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Gyrocopters vs gyrobombers


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I'm planning on adding a couple of gyros to my Duardin list for the purpose of using their mobility to snag objectives and potentially snipe weaker heroes where possible. 

With no difference in points cost my feeling is that the gyrocopters are probably the best option as they are faster and their damage output doesn't rely on moving over enemies.

Either one seems like a nice, cheap option to make an otherwise very slow list a bit more versatile. 

That said they are squishier, does anyone have any feedback on using them?

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I'm not sure I agree with that (on paper). They don't do a lot of damage, but are great for objective grabbing. Keeping that in mind:

Gyrocopter is a bit faster 14", and get's a once per battle bomb drop that rolls 2 dice and on a 4 does a mortal wound. The Brimstone gun seems decent, and if you add the 16" range to their 14" move, that gives the gun a 30" range. Not bad, not bad at all. 

I don't think I like the steam gun. Reason being is it hits all units within 6"...but you have to be outside of 3" in the shooting phase. If you are any closer, then you are in combat (and in trouble!). They have a 4+ save, but only 4 wounds.

The Gyrobomber has a 4+ save, 5 wounds and can go 12". The Clattergun has a 20" range, and hits on 4's wounds on 3's -1 rend 1 damage which is just ok. The Grudbgebuster Bomb can be dropped on one unit that the Gyrobomber flew over, roll a die for each Gyrobomber in the unit and on a 4+ does d3 mortal wounds.

Both units have lots of randomness, but I think I like the Gyrobomber a bit more for the extra wound alone. It's bombs are not once per battle, and if you have 2 of them the law of averages says you should roll one 4+ per phase and average 2 mortal wounds. The Clattergun should also hit twice and do 2 wounds.

Again, I have no practical experience...yet :)

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1 hour ago, Dez said:

on't think I like the steam gun. Reason being is it hits all units within 6"...but you have to be outside of 3" in the shooting phase. If you are any closer, then you are in combat (and in trouble!). They have a 4+ save, but only 4 wounds.

Its true that it limits them a bit. I field mine just for objective grabbing in the later phase of the battle.  So they are going to hang back. With that in mind I field them with steam guns. And here is my reasoning:

hanging back 16" is rarely enough to reach a lot. The damage output is also very rarely enough to force my opponent change his plans. But yes I can do a bit of damage with them. 

However when I keep them within movement phase of my frontline an opponent that charges my shield wall can expect three (on average) 5 attacks. Then in the last phase they need to get close to an objective anyway and that's usually occupied. thats when I prefer the steam guns the most. 

But again that's only how in play them :) 

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I usually take the gyrocopter when it is for objective running. The extra 2" is not a lot, but if that is their whole purpose then it makes sense to pick that one. I usually the bombs for heroes. But whatever option you take, do remember that movement is not limited to one direction, so you can move 6" forward and 6" back to where you started and that would count for "flew over in the movement phase"

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6 hours ago, Dez said:

I don't think I like the steam gun. Reason being is it hits all units within 6"...but you have to be outside of 3" in the shooting phase. If you are any closer, then you are in combat (and in trouble!). They have a 4+ save, but only 4 wounds.

Are you sure this is correct?  The way I read the warscroll is that you target ONE unit within 6", then make 1 attack per model in that unit that is within range of the steam gun.


I too have no practical experience with these units, but it seems to me that the way to use the Steam Gun is to help your infantry units by running the Gyrocopter right behind one to deter charging it.  For example, you could stick the Gyrocopter behind a unit of Thunderers.  The opponent would have to count on being able to get through them and destroy the Gyrocopter before your next shooting phase otherwise you would be rolling an attack for every model in their unit (because they would certainly be within 6".  Combined with the shield wall that the Duardin infantry have, this might be a tough prospect.  I think the idea is to make charging your weak-in-melee ranged units too expensive so that you can keep them firing throughout the game.

Or perhaps you can run them behind one of your melee units as a sort of missile to be used on a turn when you are going to charge but need to make sure that your infantry unit doesn't get tied up in combat.  You could move the infantry unit as close as possible, then fly the gyrocopter over it and the target unit, dropping the bomb on the way, then Steam Gun the enemy unit from behind.  Assuming you don't fail the charge with your infantry, your Gyrocopter would be safe (from that unit, at least), since the enemy would be tied up by your melee unit.

Or perhaps since the Steam Gun is actually pretty good once it gets to fire, you could use the Gyrocopter as a sort of cheap screening unit to draw enemy fire away from your infantry while they advance.

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7 hours ago, ANevskyUSA said:

Are you sure this is correct?  The way I read the warscroll is that you target ONE unit within 6", then make 1 attack per model in that unit that is within range of the steam gun.

The text is as follows:


Steam Gun: When firing a Steam Gun, select a target unit. You can then make one attack against that unit for each model in it that is within range.

The "each model in it that is within range" part means that you work out how many models within the unit that are within 6", then you make that many attacks against the unit. Sadly it's not "Select a target unit and make one attack against that unit for each model in it", which would then therefore work out in the way you described.


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