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Everything posted by Nullius

  1. It was Sigmar raiding Shyish for the souls of the Long Dead that finally put Nagash’s temper over the edge. The Anvils of the Heldenhammer are in part made up of souls drawn directly from the underworld and in many cases from the Old World.
  2. Sigmar raided the underworlds, and claimed a number of souls from Nagash’s personal collection. This was the proverbial last straw for Nagash. Balthasar Gelt was among Nagash’s prizes. Sigmar could have grabbed a number of other luminaries of the old world from Shyish, where a number of them apparently ended up.
  3. Exactly the list I’d like to run except for the part about painting 90 skeletons. Man I wish they sold them in boxes of 20. Buying 9 Boxes makes me feel. And now that I think about it, BUILDING and basing 90 skeletons sounds worse than painting them.
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