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Nobz as Brutes


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Testing the waters out there - who would object if they saw converted Nobz on the table to be used as Brutes?

I've got a bunch that I had converted up to be Big 'Uns in Fantasy. I used them for a bit as Ard Boyz... but I'm thinking putting them on 40s. They're bigger than Ard Boyz, and about the same height, though slightly less bulky, and less armoured than Brutes, and better fit the scrap-punk aesthetic I have going for my Orruks.

I don't know, any suggestions? See pics; Greenskinz included for size ref.




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I don't see a problem with it. As long as they are armed accordingly An are on 40s like you say. 

Brutes are better models though. I understand using them for you as you have them. Better to use them than not.

iv got a few. I'm going to convert them to lead my ardboyz. 

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Hey @Furious,

Sweet Nobz bro! I wouldn't have a problem with them as Brutes at all.

20 hours ago, Furious said:

Brutes are cool models, though I do find them a bit dull compared to a lot of other GW orc/orruk/ork stuff. There is also so little variation between them.

I do have to take you to task on this though! ;) 

Brutes are utterly fantastic models IMO and having nearly finished assembling my 7th box of them I don't have a single Brute the same. It does take a little bit of work and use of components from other kits. But well worth IMO.

Each to their own though eh? :D 

I do like the term scrap-punk. That does fit the overall aesthetic I'm going for with use of 40k parts etc.

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This is actually a great idea, that I hadn't even thought of myself even though I have a whole bunch of Nobz on sprue from an ancient abandoned project. Will definitely investigate this with leftover bits from the Brute box. Thanks!

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