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Nurgle/Chaos/Rotbringer Army

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Hello everyone.. new member here!

After selling my huge orc&goblin army i just want to get back into warhammer. AoS this time.. yes yes.. i come from a past age.

I wish to build a nurgle army. Around 1500 points, perhaps more. Even tho ive found usefull stuff in this community, im basically starting from scratch. 

The plan is to build a plaguetouched warband. I have several miniatures but want to expand the lisr. Yet i don't know the current point cost of them.. since like i said. Im starting from scratch.. 

Could you guys help me form a list? Including points per unit?

What i have:

15 marauder horsemen (planning to do 10 with javelins and 5 with melee weapons) 

30 marauders

10 plaguebearers.

What i want to add..

Chaos sorcerer (crown)

Lord of Plagues 

Harbringer of decay (cunning deceiver)

5/10 putrid blightkings

?? Chaos knights


What would these cost point wise.. should i upgrade them with anything? 

Are there any rules i need to follow?



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Essentially what @Nin Win said. Further scrollbuilder lists the additional rules, like the requirements for battle line, as well as which units count as battle line, leaders, Behemoths, etc. 

Might be worth grabbing the GHB, which is likely to be replaced fairly soon (possibly August time), but shouldn't break the bank and explains the three ways to play in additional detail.

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If you want to go the Matched Play route, I can't stress strongly enough that the General's Handbook is a must buy. Even if you're not interested in Matched Play, it's still a strongly-recommended buy. As @Tzaangor Management Pointed out, it sits at a low price point and has all the army-building requirements and point values. 

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My mate plays this force and has great success with a Harbinger boosting 10 blightkings with Lord of War, plus the reroll 1s to hits, wounds and saves from a Chaos sorceror - this unit ploughs thru all but the heaviest armoured foes and takes forever to kill! 2 units of 10 chaos warriors hold up stuff while the blightkings go to work. Then 30 plaguebearers and bloab with 9 nurgling bases sit on objectives all game. Finally hes added some forgeworld bile trolls for some nasty close range firepower. Swap out Lord of War for Dark Avenger against an Order force for extra hit bonuses. These guys are great fun to play against and so long as you protect the heroes are a tough little force. Oh yeah chuck in crown of command for some tactical Inspiring Presence (usually on the warriors who tend to bear the brunt of my assaults). Hope this gives you some food for thought!

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