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First Tournament


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Hello everyone

I have decide to go to my first Tournament for AOS in 23 days.  I understand my flesh eaters or Sylvaneth might be a better choice, but I really want to take my Ironjawz because I been painting and playing with them lately.  So I was wondering if we could discuss some ideas, and what I should take.  I understand I am new with them, but this is a great way to learn them, in the heat of battle.  I have the following:


1 Gordrakk

1 Grimgoir Ironhide

3 shamans

1 mega boss

4 black orruks heros(black orc commander)

30 ardboyz

20 Brutes

3 grunta

Its 2000 pts, the six missions of the ghb, and legacy is allowed.  Thoughts?

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Here my idea
 1980 pts list


Gordrakk (general)

mega boss



10 brutes

-one boss with claw. 4 two choppas, 1 gore choppa, 4 jagged

5 brutes

-boss with klaw, 1 gore choppa

5 brutes

-boss with klaw, 1 gore choppa

10 ard boys

-1 drummer, 1 banner, 8 big choopa

10 ard boys

-1 drummer, 1 banner, 8 big choopa


battalion: Iron fist

-units, all brutes and ard boyz


Should I drop anything, like a unit of ard boyz for maybe more heros? 

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Great list, the Ironfist is an absolute staple of a ironjawz playstlye that involves "maximum effort" basically waiting for the opportune time to go for it. Gordrakks command ability is also the best for this as it gives the 2 extra attacks AND most importantly the 3D6 charge that just tips the dice in your favour (Ardboyz average charge distance goes to 12" brutes 10") obviously getting in closer before you charge with the destruction move will be better. 

Gordrakk is very expensive and your pinning a lot on him and his command ability so you could consider a normal Megaboss on mawcrusha and then 2 warchanters for the same cost and the great buffs they provide (or a Weirdnob for mystic shield/bolts) this route you will make footboss General and always inspiring precence the 10 brutes.

its your first event so depending on what type of event it is expect some filth, get some practice games in because this play style will sometimes make for very fast bloody games (wins and losses) and it really can sometimes be overwhelming if you haven't been on the end of a severe butt kicking by a filthy list, you learn a lot from these :-) 

good luck let us destruction ladz know how you get on


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2 hours ago, Sangfroid said:

 consider a normal Megaboss on mawcrusha and then 2 warchanters for the same cost and the great buffs they provide, this route you will make footboss General and always inspiring precence the 10 brutes.

@Uprising - This is 100% the advice (I snipped out the Shaman!) I would give you. Doing so would leave you with, give or take, the list I've been running at events this year since the General's Handbook dropped. It's certainly not without it's weaknesses (the same for most Ironjawz builds) but I can assure you it is a lot of fun and you will be able to be competitive (to a point) with it.

I hamstrung myself somewhat by taking Gore-gruntas for aesthetical reasons, but without that constraint, I would also have gone 2x 10 Ardboys. Good choice. The jury is kinda out on how best to equip them, so just go with what you like best.

Talking of equipment options, I do need to pick you up on the Brutes as you are not able to mix between Choppas and Jagged Gore-hackas. The unit unfortunately needs to be equipped entirely with one of these options (Boss and Gore-choppa are of course exceptions). For a unit of 10, I would suggest the Jagged Gore-hackas are a useful choice. Ardboys are a bit unique in that they can actually mix and match freely within a single unit, but that is not commonplace in the game.

Let us know how you get on!

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12 minutes ago, Chris Tomlin said:

@Uprising - This is 100% the advice (I snipped out the Shaman!) I would give you. Doing so would leave you with, give or take, the list I've been running at events this year since the General's Handbook dropped. It's certainly not without it's weaknesses (the same for most Ironjawz builds) but I can assure you it is a lot of fun and you will be able to be competitive (to a point) with it.


Good luck in your first tournament, hope you enjoy it!

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New list, Here my idea
 2000 pts list


Mega boss (General)

-command trait:  Ravager


mega boss on Maw crusha

-Artifact:  Battlebrew

2x Warchanter

one has Artifact:



5 brutes

-one boss with claw. 3 two choppas, 1 gore choppa

5 brutes

-boss with klaw, 1 gore choppa

5 brutes

-boss with klaw, 1 gore choppa

10 ard boys

-1 drummer, 1 banner, 8 big choopa

10 ard boys

-1 drummer, 1 banner, 8 big choopa

10 ard boys

-1 drummer, 1 banner, 8 big choopa

battalion: Iron fist

-units, all brutes

Battalion ardfist

One warchanter and 3 unit of ardboyz

Heros: 4, Monster: 1, models total: 49, total 2000 pts


The changes:  I had 40 pts left over, so instead of going for the 1 shaman and warchanter, I decide to reduce the 10 man brute unit to 5, get 10 more ardboyz, then add the ardfist(I got another artifact out of it).  I know the ardfist is not the best, but It could work for obj scoring if a unit get wiped, and free artifact.  Should I not and just go for the 1 war chanter and 1 shaman instead(I would only have to buy one warchanter then)?

Second, let talk artifact.  Mawcrusha getting the battle brew, but what about the general, and warchanter?  any ideas?  Better list? 

Also, went with Ravager, because, speed is key here. 

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I would consider running one big group of brutes in a unit of 10 to really benefit from a warchanter buff, and all being able to attack at the same time. Also, throwing down inspiring presence on 10 is much better than 5. More often, the talisman of protection will be better on the megadaddy krusha than battlebrew. He ain't no stonehorn. 

If you want to experiment with using bellowing tyrant instead of Ravager, the unit of 10 brutes will also be much better. I would run more brutes vs. more ard boyz, but that's up to you. Taking the 5 units when the brutes are compressed into 1 unit of 10 and 2 units of 5 allows you to have ironfist on every battleline unit.

40 points left over for triumphs or ardfist if you go for the boyz. I would go with all shields, all dual wield, or a mix of dual wield and shields over the 2H for the boyz.

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Sadly in a matched play tournament the ardfist will only let you bring on fresh Ardboyz if you have left reinforcement points spare (so your main list is 1800 you get 200 reinforcement points) as you can see this is totally pointless, so the only real uses for an ardfist are 

1) artifact for 40pts (yes battlebrew is that good) 

2) one drop for the Ardboyz and Warchanter (mainly when using a brute fist or gore-fist formation)

Kaptan is right better to go for the 1960 and gain a once per game triumph (actually not as bad as you think) 

2 formations will fit better in lists without a mawcrusha 

talisman is a great choice on mawcrusha but so is battlebrew in fact battlebrew is a great choice on anything even the Warchanter :-)

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I would also skip the big choppa on the Ardboyz, statistically they are only better than the choppa and basha if your enemy has a 2+ save, if they had reach then I would take them. For Brutes though, consider the reach weapons so that you can pile in and attack over a frontline of Ardboyz.

I would also drop the ardfist that way your Ardboyz can be in the iron fist and move faster.

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Round three(I remember the #1 rule of Orruks, boyz before Toyz)



1 Mega Boss(General)

-Trait: Ravager, Artefact: Battlebrew

2x Warchanter

-Artefact: Tali of Protection


10 brutes

-1 boss smasha and claw, 2 gore choppa, 7 jagged

5 brutes(x4)

-boss with klaw, 1 gore choppa, 3 duel choppa

10 ard boys(x2)

-1 drummer, 1 banner, 8 big choppa

10 ard boys

-1 drummer, 1 banner, 8 duel choppa


1 ironfist

(all the brutes)

Total 1980

-Models 60, 3 general, 169 wounds. 



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