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1 minute ago, Grimma said:

My understanding is that flying models can fly over obstacles and other models. Is this true? If so, what happens to the 3 inch rule - can a unit of Prosecutors fly over a tightly packed or mob?

If they can, can they stop, hovering, and shoot from that position, or do they have to end their move phase at least three horizontal inches from another model?

In their movement, they "can fly across models and scenery as if they were not there" (from the 4-page rules). So they can fly over mobs, etc, but must have the ability to end their move more than 3" from the nearest enemy model. No hovering. It's all clearly stated under Flying in the middle of page 3 of the rules (https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/AoS_Rulesheets/warhammer-aos-rules-en.pdf).

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While it's possible, chances that you'll be able to fly over any model are extremely slim (or you must be very careful when charging for it to be possible).

Any model flying over the orcs orruks has to be able to land on the other side (with a Prosecutor's base being 40mm wide and an Orruk's being at least 25mm, ~65mm off of the 76mm (3") you have available to Pile-in will be used to fly over, which means you need to be between 1 and 10mm away from the orruk.

In addition, you must be able to finish within unit coherency, so there must be a way for the model(s) flying over to land within 1" of a model that didn't... So while possible, chances are you'll at most be able to fly one or two models over.

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4 minutes ago, Grimma said:

Thanks - the situation this came up in is a battle-line of orcs two deep, so I think there's plenty of room for models with 12 move (13-18 charge) to get clear of the orcs* and land with coherency.

* the models in question are old-school orcs, not orruks ;)

Orcs no longer exist, they're called Orruks* now ;)

Sorry, your reference to the 3" rule had me thinking you were referring to Pile-Ins... For a charge, yes, if your guys can make it accross, go for it. The rule on flying actually says you can't finish within 3" during the Movememt phase so that restriction doesn't apply during the Charge and Combat phases...

*Dammit, I hate those newer versions of Invision that always take care of the formatting for me... Why's my old-school BBCode gone now?

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20 minutes ago, Grimma said:

That's an interesting perspective - they certainly seem to exist on the war scrolls and in the points tables in the GH! ;)

Of course neither of these things really exist. Simultaneously, the old world (compendium) units exist even less as that world ended.

What's interesting for this slightly off-topic argument here is, only compendium warscrolls have the name 'orcs' and those are all characters!

All units are in greenskinz or ironjawz or bonesplittaz (non-compendium) as some variant of 'orruks'.

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