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2000 points Stormcast Competitive


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Hey Guys wanted to share my list. I played 4 games with it and won all of them. I used 3 judicators with for the longstrikes to test them. 

Allegiance: Order

Lord Celestant (100)
- General
Lord Relictor (80)
- Prayer: Bless Weapons
Knight Venator (120)
- Artefact: Luckstone  
Lord Celestant On Dracoth (220)
- Tempestos Hammer & Thundershield
- Dracoth Trait: Keen-clawed

5 x Judicators (160)
- Skybolt Bows
- Stormcast Eternals Battleline
5 x Liberators (100)


- Warhammers
5 x Judicators (160)
- Skybolt Bows
- Stormcast Eternals Battleline

3 x Prosecutors with Stormcall Javelins (80)
10 x Paladin Retributors (440)
5 x Paladin Protectors (200)
3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows (180)
1 x Gryph-Hound (40)

Hammerstrike Force (120)

Total: 2000/2000

Have some tips for optimizing the list? Thinking about to exchange the LCoD with maybe Palladors, protectors or Raptors. Maybe a Second Relictor or/Castellant.


Tactics: i deployed the prosecutors with scions of the storm to engage or get objectives. And then deployed my hammerstrike force in close combat.Also i deployed 1 unit of Judicators with scions of the storm. I used Judicators to go for objectives and kill some small units.With blessed weapons the Prime can atack ones again with his shockbolt bow at 5+. I used Raptors and Venator to kill heroes. In 2 games i used Lightning Chariot to deploy my lord celestant near to my retributors for the +1 hit buff.


ps: i played against Stormcast( with palladors and hunters), Skaven Skyre, Undead and Khorne Bloodbound.

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I like this list, was considering something similar.    Three questions for you:

1) How well did the Longstrikes do?  I'm a bit worried about getting 1 shot each from 3 models and missing.  I don't see anything that buffed them to hit or to wound.

2) How did you do with initial turn choice?  I notice you have a fair number of units, did your opponent get to pick most games who went first?  If so, did they take the initiative or give it to you?  I generally like the large battalions to make sure I have that choice.

3) What Command Trait did you use?  Staunch Defender, Consummate Commander? etc.?


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1. the longstrikes did very good. I used them to kill heroes in combination with my Venator. They hit on 2+ and wound on 3+ , i managed to always wound with 2 guys sometimes with all 3. So average 4 -6 damage per turn and rend 2 is almost mortal. 

2. i deployed one unite of judicators, lord celestant and prosecutors via scions of the storm. The Retributors and Paladins were deployed in celestial realm too because of hammerstrike force. So i Only had deployed 1 judicators, 1Liberators, raptors, venator and relictor on the field. 3 of 4 games i let the enermy startet the turn and hoped for double turn. The 4th game was against skaven skyre battalion and he only deployed 1 archwarlock on the field and he let me started. Skaven game was the hardest. I deployed all my ranged units in one bubble and hided the gryph hound between them on an objective. He tried to take the objective but thanks to my gryph hound i managed to kill 2 stormfiends as he set them up. After that i used my hammerstrike ability and killed 3 stormfiends with my retributors the 1 with my judicators. I managed to get blessed weapon on my other judicators and rolled 5 for my judi prime. He mad 2 d6 attacks and he did 9 attacks + 3 from the other judis. With that unit i managed to kill some jezzails.

3. with the command traits im not sure. In some games used lcod as my general an staunch defender. In other games i used lc as general with that command which allows other heroes to use there ability.

@Heksagon had the same idea but i think its better to have that retributors because you need that clos combat.

This list contains enough ranged dmg. Dont forget that both celestants and relictor can *shoot* too. Also the venator.


Thinking about possible changes:

protectors to 10

+1 relictor


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How do you find the Prosecutors with Javelins? Looking at the numbers it looks like they are sensational value at 80 points when compared to the prosecutors with hammers. The Prime with the trident looks like he could do enough damage on his own without the rest of the squad. I'm guessing you keep them out of combat as much as possible?

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