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Orruks of Frostfire Ridge


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I intend to use this as a bit of an army blog and document my progress.  If you follow me on twitter you will no doubt, see pic there also.

So, I went head over heels for the new Destruction releases and a bit overboard.

I've never been a big fan of the GW Orks cuz they were always kind of dumb and well, ******.  These bros though are pretty ferocious and hit the spot!!

The rest of my destruction forces..  I've got quite a bit of Ogres to add as well.   12 Ironguts, 6 Mournfang, Thundertusk, Yetis, Giant, some characters, etc...

Then I also picked up 9 river trolls in trades and this doll...
Troll Hag.jpg

I also painted up a Magma Dragon, from a resin statue I found on Amazon, for a tourney back in 2014.  He's gonna get some paint love as he was just done fairly basic and come back out to play.

Started some assembly.. One of each kit getting done stock and then gonna do some converting from there.




I've got a pretty unique paint scheme in mind that's gonna take quite a lot of effort but I really want to challenge myself.  I hope to get started on a test model here in the next week or two and have some paint to show off.  I do have a few Skaven for my previous army and a Glottkin I'm gonna force myself to paint before I start the Orruks.

@ginger_Buddha on Twitter


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Cheers Guys!  Painting these Skaven first might kill me...

A bit more assembly done.  Still pretty vanilla stuff but I love these models, especially the Gore Gruntas!  I left the big skull off the megaboss cuz it's not for me.


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So... 4 Maw-Krushas... That kinda just looks like you accidentally added too many to your shopping cart!  You could stick them all together and make a Megamaw-Megakrusha.  :D

I'm looking forward to seeing your army come together, hopefully it will inspire me to work on my significantly smaller haul of Iornjawz.

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  • 8 months later...

Finally back to this army.  2000 pts list needed for Waaaghpaca at the end of January.  I've been working like a fiend and if you follow me on twitter you've seen some of it.  Here is the list and some WIPS. 


2K Orruks.JPG

subass brutes.jpg

Warchanter WIP.jpg







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