’t some kind of “meh” attempt to placate Troggoth players, but rather a serious attempt to make Troggoth armies an impactful force rather than a gimmicky or “fun army” on the table.
  15. No offense taken, I get it. It’s just that the Hag’s traits are very obvious from a distance. Let’s be honest, the argument against inappropriate models is dripping with hypocrisy, I get it.
  16. I never used the Hag. First and foremost, her swamp aesthetic does not match my heavy Rockgut theme. Secondly, she never seems to do anything but die in every battle report I see. Thirdly, her impact on games always seems to be overrated and minimal. Lastly, the model itself has some....ahem...characteristics that are highly inappropriate for use in a store where we have moms and kids walking around. These are my personal opinions of course, but honestly I’ve just never been impressed by the huge point sink she is and how useless she seems to be. I’ll stick with my current list which has been doing just fine.
  17. One may tend to lash out at socially inept introverted gamers and all that but in reality, people just like being jerks. Don’t allow their bad attitudes to scare you off. There are hundreds of great people on the TGA forum that would gladly go out of their way to help a person in need. It’s just life, my friend.
  18. People have tried that in the past and a smart opponent knows if they see a Madcap with troll units, he becomes target priority #1 to every archer or war machine unit in the game. No character can effectively hide behind trolls. You’re always visible to the opponent with all of the gaps between the troll bodies. That’s why you’re always better off with Fungoids. I went 3-0 in my games yesterday and my biggest victory was against a shooty Seraphon army. You need that 4+ after save on the Fungoids to discourage the opponent from wasting shooting on him. With a Madcap, he will easily be targeted with 4 wounds with no after save. Always go with Fungoids with your trolls. They give you those extra command points on a 4+ and they have the durability to live with their incredible 4+ after save.
  19. Agreed, Gloomspite Gitz are not an ambush army but rather a “punch you in the face” army. Your best bet for ambush is Hand of Gork. I play an army of 30 Rockguts so I’m not too worried about being tricksy. We just walk up and beat you off of an objective. Trust me, younger gamers, once you get older you just want to smash things and throw rocks. Not a lot of strategy needed there.
  20. Skitter strand arachnorocks. They ambush and can take out war machines. Just a thought.
  21. My hope is that when the Gloomspite Gitz get their second book, they reveal an all new Spiderfang set of models. Gloomy players would go insane if they had new Spiderfang models and they would be monstrously huge sellers. GW must understand that Spiderfang is only being held back due to its current model line. Overall though, I believe the Gloomspite Gitz is their best book out of AoS 2.0. They are such a versatile army with endless options and combinations for a gamer to play. I also believe they offer a healthy mix of complexity that is diverse enough to offer players of any skill set the opportunity to flourish.
  22. New spider rider models wouldn’t hurt either. Those current models are like 6th edition old. The reason I’m playing the all Troggoths army is due to the fact that every model I’m playing is less than 2 years old. The Trogboss, 3 Fungoids and 30 Rockguts are all new models. The spiders are dated and in dire need of upgrades. If GW did update them, they’d be a hugely popular faction. People love spiders. They just don’t love the current spiders. Their rules need updating as well. If spiders were a base 5+ to cause mortal wounds without the totem, they’d be more enticing to gamers on the fence with them. Honestly, I’m so completely happy with my Troggoths I wouldn’t even consider other aspects of the Gloomspite Gitz right now. The idea of being able to play a “big guys” subfaction in a battletome meant to run hordes is compelling enough for me right now to stay with my Troggoths.
  23. Spiders are very hard to make work. I tried them as well, but found they were better on paper than in practice.
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