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Army Building Campaign


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Me and a few mates have never played AOS before and thinking of picking it up and building 2000pt armies. What were looking into doing is some kind of ongoing campaign where we can build our armies up whilst playing over say the next 6 months. One game a month where we have a deadline of either a certain points or certain troop types built and painted ready to play. Similar to white dwarfs tale of four warlords. Just wondering if any of you guys have attempted this successfully and any tips and help with suggestions of game types for different points levels and views on doing it points or specific units? If i can create something with a ongoing narrative for it aswell will be a bonus.

As a bit of a guide these are the armies 3 of us have picked - Nurgle mortal, death and a Sylvaneth army.


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Well kind of, I'm currently in the middle of a campaign in which the army sizes escalate in every round. But (almost all) the armies were up to 2k before we started. Games at 500pt are extremely fun and fast. And work very well to test core units/heroes and see wat you need to build around it.

So I would roughly go: 500pt, 1000pt, 1500pt, 2000pt. I would not make the increments smaller (for example 250) because all of these armies offer great additions that require more than 250pt. For us it's working really well but we didn't have to paint everything in between :)

Also it keeps the games roughly fair when using set increments, which can be problematic when using the path to glory rules with different factions. But if you don't mind that... I would start everybody of with 500pt and then play it path to glory style and roll to see what you add :D (would love to play a full path to glory campaign that way)

ps. slightly unrelated: we never managed to get three player games to work. If you guys do, please share :D 

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