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Everything posted by Ghark

  1. They were apparently believed to be released in september but the schedule changed. And IIRC we currently do not have any precise date for the release of the battletome and the new minis.
  2. Actually its first appearance in FW book : Mounstrous Arcanum showed him with the same skin color we can see in the trailer. And its description was the following : So I guess that it's just that since they are Nighthaunts in AoS we tend to think they are, whereas they were not in the world that was
  3. Which leak? IIRC they were present in warhammer community article presenting october WD so just in time isn't it? I'm a bit of a compulsive collectioner, I hope we'll get those sleeves one day ?
  4. Am-I the only one surprised that based on retailers' listing for this week, the two new warbands does not appear to come with associated sleeves (whereas dice are present) ?
  5. According to french rumourmonger FrenchWargameStudio in yesterday's live (which has been very accurate so far regarding 40K and AoS), Fyreslayers will have a new battletome in the coming months. No information regarding new miniatures though.
  6. You do realize that's actually literally the case? ? Many thanks to to all who came here to give some hints regarding what they heard, regardless of the apparently delayed release schedule That's perfect because those are the books which really need some love. I do hope that Sylvaneth will get something too. Exciting times as always!
  7. I've got september's WD and no mention of beastmen. I guess we'll have to wait for at least october to see them
  8. I guess it's from the anthology containing the books "Swords of the Emperor" IIRC
  9. Regarding the NOVA Open convention, do you know when is the GW seminar happening? Thanks for the answer
  10. Not necessarily, last year Death Guard and Marines didn't have a box even if they were in the new starter set That's why I didn't really expect Nighhaunt. But I'll gladly be wrong since I'm a Death player!
  11. Why could Vlad be a Stormcast? I mean regarding what the mortarchs are, it's pretty a safe bet to assume that Nagash could easily "recreate" the missing ones (Krell, Vlad and so one) based on his memories and reflecting one part of his personality. I mean yes, Vlad was a very cool character during EoT but I guess his soul is too linked to Nagash to be used by anyone else. But maybe I've skipped some fluff elements!
  12. Just some wild speculation but I'm counting on : - Idoneth - Rotbringers - Daughters of Khaine - Some sort of Stormcasts
  13. Well according to LLV november was for Rogue Trader : But maybe, the schedule got once again changed
  14. Here we go : Warhammer Underworlds: Change is Coming… Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire was just the beginning. Back at AdeptiCon, we teased the first two cards of a new season for the ultimate competitive miniatures game. The time has almost come… A new season of Warhammer Underworlds is coming. Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault will bring new cards, warbands and more to the ultimate competitive miniatures game, offering fresh challenges for new and old players alike. Keep your eye out in the coming weeks for more news from the Mirrored City… Warhammer Age of Sigmar: A New Endless Spell It’s been a great year for Warhammer Age of Sigmar so far, with new armies, a new edition and loads of content for fans to get stuck into. There’s still more on the way in the next few months, and we’ve had our first look at what we can expect in the fall with a sneak preview of a new endless spell: But who could this strange sorcery be for? We’ll have to wait and see…
  15. Thanks everyone, for your input regarding DoK and their 'failing', I was kind of astonished when I read that since IMHO the range is great and I've seen many people succomb for the army :p I've been waiting for it for years, to quote good old Harry "BRING IT ON"
  16. I'm sorry but I keep reading in this page that DoK are considered as a failure. Maybe I missed something but why do you say that?
  17. Yup, you're right. I guess that after 15 years in the hobby I'm still not used to this way of having a really changing schedule. Things were easier when we had Hastings and Harry feeding us with some genuine information ?
  18. I'm really puzzled regarding those last news. Another reliable source here is thebiggesthat who specifically told us about slaanesh and moonclan in late 2018. Now we have really contradictory information...
  19. Thanks for the heads up. Do you plan on doing a summary of what you learned at the Open Day, like the awesome one you did for the last one ? (again, many thanks for that!)
  20. Space wolves are dued for end of August according to some french rumormongers who have been accurate so far. I'll put SW in septembre and orks in october/november. Appart from that yup, sounds like a good sum up !
  21. Actually Faeit released a price list for those :
  22. Yeah but the later do have a lot of feathers!... Sorry On a more serious note, now that the IDK are about to be released and appart from the supposed starter set / aos 2.0 it's the first time in a while that we don't have solid rumors on what next (though I believe Hastings hinted at Skaven some years ago).
  23. Yup that's it. And the last one is at every combat phase, you can choose a hero with a wound characteristic lesser than 3 and at less than 3" of the model. This hero and -1 to hit for this combat phase.
  24. And some additional pictures : You can translate the token as : "Inspiring presence", "High tide", "Low tide", "Ritual of Weathering "Ritual of tempest", "Lord of the Tides". According to the poster, the BT, the dice and the warscrolls are in preorders the 14th of April and out the 21th. I believe the models will be in two or three waves around those two dates.
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