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Looking to start and order army


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I want to make a magic themed army for order. I have a big death army that i like alot, but when i first started warhammer some 8-10 years ago i loved the magic in the game, and back then i had an empire army very that was very magic heavy.

I also like big models and being at least a little competitive.

Now i kind of want to make a list that is magic heavy. With the balewind vortex being possible fixed and making mages maybe alittle more useful. I figured i'd give an all wizard army a try. I'd probably take the war council. Just seems to have a nice turn 1 throwing 2 arcane missles or better on the first turn. You can throw a comet with the sacrificed spell casting from one of more of the battle mages, and follow it up with a arcane missile from atop a bale wind vortex, then top it all off with a storm to finish off many big target in a single turn. After that, either drop a -1 to hit against say a savage orc arrow battery, arcane shield or give a life surge buff, or a 3rd long range arcane missile type spell. Then the second turn has even more fun potentially, just gotta get there. Just seems exciting as the hero sniping power is strong, but i don't know what would work well as troops.


The other army that looks interesting is slyvaneth. The treelords seem cool. Two tree lord ancients seem worth having. Then maybe some branch wraths, but i really dont know how else i would fill out the list.

The last army idea i have is a devoted of sigmar army. Using the battalion and 3 total war alters.  I'd then fill with min units of flags who can work as chaffe of threat other units. My fear here is similar to the first list i posted as i worry my big cool things will be toppled rather quickly leaving my army in shambles. 

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15 hours ago, mmimzie said:

The last army idea i have is a devoted of sigmar army. Using the battalion and 3 total war alters.  I'd then fill with min units of flags who can work as chaffe of threat other units. My fear here is similar to the first list i posted as i worry my big cool things will be toppled rather quickly leaving my army in shambles. 


I have 80 flagellants ready for a Devoted of Sigmar army, however; I haven't found enough options if I run the allegiance with battalion. I'd love to hear how you might use these guys... I'm be running on fluff until additional units are created.

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On a surface level i'd try to maximize the number of war alters you could reasonable fit into a list. As you can spam abilities allowing you to stack up on Shield of sigmar and either soul fire and/or holy furvur , while also getting righteous fury.  Then fill with warrior priest to get a full hero load. Then spam flagellants in units of 40(??) As they dont care about battle shock at all. 


1x War Alters(formation) General +1 wound (Pheonix stone)

2x War Alters (Pheonix stone)

2x Warrior Priest

1x Witch Hunter


2x 20 Flagellant (in formation)

7x 10 flagellants


Now the number on the flagellants has to be tuned, but this would be the general idea. I'm torn between having 40 flags in the formation so my bomb deliver is better. I really don't know that i care for the formation as it's in the hero phase as it cost 120 point as the witch hunter almost isn't even in the army at all, but it'd only mean having 10 more flagels so i guess it's the best way to go.

The problem is the bomb is really easy to stop as the range is 3" meaning either you charged and your flagels have been in combat for 2 or 3 rounds, and probably on thier last leg, or  your enemy charged you which might mean they had plans to wipe them out.


Every army i think of going against my zombies, and i know in 1 combat phase i could destroy both the 20 man flagel units. If it's 40 man than i'd simple tie the 40 man up with a few zombies while i set up a surround. Either way they are basicly spirit host with a +4 save as 3 6+ saves is almost a 4+ save.

That's my blurp on thoughts on the army. Hope that helps any. 


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