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Slaves+God list help


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I need help with a 'competitive' Slaves list. It's looking like the Khorne keyword is the best option so with that I was thinking of doing a Dark Feast with supporting Khorne stuff and Slaves. Or something...

Is Skaarac viable? It's an awesome model and looks good on paper...how would a list include him?

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Tzeentch is strong for a slaves to darkness only list , -1 rend army wide soon stacks up. Unit of 18 halberd warriors all able to attack (I think ) and using the fatesworn battalion they can gain a 6+ward save when in multiples of 9.

Chaos knights are a lot better as you always have rend, and using the ensorcselled weapons really ups their damage, including the horses.

Chariots gain a significant boost from it from all their melee weapons, really helps on gorebeast.

If you dip into arcanities the Lord on disk is great, 

Tzeentch is also under represented, so people won't expect it.

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I'm not familiar with that battalion. Can you show a pic of it? 

How does that multiples thing work? Do you immediately lose the bonuses if any models die? If so that wouldn't be to useful I would think.

I was looking at Tzeentch too cuz that have a lot of good magic as well. And the Warshrine would allow for save rerolls too for more durability in warriors.

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Chaos warriors, can deploy in units of 9, 18, 27 chaos marauders, again same.

Chaos knights maybe as a unit of 9.

The khorne version is also good, gives bonus attacks to units when heroes kill something,  pick the pack up from the app the battalions are probably the best ones chaos has access to.


I'll make a quick tzeentch list in a bit an share it 

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Unit name Minumum Models in unit Cost Number of units Unit cost Models Total
Fatesworn Warband 120 0 1880
Tzeentch lord on daemonic mount 1 140 1 140 1 1740
Tzeentch Sorcerer lord 1 120 1 120 1 1620
Tzeentch Warriors Halberds 10 180 3 540 30 1080
Tzeentch Chosen 5 160 1 160 5 920
Tzeentch Chariots 1 80 1 80 1 840
Tzeentch lord on daemonic mount 1 140 1 140 1 700
Tzeentch Knights 5 200 1 200 5 500
Tzeentch Knights 5 200 1 200 5 300
Tzeentch Chariots 1 80 1 80 1 220
Tzeentch Gorebeast chariots 2 100 2 200 4 20

It's probably not the best of lists but its fairly decent. 

The battleline of chaos warriors (27) and two units of knights ( 5 ) 

most things have a 5+ against mortal wounds, the chaos warrior block can fight 9 wide, 3 deep, and probably get all its attacks in, with 2 attacks, 4+4+-1 1 damage hopefully thats like 54 attacks. saves a 4+ reroll 1 then a 6+. or against mortal wounds a 5+ 6+  so throw that in the middle of a large open area. the daemonic power from the chaos sorcerer would massively help. 

the general allows a mounted unit to re-roll their charges and have +1 to hit when they charge. so throw that on the Gorebeasts and hope for a long charge for a brutal charge. 

protect the chosen or use them as bait as people really dislike them and run the chariots up for early objective capture or charge block, farily large models, cheap cost, fast movement, good to hold up a killy unit for a turn, 

the knights are killy and tanky so, these are the units you want to use to do stuff with really. run the sorc near them for his passive ability or potentially spell. 

for items if against order id run dual chaos talisman on the lords on daemonic mount. giving you a 5+ against both mortal wounds and wounds on both. 

and command trait will depend on the army you go against, or what you roll. terrifying presence might be good if you plan on running him into combat with the chaos knights as that will stack for a -2 bravery ( which could really help against some armies ) 

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Nah slaanesh isnt meh, with warshrine to def a bit, the speed of his units and exalted chariots of slanesh doing at4+ dice 1d3 mortal wound FOR MODEL in base, and the traits of the Lord of slaaneshon daemonic mount, giving to some chaos warrior atack twice and inmune to bravery test, or the keeper of secrets can do the same, giving to daemonettes the chance of atack twice.... I think they are much more strong then tzeentch for example, more agresive, less  survability but much more mobility. Some units can also run and charge (with movement 10-14) thats pretty fast to kill or hit the weaker units

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